Sentences with phrase «of having a stroke»

In addition, some dietary surveys have suggested that a higher magnesium intake may reduce the risk of having a stroke [52].
In addition, vitamin D can also help reduce your chances of having a stroke or hypertension, as well.
Along with current medical conditions playing a role, there are also certain behavioral practices and lifestyle choices that will affect your likelihood of having a stroke in the future.
So, all of these changes add up to a lower cardiovascular risk, odds of having a stroke, and other health benefits as well.
I am afraid of having a stroke and being aware of all that is around me by unable to communicate.
In fact, research has even found that those with periodontal disease have an increased risk of having a stroke!
«Atrial fibrillation patients who couldn't take blood thinning medications used to have very few options and were faced with a very real possibility of having a stroke,» said Dr. Christopher Stanton, electrophysiologist at Sanford Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls.
Pregnant women who have an infection when they enter the hospital for delivery might be at higher risk of having a stroke during their stay, according to new research.
They identified a new gene called FOXF2 which increased the risk of having a stroke due to small vessel disease in the brain.
Patients» fear of having a stroke and poor coping behaviors after a TIA may be partially to blame for them developing PTSD.
A higher neighborhood advantage, or socioeconomic status, of where a person lives contributes to a lower risk of having a stroke no matter the person's race, according to findings published in the Oct. 14 online issue of Neurology ®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
«The next step is to test whether we can reduce high - risk patients» chances of having a stroke by treating their iron deficiency.
When delivered within three hours of having a stroke (or up to 4 1/2 in some patients), it can save lives and reduce the long - term effects of a stroke.
And there's more bad news for salt (aside from it tanking at the box office... ok, ok we're done): In a recent study, scientists found that people who consumed more than 4,000 mg of sodium per day have more than twice the risk of having a stroke compared to people who consumed less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day.
If your child's chance of having a stroke is high or he has severe sickle cell symptoms, he may be given frequent blood transfusions.
After taking into account each patient's medical history, the researchers concluded the odds of having a stroke were 34 % higher following a day of «moderate» air quality than following a «good» air day.
Eating foods that are high in antioxidants, fiber, Omega 3s, and phytochemicals can give your body what it needs to fight cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol and the possibility of having a stroke.
FRIDAY, April 20, 2018 (American Heart Association)-- Pregnant women who have an infection when they enter the hospital for delivery might be at higher risk of having a stroke during their stay, according to new research.
If you have ever experienced a stroke or a TIA, then you are at much greater risk of having a stroke in the future.
They had to give me a medication called magnesium sulfate in order to reduce the risk of me having a stroke.
But about 3 percent of the time, the surgery itself can trigger a stroke, heart attack, or even death, so it offers meaningful benefit only to people who are at the highest risk of having a stroke.
When compared to women unaffected by the condition, the risk of developing a heart attack was 39 % higher for women with migraine, the risk of having a stroke 62 % higher, and that of developing angina 73 % higher.»
If you are black, your risk of having a stroke is twice that of a white person, and your relative risk of dying from that stroke is even higher.
People at risk of stroke often take aspirin to reduce their risk of having another stroke; however, a percentage of patients may be insensitive, or resistant, to aspirin, which in turn may negate the aspirin's effect of lowering stroke risk.
It is reasonable to assume that the «wake up call» of having a stroke is a powerful motivator for smokers to quit, both because the smoking may have been one of the factors that caused the stroke in the first place and during recovery they would have been strongly urged to quit by their health care providers.
Consuming at least 7 grams of fiber on a daily basis can lessen your odds of having a stroke.
High consumption of potassium containing foods has been linked to a reduced risk of having a stroke.
High blood pressure is a serious health concern that can cause heart disease and increase your risk of having a stroke.
When the data was analyzed, it showed participants who ate high amounts of fruit with white flesh, in particular apples and pears, showed a 52 percent reduced risk of having a stroke.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many common medical conditions can increase your chances of having a stroke.
Some medical professionals even believe that vitamin C can help to lower your risk of having a stroke.
People with lone atrial fibrillation usually require treatment to re-establish a normal heart rhythm, because they usually have exercise intolerance or shortness of breath, symptoms of palpitations, and are at an increased risk of having a stroke.
It hampers quality of life while increasing your chances of having a stroke and developing coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, some cancers and other conditions that can lead to an early death.
It hampers quality of life while increasing your chances of having a stroke and developing coronary heart disease,...
The plaque can clog arteries and make them less flexible, which can increase your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
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