Sentences with phrase «of graphical fidelity»

To have this level of graphical fidelity throughout an entire open world is simply unheard of.
And I'm not speaking of graphical fidelity or how detailed the grass physics are — I mean true beauty, the kind that speaks to something deeper.
We're at a state of diminishing returns when it comes to leaps of graphical fidelity, so technological advances need to be in service of something more.
Such as acquisition allows for the appreciation of graphical fidelity created by contemporary consoles.
This port accurately captures the frantic speed of the arcade game, and it runs surprisingly smoothly, but at the expense of graphical fidelity.
While official specs for the console haven't been revealed, a number of games have been announced that showcase its level of graphical fidelity.
After being inundated by iterative tower defense games in the early years of the App Store, the geniuses at 11 Bit Studios managed to come up with a title that not only flipped the entire concept on its head by allowing you to be the attackers, but also came with an unprecedented level of graphical fidelity compared to its peers.
For the purposes of this demo, I was able to try it out in handheld mode, noticing no loss of graphical fidelity or performance hitches.
That last dash of graphical fidelity is missing — the one that sees games like Forza or Project Cars replicate accurate reflections dancing over a car's bodywork or deep, textural paint surfaces — but the cars sit well within their virtual surroundings.
One of them favoring graphical fidelity while they other prioritizes frame rates in favor of graphical fidelity.
Outside of graphical fidelity [I assume they'll have to drop it to 720p in handheld mode], I doubt the new BLOPS will be something that will need many compromises.
These arcade games that were once thought to be the Holy Grail of graphical fidelity and video game elitism were now able to be played on my home console!
This includes the award winning virtual car showroom solution which enables customers to visualise, customise and interact with any specification of car at the highest levels of graphical fidelity through a variety of platforms including UltraHD 4K screens, touchscreens and virtual reality headsets.
This game is only targeting next - gen platforms, as the rumored second Assassin's game, codenamed Comet, is supposedly only being developed for PS3 / 360, and if this early footage is any indication of the graphical fidelity in store for this game, this is going to look stunning.
But like other games that aim for the bleeding edge of graphical fidelity for consoles, and also have gameplay ambitions, the PlayStation 4 can get bogged down by some of the more intense moments of the game.
The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 tend to have more mature rated games because of their graphical fidelity.
It also looks mighty fine to boot, having lost little of its graphical fidelity during the transition from PC to iPad.
However, the lack of graphical fidelity doesn't explain the constant framerate drops during the transitions of cut scenes and entering new areas.
Switching to the latter the frame rate will jump up to 60 at the cost of some graphical fidelity, but it's still gorgeous.
Overall, this game is not any paragon of graphical fidelity, but it doesn't try to be.
The graphics are serviceable, but a game of this nature doesn't require much in the way of graphical fidelity.
But to my partially untrained eye, you aren't losing a lot of graphical fidelity with Skyrim on Switch, at least not nearly to the extent that Doom was scaled back.
With the Vita's game library seemingly growing daily, developers are looking to eek every ounce of graphical fidelity and use all of the hardware's functionality to the fullest.
Sure, having a game remastered and made to look nicer is great, but I'd rather not double pay for a game I already own, when the experience will be the same regardless of graphical fidelity.
In other words, Kingdom Hearts III is a stunning splendour of graphical fidelity.
Battlefield 1 runs on a wide range of hardware and achieves an amazing level of graphical fidelity given the modest requirements, and Mass Effect: Andromeda should be very similar.
While there are set - pieces that show a reasonable amount of graphical fidelity, far too often the game's camera is zoomed on overstretched textures, making the game look like a first - generation 360 title.
In terms of graphical fidelity and overall presentation, the development team over at THQ has upped the ante here as well.
After being inundated by iterative tower defense games in the early years of the App Store, the geniuses at 11 Bit Studios managed to come up with a title that not only flipped the entire concept on its head by allowing you to be the attackers, but also came with an unprecedented level of graphical fidelity compared to its peers.
We have lovingly remastered it with a whole new level of graphical fidelity and realism that wasn't possible when the original was released.
Both specifics, if true, would suggest Wii U has the potential to outshine both PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of graphical fidelity.
On top of this Pixar, the artisans of 3D animation that they are, have really outdone themselves in terms of graphical fidelity and animation.
For all the faults of The Order, one thing that absolutely can not be denied is the level of graphical fidelity and polish the game boasts.
True, don't know any other game that has both the same level of graphical fidelity and the wargame aspect.
The game is absolutely stunning and clearly sets a new standard for Ubisoft going forward, it is almost disturbing how real the characters feel with this level of graphical fidelity.
This patch has the noticeable addition of HDR, along with the game world now being rendered to a 1440p buffer before up - scaling it to 4k to achieve a greater level of graphical fidelity.
What's left are computers and game consoles, and while the technology has advanced in terms of graphical fidelity, the way in which we digest this media hasn't really changed.
Unreal Engine 4 brings Descent: Underground to a stunning new level of graphical fidelity!
Syndicate finally corrected this and brought the Frye twins to a decent level of graphical fidelity, but time has not been kind to Ezio and his Renaissance pals.
Get all the details on Metal Gear Survive's graphical enhancements, learn about automatic capture of your best moments, and discover which GPUs you'll need to play the game at a 60 FPS with a high level of graphical fidelity.
HB: The Nintendo Switch [version] is our proudest achievement really, because it runs really well while sacrificing very, very little in terms of graphical fidelity.
By playing on a GeForce GTX graphics card, you'll receive the highest levels of performance, the highest levels of graphical fidelity, and full GeForce Experience support.
That includes the Nintendo 3DS, which may wield 3D optics as its trump card, but nonetheless simply can not compete with the Vita in terms of graphical fidelity.
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