Sentences with phrase «of hair skin»

However I always love to prioritise a scoop, as it's a simple way to cram in its remarkable gut healing benefits of improving detoxification, aiding nutrient absorption, increasing the health of hair skin and nails, and boosting hydration in the hot weather.

Not exact matches

And improvements to eyes, skin, and hair help bridge the uncanny valley, a term used to describe how digital humans who appear almost, but not quite human, evoke a feeling of unease in viewers.
With the slicked back hair and pale white skin, Bentley goes through the motions of a temperamental teenager with daddy issues.
The startup has attracted $ 300 million in venture funding and a massive valuation, all thanks to a pipeline of what could be revolutionary treatments to regenerate hair, skin, bones, and joints.
Waardenburg syndrome also impacts the coloring or pigmentation of the skin and hair, and can cause hearing loss.
, powerfully minty and invigorating oral care products; Wanderer, shower products that hydrate; the DSC Traveler, a high quality travel bag specially designed to take Dollar Shave Club on the road; Big Cloud, never greasy, never shiny skin protection from the elements; Boogie's, hair styling products for every head of hair and every hairstyle; One Wipe Charlies, peppermint tingling butt wipes for men; and Dr. Carver's, premium shave aides for a delightfully gentle shave from start to finish.
44: Total number of hues of eye color, hair color, and skin color that girls can choose from when buying a My American Girl «Just Like You» doll (pictured).
Balbo is 55, with blond hair and the hearty, weatherworn skin of someone who has spent a lifetime picking through vines.
... [One] group of specialists is estheticians, who cleanse and beautify the skin by giving facials, full - body treatments, and head and neck massages, and offer hair removal through waxing.»
Others on the draft list include superheros and supervillains, mosquito, teddy bear, all sorts of new faces with varying skin tones and hair color, as well as a badger, peacock, and kangaroo.
Whether it is women looking for a shade of hosiery or makeup foundation that matches their skin tone, or hair products that aren't relegated to the tiny «ethnic» section of the store, finding products and services that meet our unique needs is often challenging.
Some raw moments of history shown in the film are so shocking or absurd they're almost comical, but in the big - picture context afforded by the 56 - minute movie, they make the hair of your skin stand on - end.
Wet shavers with sensitive skin and / or softer facial hair will benefit from less blade exposure, while others with thicker stubble can choose to have more of the edge protruding
Wet shavers with sensitive skin and / or softer facial hair will benefit from less blade exposure, while others with thicker stubble can choose to have more of the edge protruding for a closer cut.
Hair grows roughly a centimetre a month, and when you die that skin sort of shrinks and pulls back, then it would seem as if the hair has grHair grows roughly a centimetre a month, and when you die that skin sort of shrinks and pulls back, then it would seem as if the hair has grhair has grown.
As a bonus, it can be used as a deep conditioner for your hair, a moisturizer for your skin and nails, and is an essential ingredient in many natural remedies because of its healing properties.
The collagen aids in the growth of your hair, nails and skin, while the gelatin has anti-inflammatory properties for your intestines.
Unilever adopted the agility of a start - up to deliver a natural, premium hair care and skin cleansing line.
The design aims to highlight ApotheCARE Essentials» blending of nature and science and to attract the brand's target consumers, women who know what their look is and obsess over improving their hair and skin a little bit every day, Seal said.
«This will keep the hair softer and the skin free of dead cells,» says Robinson.
(each double edge blade last five days with an excellent result, you may use it even more but it really depends on type of skin you have) Just FYI: besides Double Edge Blades I purchased: Miusco Premium 100 % Pure Badger Hair Shaving Brush with Luxury Stand, Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor and Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream.
Medium aggressive regulars typically utilize a standard safety bar design that allows the blade to cut the beard hair cleanly while disallowing the cutting edge to make more contact with the surface of the skin than necessary.
For those of you that have never tried a shaving oil before, the purpose of these products is to help soften up your facial hair before you shave and also to lubricate your skin to allow the razor (best safety razor) to gently glide across your face.
We're told Daniels is planning on having the dress forensically tested to search for any DNA that proves she isn't lying about her tryst with Trump, including samples of skin, hair or... anything.
For example, members of Herboris, a Chinese hair and skin care brand, can book an appointment on Herboris» Tmall store to receive skincare services in selected Herboris» physical stores and receive samples and coupons reserved for members.
As someone with quite thick, coarse beard hair and fairly sensitive skin, I generally find that the sharpest blades and a less aggressive razor (my personal favorite is the Edwin Jagger DE89lbl) give me the best shave, but of course, your mileage may vary.
