Sentences with phrase «of harsh parenting»

On the other hand, there was a different result when looking at the effect of harsh parenting on body mass index.
The researchers believe the outcome of the study will be very helpful in understanding the implications of harsh parenting to children.
Indeed, early intervention is more effective [101, 102, 103, 104] and may prevent the negative consequences of harsh parenting [57, 105].
Studies of HFA found that a larger share of mothers reported never slapping their children's hand, fewer acts of minor physical aggression, and fewer acts of harsh parenting in the past week.22 There is little evidence to support an effect of NFP on discipline nor is there a research base for the link between PAT and harsh discipline.
At one - year follow - up, mothers in the Healthy Families NY program reported fewer acts of very serious abuse, minor physical aggression, and psychological aggression in the past year, as well as fewer acts of harsh parenting in the last week.
While prior research has highlighted the importance of harsh parenting as a predictor of antisocial behavior [51, 57], most of the research has focused on early childhood experience and has not considered the possibility that coercive parenting may continue or abate as children begin to mature.
«Investigating the links among harsh parenting, fear circuitry and anxiety in youths will provide key insights on the developmental neurobiology of harsh parenting and anxiety,» adds Maheu.
Moderation of Harsh Parenting on Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Child and Adolescent Deviant Peer Affiliation: A Longitudinal Twin Study.
Longitudinal pathways from early maternal depression to children's dysregulated representations: a moderated mediation analysis of harsh parenting and gender.
In contrast, those with poor social cognition are more likely to have difficulty making the transition to school, to react more violently in face of harsh parenting, and to experience difficulties in school that may be misread as conduct problems (e.g., lacking respect towards a teacher).
Identifying early pathways of risk and resilience: The codevelopment of internalizing and externalizing symptoms and the role of harsh parenting.
Effects of Healthy Families New York on the promotion of maternal parenting competencies and the prevention of harsh parenting.
They found that mothers who participated in the program showed improvement in parenting cognitions, diminished levels of harsh parenting, and greater emotional availability.
Research also indicates that such behaviors are affected by such experiences as history of harsh parenting, failure to succeed in schools, or deviant peer environments where violence is normative, all of which increase the probability of aggression and violence by children.
Third, observers» ratings of 12 items from the CII, tapping negative and hostile parenting (e.g., «Mother used sarcasm in a denigrating or hurtful way»), were used as an observed measure of harsh parenting.
Other studies have related an increase in psychopathic characteristics to parental psychological aggression and inconsistency [60], or to poor supervision, physical punishment, and poor parent - child communication [61], or to maternal reports of harsh parenting at age 4 [62].
The research provides little support for the effect of home visiting programs on early health behaviors including prenatal care, breastfeeding, or well - child visits, or on reducing the use of harsh parenting.
Even though harsh discipline carries a great risk of aggressive, hyperactive and delinquent manifestations, a study claimed that the painful effects of harsh parenting are offset by a kid's feeling of being loved, another Daily Mail article reported.
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