Sentences with phrase «of hair on their body»

While the research team hasn't yet shown whether the structures, which produce strands of hair on our bodies, are fully functional and usable for transplants onto a scalp, experts say the discovery is a significant step toward finding new treatments for hair loss.
short (5» 3) with a bit of hair on the body.
The small none shedding dogs are mostly those that have a lot of hair on their body.
Color of hair on body and richness of tan on head and legs are of prime importance in adult dogs, to which the following color requirements apply: Blue: Is a dark steel - blue, not a silver - blue and not mingled with fawn, bronzy or black hairs.
While he's healthy now, his eyelids, lips and patches of hair on his body were burned off, which accounts for much of his unusual appearance.
Though I have never been bit by even one of the nearly 100 Pit Bulls I have rescued, nor even nearly bit, I was recently challenged to the point of the hair on my body going up by a Dachshund / Jack Russell mix (I know, that's funny - he was the size of a mans 11 shoe, but he lunged at my face from his owner's arms and really frightened me).

Not exact matches

... There were hairs on her body, two of which were microscopically compared to Adnan, and he was excluded and they didn't belong to her either.»
depending on enviromental changes we may see humans increase in body hair (furr) or a loss of more body hair.
I am not big on facial or body hair... though I have little of it — even that I like removed.
If a woman has just one hair on her body outside of her head, everybody gets all disgusted.
This he continued until his hands and arms had become almost tremulous with the strain, and then he devised something else: two leather gloves; and he caused a brazier to fit them all over with sharp - pointed brass tacks, and he used to put them on at night, in order that if he should try while asleep to throw off the hair undergarment, or relieve himself from the gnawings of the vile insects, the tacks might then stick into his body.
Average height, occurance of body hair, skin pigmentation, ability to process certain foods - all have notably changed even in just the last few thousand years of recorded history, and very depending on location and populations.
Nurturing your body with nutrient - rich foods not only affects how your body works on the inside, but it also makes a huge difference to how you look on the outside and there are lots of different nutrients that are really great for healthy hair.
I think it's interesting how much time we all spend taking care of our exterior bodies — workouts, manicures, pedicures, facials, wraps, eyelashes, hair color, hair cuts, veins zapped, hair removed, botox, injections, and the list goes on.
Although I take a holistic approach to health, I focus predominantly on the area of toxicity within the body from the use of everyday skin, hair, beauty and personal care items.
«Instead of focusing on winning Premier League titles, it's all about how their bodies look, how their hair is, more so than winning football matches.
He has a hooker now, he even showed me his flat last week, to prove he had no woman, he wanted to «rub it in my face» to even traumatize and shock me further, baby nappy pack, hair comb for women, a vanity mirror, hair curling wand, a pink lamp shade, pink pillow case on the other side of his blue pillow case, and a hair clip, pink body lotion, and then he told me it wasn't real, that did I know he was a cross dresser?
Remember that there's nothing to worry about because hair is just one of the body's many ways of telling you that you are on your way to manhood.
To get a better idea of who donates sperm to PRS, visit the profile page, where you'll find fast facts on each donor: ethnicity, hair and eye color, height, weight, complexion and facial features, body build, blood type, medical history, family medical history, education, profession, personality type, and hobbies.
Each of their stories is unique in itself so I hope you will take the time to check out their shops.I'll be sharing tips and products that I use on a weekly basis on my Face, Hair and Body today..
It is a gentle baby wash, which is good for use on babies as it will provide magic to the body and hair of the baby.
More than that, this two - in - one product that not only works great on baby's hair but on their entire body is made of nothing but natural ingredients like chamomile and lavender.
«I was aware of this baby body hair so I wasn't worried but when I saw the hair my son had on his ear I couldn't help but chuckle.
On the bright side, if you developed excess facial and body hair during pregnancy (the result of a rise in hormones called androgens), it's likely you will lose most of that hair within six months after having your baby.
Hair is formed on a baby's head (and the rest of their bodies) in the second trimester of pregnancy.
If you have PCOS, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms: acne, weight gain and / or difficulty losing weight, high cholesterol or high blood pressure, insulin resistance and circulatory problems, hair loss and / or increased body or facial hair, skin tags (on neck or armpits), irregular or absent periods, pelvic pain, depression / anxiety, sleep apnea, or difficulty conceiving.