Also, from a historical perspective, Jesus was born in the Middle East, and with the exception of the Europeanized Jews of the 20th century, Jews and Arabs were olive complexioned, with curly hair, as opposed to blond hair, fair skinned and blue eyed.
Since it seems doubtful that the parents of Jesus were Romans, he would have had the skin, hair color and facial features of the average Jew born in Judea at that time.
The bible states his skin was the color of bronze and his hair was like sheeps wool.
No, son of blessed was of a red skin, husky, short height with curly hair, unlike hinduism fabrication of Roman hindus, secular criminals, filthy self centered called Jesus to hind fool humanity in to hindu gentile ism, filthy slavery of hindu criminal Kings and their hindu Prophets, crook fortune tellers.
The Bible itself describes Jesus of skin like Brass and hair like wool.
You choose the color of your skin, the color of your eyes, whether your hair will fall out or not, not to grow old?
Back in February, Dr. Jeff Steinberg, director of Fertility Institutes in Los Angeles, announced that he would help couples choose the eye, hair and skin colour of their children using genetic embryo screening.
Well if we use SCIENCE and assume Jesus was a real human being then he was a hebrew of the time period which means he most probably had tan olive skin, dark brown eyes, a black beard and black curly hair.
So if we refuse to see color when we look at the eyes, hair, and skin of another person, we are inherently acknowledging that something is wrong about our gaze.
So at best, if he really did exist, he would have been fairly dark - skinned, bearded, with dark hair and dark eyes, not unlike the pictures of Hasidic Jews at the Wailing Wall.
Note also that, while the word «abomination» has been used with reference to homosexuality, the biblical interpretation of the word «abomination» relates to any act of uncleanness as set out in the Holiness Code, such as eating shellfish, trimming your hair, touching the skin of a dead pig (should we stone the entire NFL?)
Emaciated, mad, with long hair that merges with skins, ravaged by a life of dissipation and then long repentence, she is one of the most powerful works of Christian art, the perfect example of the grotesque made beautiful.
The second John, done in bronze for the Siena Cathedral in 1457, has that same fusion of hair and skins plus a famous «mad» look about the eyes.
The first John, done in 1452 in wood for Santa Maria dei Frari in Venice and influenced by the Byzantine style, makes John long and thin with wild hair that flows down to merge with clothing made of animal skins.
Some of the features commonly used for classifying people are as follows: (1) Physical characteristics — sex, age, height, weight, color (of hair, eyes, or skin), blood type, body build, medical history.
as I behold, come here to shed Their common blood, yon concourse of our kin, My members fail, my tongue dries in my mouth, A shudder thrills my body, and my hair Bristles with horror; from my weak hand slips Gandiv, the goodly bow; a fever burns My skin to parching; hardly may I stand;...
There are only 2 predimonently «brown» and «red»... most all humans produce predominately produce brown pigment, people, with lighter skin produce less but also produce brown pigment called eumelanin, red heads tend to produce not only eumelanin, but large amounts of phenomelanin, hence why they will end up with red hair and freckles....
(who knows the significance of our personal shedded skin cells, hair, sneeze droplets or other excretions on the overall workings of the cosmos - not saying that I take any particular pride or glory in any of those possible effects?)
How idiotic for the news to ask such a stupid question when the work of fiction called «the bible» clearly describes jesus with woolen hair and dark skin.
But, we so - called Negroes, after 400 years of masterful brainwashing by the slave master, picture «our God» with the same blond hair, pale skin, and cold blue eyes of our murderous slave master.
Note also that, while the word «abomination» has been used with reference to hom ose xuality, the biblical interpretation of the word «abomination» relates to any act of uncleanness as set out in the Holiness Code, such as eating shellfish, trimming your hair, touching the skin of a dead pig (should we stone the entire NFL?)
Dignity is everything, and pitfalls lie everywhere: you could have a had hair day; your skin could break out in vicious red blemishes, like a leper; your outfit that was so cool yesterday could feel totally wrong today; you could be called on in class to solve a math problem or discuss the Gadsden Purchase or tell the name of Hester's boyfriend and draw a blank; you could be caught in a lie; you could flirt with someone and be brutally put down.
In a speck of watery material smaller than the dot over this i, all the future characteristics of the child are programmed — the color of his skin, eyes and hair, the shape of his facial features, the natural abilities he will have.
Racial intermixtures have produced some very white - skinned Negroes with blue eyes and fair hair, yet the product of such a union remains a Negro.5 Race as the term is commonly used designates very nearly what the Germans call Volk — a group sharing a common cultural tradition, whether of achievement or servitude, with some measure of national, geographical, and biological affinity.
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