Sentences with phrase «of hateful people»

Some others of note but not necessarily recommended: Diary of a Mad Housewife - Unpleasant film full of hateful people but Carrie Snodgrass was nominated for Best Actress and she's the sole redeeming feature of the movie.
I guess he must knew his followers were going to become a bunch of hateful people.
However hopeful the message of there being no more churches, therefore there being a lower number of hateful people on this earth, I don't believe churches will ever be non-existent.
Like it's hard to find a HUGE group of hateful people in the country anymore?
Athiests always talk about religious intolerance as an example of how terrible religions are, yet here they are, the biggest bunch of hateful people attacking other people's beliefs because they don't believe.
Well at least you aren't one of those hateful people that is throwing a temper tantrum on the other chat blogs...
Seriously, if heaven is full of hateful people like this pastor and the people who support his wacked out thinking, then I think God will understand if I do not RSVP to the party in heaven.

Not exact matches

Now imagine receiving, two days later, several messages accusing you of being the person who caused his suicide (that's a highly sanitized version of the hateful tweets).
In watching a group of people try to build civilization out of savagery, «The Hateful Eight» is the most optimistic film the director has ever made.
But no, I think that hateful people have plenty of supporters and I would rather work for people who aren't hateful.
«Britain First seeks to divide communities by their use of hateful narratives that peddle lies and stoke tensions,» the person said.
Doug Ford hasn't publicly uttered all the words spoken by Tanya Granic Allen, notwithstanding his record of vulgarisms when denigrating people who annoyed or challenged him, but the so - called straight shooter has played a double game of first embracing Granic Allen, and only later distancing himself — and never denouncing her hateful words.
It might open your eyes to recognize the same old dreary, hateful, anti-Semitic lies that have been used by those in power for 2500 years to benefit themselves at the expense of their peoples intelligence and, often, their wealth.
it cracks me up that people would be respectful to any god that would offer up their own son in blood scarifice, not a kind and benevolent, all knowing god, an evil and hateful god, we would be better off overing respects to santa clause, to my knowledge all he does is disappoint from time to time ive never known him to kill and destroy mankind by divers and sundry forms of cruel punishment.
I was a pastor for many years and it was always the nasty people like you who made me sick of your hateful fake god and all his followers.
The fact that most times people can't tell who's gay just makes people feel more paranoid and fearful (those gays are everywhere — it's all part of their conspiracy) so they're even more hateful.
2) The suggestion that the world views of 3 and a half to four billion people should be banned is ignorant, hateful and offensive.
No close - minded and hateful = those who believe that only they know the truth, refuse to listen to anyone who think differently than they do, and regularly says that people are going to he.ll unless they «convert» to their specific brand of faith.
I disagree «humanity» by and large are caring, compassionate, social animals and when they act this way they are healthy and happy, but the media and other sources continue to show us the worst side of people thus making the impression that we are mean and hateful.
I trust that Matt Walsh understands (as I do), that not all «liberals» are deep down inside hateful evil people, and that the hateful ones, in fact, probably represent only a small (yet loud) fraction of left - wingers.
After reading these hateful and bigoted replies I'm ashamed to call myself a Catholic alongside the likes of you people.
... and sometimes the world hates you for being a hateful jerk, forcing your evangelism down the throats of people who don't need to be scared with eternal punishment to be good.
Maybe they would give up their hate towards and hateful treatment of gays, people of other faiths, and anyone who doesn't buy into their superiority.
What's sad is that a small subset of Christians ARE hateful, and get all the press, and presume to speak for the vast majority of Christians who don't cram stuff down people's throats, and who are a lot more Christian than the loudmouths.
How about all lbg people and especially athiests just stop eating anywhere that has a history or management that is from a religious faith that means almost no grocery stores no restaurants 98 % of the world believes in a religion the other 2 % can just not interact with the rest of us if thats what they want no skin off our backs make the world a better place just become reclusive your already hateful, distrustful and judgmental
I think that it is sad that so many Americans have become so blindingly hateful of other people.
It's to the point with some Christian posters here that any criticism of their actions and religious beliefs garners the immediate judgment that the person doing so is being hateful when, in reality, they are only fulfilling that very same Bible observation made by Jesus.
People think Christians are simply hateful of everything they don't agree with, which is simply not true.
Everytime religious people post something about God or something out of their belief, there comes the Atheists storming it with their typical (hateful, profane, disrespectful but in - fairness articulate, itellect, scientific and logical) replies and name callings such as; «2000 years religious numbnuts», «oxymorons who keep asking of sky daddy's help», «idiots who was fooled by a magical being in the sky» and so on and so forth.
I guess the problem is some where else... When we hate a group of people sometimes we become the the thing we hate we essentially become them in the hateful way...
... and people accuse atheist of hateful judgment.
These are the people who eat the twisted theology, shit it out, and re-eat the same shit, as it did not change by any means in the process of digesting — Hell, there's no digestion, just blind acceptance, swallowing, and shitting back out of this hateful theology.
By characterizing oppressive people from the past as one - dimensionally evil, as hateful racist intentionally using the Bible to their own ends, we're able to distance ourselves from their way of thinking, and say «well we would never do that.»
Having come back to this, I'm amazed at the logic used by people to continue extremely hateful rhetoric and action — which I must argue signifies that they worship the OT depiction of God (read that carefully because I am making an accusation here) rather than God
The first is that actually talking things out clears up a lot of misunderstandings, and the second is that it's really hard to feel hateful toward people who just fed you dinner.
and that is what about 85 % of this board is about... hateful people... spewing vitriol.
Why would they want to associate themselves with such a hateful group of people.
Yes it's a shame that some ignorant hateful people are burning a few copies of the Quran.
The elite section of the society found this a great opportunity to save the money in their pockets, and at the same time could get rid of this alien and hateful group of people called «Christians».
If there were more people like you, I might be able to attend a church without feeling like I'd fallen into a pit of hateful vipers.
These preachers have already all violated Matthew 6:1 - 18 in their ostentatious and hypocritical piety, and they generally seem to pick and choose only the most hateful and bigoted things out of the Bible anyway, so it isn't like they really possess any moral authority preaching to people what they want to hear.
All the hateful and ridicling of Christianity aligns with what JESUS said «As the days of Noah, so shall it be the coming of the Son of man» In case you do not have an understanding of that quote, there were people mocking at Noah when he was instructed to build the Ark (Which by the way has been discovered and proven to have existed as written in the Bible).
If Christians are known in the public arena for people hurtful and hateful toward others, then those of us are who are NOT this way (the majority of us, hopefully?)
Personally I think you're the person that needs to be pushed backs to the edges of humanity, you further need to be fixed so that you are unable to procreate and teach the next generation to be so wretchedly hateful.
That is, if you call time spent reading one single book and / or praying instead of living, learning to live with and embrace those who are different than you, the people you alienated due to hateful rhetoric, and having stronger relationships with others around you without the Jesus myth getting in the way, «nothing.»
All of these comments are truly hateful against the Muslim religion and the Muslim people.
This is the negative end of the age of modern technology / Internet — the airing of people's hateful, meanspirited, closeted thoughts against others who don't think / believe / live like they do.
If two people are performing the exact same hateful actions, but one is doing it «in the name of Jesus,» it is the second person whose actions are more evil and satanic than the first.
It is not OK to be hateful toward an entire group of people based on the actions of a subset of that group.
Also, it seems a lot of people equate Christianity with the hateful, racist, intolerant types who call themselves Christians but really are not Christians (for examples, see right - wing politicians, Fred Phelps, etc..)
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