The doll bodies are based on the proportions of a 9 - year - old child, with slightly bigger heads because hair styling is fun!
If they are born this week, they might still have a little lanugo hair on their bodies, or patches of vernix, the waxy white substance that has protected them in the womb.
Profuse hair growth on the arms, legs, and other areas of mom's body can seem to sprout like crazy.
Some of the products that did seem to really clean her hair ended leaving her hair limp and devoid of the body that I envy on a daily basis.
You may also notice a few other differences in baby, such as an elongated head shape and the appearance of downy, white hair on certain parts of his body.
The human body is so sensitive to what is put internally or topically on the body, that a pregnant mother can find trace amounts of hair dye compounds in her urine.
Egyptian texts and art contain no mention of hair products, he says, although ancient Egyptians are known to have used scented oils and lotions on their bodies.
Bumblebees can detect and make sense of electric fields using the tiny hairs on their body.
The mammals are the class of vertebrate animals characterized by the production of milk in females for the nourishment of young, from mammary glands present on most species and specialized skin glands in monotremes that seep or ooze milk; the presence of hair or fur; specialized teeth; three minute bones within the ear; the presence of a neocortex region in the brain; and endothermic or «warm - blooded» bodies.
In a new study, published online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers used a laser vibrometer — a tiny machine that hits the bee hair with a laser — to measure how the hair on a bee's body responds to a flower's tiny electric field.
He and Zhou speculate that because spider silk is so good at sensing air flow, it's possible spiders can hear through their own web on top of what they are already known to hear through the small hairs on their bodies.
Our very understanding of the shape of our own body can be informed not just directly, through our eyes, but also by the pressure of our feet on the ground, the stretch of ligaments in our shoulders, and the wiggle of balance - sensing nerve hairs in our inner ears.
The sponge's cells, its calcium carbonate or glasslike silica spicules, and the mass of collagen that forms its visible body all create a network of tunnels and chambers, with little flailing hairs called cilia on the walls that wave the water through and filter out plankton and waste.
The concept of safe sites for pollen transfer on bees» bodies does not put the major role of bees as pollinators into question, but might focus future research to guidance of bees on flowers to take favorable positions for safe pollen transport by means of floral filtering of suitable pollinators [26], morphological match between pollinators and flowers [54] and floral guides [55] as well as potential strategies of flower visitors to bypass the flowers» restrictions (e.g. bees with specialised hairs for pollen collection from specialised bee - flowers)[26] or strategies of plants via shifting to non-pollen collecting pollinators (e.g. birds)[56 — 57,64 — 66].
When an ant does end up underwater, tiny hairs on its body can trap bubbles of air that give the bug a buoyancy boost.
Restricting the movement of the drug also reduces potentially harmful secondary effects on other parts of the body — for instance, the hair loss that can result from toxic cancer treatments, or the loss of so - called good bacteria due to antibiotic use.
What if you have too much hair on my body, and how quickly can I start torturing myself to get rid of that hair?
Read on for 9 different ways — concocted and tested just for you by the Health beauty team — that you can use a jar of honey on your face, body and yes, even in your hair.
This spray can be applied on your hair and body, so you'll catch notes of lavender, chamomile, peppermint, and grapefruit seed extract while you dream.
I've always had a lot of dark, coarse hair all over my body: on my arms, my legs, my armpits, you name it.
Since healthy, strong hair relies on a constant supply of blood and oxygen, it's crucial to maintain optimal levels of B vitamins since they're essential to the formation of hemoglobin, which brings around the body.
Just like the skin, hair is a reflection of internal health and can be largely controlled by hormones (one of the reasons women lose hair after pregnancy) so consider focusing on balancing hormones and nourishing the body to improve hair.
Having wax strips placed on your skin and letting a stranger rip off some of the most sensitive hair of your body doesn't sounds like an ideal way to spend an afternoon.
Just a few days after Kayla Itsines shared a photo of her stretch marks with her 7.1 million followers on Instagram, the fitness star posted about another common body reality we don't often see on social media: thinning hair.
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