Sentences with phrase «of great video games»

One Of The greatest video games of all time, and dare I say, the best PC Game of all time.
Already, it looks like there will be plenty of great video game titles coming to keep you excited for another great year of gaming.
Plenty of great video games have been made into awful movies, so could an awful movie be made into a great video game?
This story has been developed over 20 years to provide the finale to one of the greatest video game series of all time.
Though there have been a number of great video game titles that have released with no word if the story would continue.
Here's to another 126 years of great video games, ideas and concepts!
The PC platform doesn't have any shortage of great video game titles that are made to allow some cooperative gameplay both offline and online.
It is considered to be one of the greatest video games of all time, and among the most significant titles for the seventh console generation.
This year there were plenty of great video games that came out this year.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is being nearly universally described as one of the greatest video games ever made.
When the game released, IGN was ready to label Niko as one of the greatest video game characters ever to grace the console world.
«While many people from around the world consider the Super NES to be one of the greatest video game systems ever made, many of our younger fans never had a chance to play it,» said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America's Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
That's unfortunate because Mario Kart is one of the greatest video game franchises of all time and the slew of excellent titles featured on this list proves it.
Nintendo is launching a ton of great video games for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS in the second half of 2013, and many of them are headed to the sold - out PAX Prime event in Seattle.
Alternative Magazine Online reviewed Portal 2 in 2011, describing it as «one of the greatest video game sequels ever made.»
With all the hype around Red Dead Redemption 2, and also after five years of hearing about Grand Theft Auto 5 constantly, it's easy to forget just how vast Rockstar's library of great video game IP is.
Even today, this revelation is still considered to be one of the greatest video game surprises of all time, eschewing the damsel - in - distress trope most commonly associated with women in the industry and paving the way for strong and heroic female protagonists taking the spotlight.
It was Zelda and it was orchestrated so I thought it would be one of the greatest video game scores ever.
Hence, I can't wait for the soundtrack to Persona 5 Dance, because Persona 4's dance soundtrack is one of the greatest video game soundtracks ever.
If your Wii gathered any dust in the last few years, you missed out a lot of great video games!
A fantastic remake to one of the greatest video games on the NES and is actually better than the original to me with much more addicting gameplay than the original
During the brisk afternoon we were able to talk to a couple of the great video game developers of this generation, one of them being none other than Hideo Kojima.
The adjacent screenshot speaks for itself really, but just for the sake of clarity: Final Fantasy All The Bravest is a ridiculous boondoggle that would make me sad about the downfall of a great video game publisher if it weren't so infuriating.
As I said before if you own a PlayStation 3, or are a fan of great video games, then you simply must play this game...
I feel Ghostbusters excelled as a video game and was one of those few exceptions of a great video game that was based on a movie and / or show and South Park robbed it of that award.
Would that spell doom for one of the greatest video game companies ever!?
A List of Great Video Game Design Schools in Texas The following are a short list of accredited colleges and universities in Texas that offer game design degree programs for people seeking a quality education in their field.
Whether you're eager to return to the classic action or experience everything for the first time, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered on PS4 is an immersive return to what many have called one of the greatest video game campaigns in history.
Through it all, however, a handful of great video games found their way into the homes and hearts of Entertainment Buddha's staff.
Sephiroth is right up there as possibly one of the greatest video game villains ever made, and Final Fantasy VII's name still holds the same respect that it did back in 1997.
Kirby's Dream Land 3 looks like a child's drawing come to life in video game form, and somehow seems largely forgotten in discussions of great video game art styles, a discussion it very much belongs in.
There's a good reason for that — the Sega Dreamcast is one of the greatest video game consoles ever made.
And it was that preposterous story that marked the beginning of one of the greatest video game adventures around, Blaster Master.
«Just like with our comics, Marvel has a rich history of great video games, and we're happy to play our part with KONAMI in reintroducing this classic to fans of all ages,» said Seth Lehman, Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs for Marvel.
Despite those minor hiccups, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life serves as the perfect send - off for, in my opinion, one of the greatest video game characters of all time.
Explore and re-live one of the greatest video game systems of all time with no compromises.
With a large cult following for each of the five console releases — from the 1992 Super Nintendo classic to the Wii U's Mario Kart 8 — Mario Kart could arguably be one of the greatest video game franchises of all time.
allthough the ending wasn't what many would be looking for, this is still the fantastic ending to one of the greatest video game series of our time.
There's tons of great video game titles being offered for the PlayStation Vita and the PlayStation 3.
A few weeks ago, I wrote a 15th anniversary retrospective piece about Silent Hill 2, Konami's 2001 sequel that has since been hailed as one of the greatest video game sequels of all time.
Even today, this revelation is still considered to be one of the greatest video game surprises of all time, eschewing the damsel - in - distress trope most commonly associated with women in the industry and paving the way for strong and heroic female protagonists taking the spotlight.
More specifically, the score to Chrono Cross and why it is undoubtedly one of the greatest video game scores of all time.
PlayStation 4 owners have a lot of great video games to look forward on the horizon and with each new game announced
A fantastic remake to one of the greatest video games on the NES and is actually better than the original to me with much more addicting
One of the greatest video games of all time made a grand debut on Nintendo DS, as the publisher was able to port the N64 3D hit (with all of those Power Stars) to the new platform while incorporating new features, like touch - screen mini games, improved graphics, a wireless four player mode and the option to play Super Mario 64 DS with new characters, including Wario.
In the wake of Breath of the Wild turning out to be one of the greatest video games ever made, I have some bad news for your time and wallet: Persona 5 might be up there, too.
Released back in April of 2008, Grand Theft Auto IV is considered by many to be one of the greatest video games of all time.
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