Sentences with phrase «of growing older»

Keep in mind that it is not her fault and that it is simply a part of growing old for many dogs.
I am having a hard time letting go accepting my future dreams of growing old with him are destroyed.
It can contribute to our understanding of the everyday challenges of growing old in a changing climate and how we can achieve the «longevity dividend».
For me, the idea of growing old together indicates a relationship that bends, changes and grows with the passage of time.
Never had the fear of growing older, and I choose to enjoy them to prevent that.
Just the day before, I was dreaming of growing old with my new husband.
Of course he will always be my baby... but the thought of him growing older and not being my little guy is a bit sad.
I like the idea of growing old with somebody.
You are going to have a terrible time coping with the reality of growing old and dying.
One of the troubling by - products of growing old is dementia — an estimated 44 million around the world now suffer from it.
There are many wonderful aspects of growing older and staying in good health.
These are not just symptoms of growing older; they may indicate serious internal disease.
For many of us growing older with comics can become an interesting transition.
Finally, there was simply the pressure of growing older as a company.
If you think knee pain is an inevitable occurrence of growing older, you're wrong.
Before you take the big decision of growing old with him, it wouldn't be a bad idea to know everything about him as well as his past.
When your cat reaches her tenth year and beyond, you may notice that she has slowed down a little and is showing a few signs of growing old.
We were instant pals, and that bond carried us through the milestones of growing older together.
Long term care insurance definition: a policy that provides a monthly income benefit to help cover the expenses of growing old with a disability or organic cognitive disorder.
Our counselors are ready and able to offer biblical help for the aging and their loved ones to navigate the complexities of growing older.
Memory loss may not be an inevitable part of growing older, after all.
Human growth hormone can slow down and ease the symptoms associated with the inevitable process of growing older.
Both companion and assistant robots will likely find roles in hospitals and retirement homes to assist senior citizens with the physical, mental and emotional challenges of growing old, he added.
I feel I've finally ruined our marriage and our dreams of growing old and having fun together.
While you might think your dog putting on a few extra pounds or sleeping more are symptoms of growing older, these indicators could also be a warning sign of a serious health concern.
Larimer County, Colorado, United States About Blog Aging Gracefully focuses on varied experiences of growing older in Larimer County Colorado.
They'll answer your questions on a variety of topics, including whether the human lifespan will continue to increase, what impact antiaging research could have on global demographics, and what the latest research says about what you can do to combat the ill effects of growing older
As the hostilities mount and family secrets spill out, A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian combines sex, bitchiness, wit, and genuine warmth in its celebration of the pleasure of growing old disgracefully.
Osteoarthritis is most often seen in older individuals and really is just part of growing old in our opinion.
Likewise, those who have chosen to lead a celibate life may be happy in their friendships, their church, and their work, but when they peer into the future, the frightening prospect of growing old alone overshadows the mercies provided in the present.
Wrinkled, sagging skin is not the inevitable result of growing older.
The XJR is perfecting the art of growing old disgracefully, in a very promising fashion.
The threat of growing old frightens younger people as it summons the idea of losing authorship over your own fate, a severe affront to the individuality and independence associated with youthfulness.
Hanerwas and Laura Yordy claim that the most striking feature of growing old in America is loneliness.
The 14 essays are divided into three categories: «Biblical and Historical Perspectives on Aging,» «Critical Perspectives on Modem Problems of Aging» and «The Christian Practice of Growing Old
«What we have really done over the last 30 years,» West and Hewlett point out, «is socialize the costs of growing old and privatize child - rearing.»
One of the (regrettably few) benefits of growing old is the way in which incidents in one's own biography intersect with phases of what passes for world history.
With Mirsky's encouragement, Finch decided to tackle another risky project: deciphering the physiology of growing old.
Lost elasticity is usually thought of as a characteristic of growing old, but it can also strike younger people.
But for many men and women of a certain age, a lack of hormone balance results in weight gain, lack of stamina, foggy thinking and other uncomfortable symptoms that are definitely not requirements of growing older.
Put aside all talks of growing old alone.
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