Sentences with phrase «of healthy cells»

This prevents the body from effectively repairing itself, disrupting maintenance, repair and growth of healthy cells.
This promotes the generation of healthy cells in the targeted areas and can be used all over your pet's body to address a wide variety of conditions.
The researchers will now try to determine the exact proportion of healthy cells needed to completely repair an embryo and the mechanism by which the abnormal cells are eliminated.
With the ketogenic diet, there is actually protective of healthy cells against the onslaught of radiation.
Later studies found that chemotherapy caused critical damage to the DNA of healthy cells and that some cancer - treatment drugs actually caused cancer tumors to grow, sometimes at an alarming rate.
Include healthy fats: Things like olive oil, walnuts and oily fish can be seen as the foundation for healthy skin as they are an essential structural component of healthy cells.
All blood is carefully screened for safety, handled carefully to help ensure delivery of healthy cells, and administered by experienced professionals.
After injuries of healthy tissues, we would like to accelerate the migration of healthy cells that move to close the wound.
What most pet parents need to understand is that the most common joint damage that our pets experience is due to cellular damage, inflammation, and a lack of healthy cell reproduction.
This typically leads to the growth of tumors and to the death of healthy cells and body tissue.
In ketogenic diet it's very, very protective of these healthy cells.
All blood products we provide are screened for safety, handled carefully to help ensure delivery of healthy cells, and administered by experienced professionals.
A key requirement for this type of therapy is a renewable source of healthy cells for transplantation.
Cholesterol is needed for formation of healthy cell membranes and is a precursor to all steroid hormones (progesterone, estrogen, FSH, etc.).
Understanding this process enables Canals» lab to grow a huge number of neurons in dishes in the lab - useful both for basic research and also as a source of healthy cells for experimenting with cell transplantation.
One example of this research is the practice of using stem cells taken from a healthy eye's limbus, the area around the cornea where stem cells are stored, to create a layer of healthy cells to replace damaged ones in the cornea, the transparent, dome - shaped layer of cells covering the front of the eye.
Ordinarily, GFI1 is necessary for the repair of healthy cells.
These «good fats» help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke, while also assisting in the development and maintenance of healthy cells in the body.
ANTIOXIDANT SUPPORT: Supports antioxidant protection of healthy cells, proper energy production and maintenance of healthy blood cells, nervous system, hormonal balance.
She then bathed a separate dish of healthy cells with fluid from around the dying ones.
Protein is also especially important as it will support the growth of healthy cells throughout your baby's little body
Even in advanced diseases, the background level of healthy cells and free biomolecules remains several orders of magnitude higher than the signals from most tumors.
In this way, protons avoid indiscriminately mutilating a high proportion of healthy cells along with cancerous cells as photons do in other forms of radiation.
To classify cells, system algorithms compare samples against the known features of healthy cells and diseased cells.
In principle, an attack by such T - cells on tumors should be particularly powerful as well as highly tumor - specific and thus sparing of healthy cells.
It is the cilia of healthy cells that move mucus out of the airway.
If the T - cells miss their target or if they mistakenly order the destruction of a healthy cell, the result will be disease in the form of infection, cancer, allergies or auto - immune conditions.
The proteasome plays a key role in the smooth running of a healthy cell, facilitating cell renewal and death — chopping up proteins tagged for destruction into short polypeptides which can then be converted to amino - acids and recycled for use in building new proteins.
Tucked away inside cell membranes, a molecular butcher does the bidding of healthy cells but also of disease agents.
In animals, the infusion of healthy cells improved vision and rescued the function of some diseased cells.
But a new development from scientists at the University of North Carolina and NC State could do away with the need for injections and glucose monitoring through the use of artificial beta cells that mimic the insulin - secreting function of healthy cells.
So, in this situation, your free fatty acids will elevate and inhibit glucose use, and instead of a healthy cell which fully - oxidizes glucose, you're now in the stress metabolism and burning free fatty acids instead.
Thus, it is a boon for the growth and strength of healthy cells and a detriment to cancerous ones.
These free radicals are responsible for the mutation of healthy cells in the body to cancerous cells.
In a colony of healthy cells this is a tightly regulated process that is mediated through a complex set of chemical processes that signal the cells when to divide and when to stop dividing.
Furthermore, the antioxidant cyanidin found in cherries reduces the risk of cancer by preventing the damage of healthy cells.
Mango Butter Softens, moisturizes, treats dry dehydrated skin, soothes eczema, reduces degeneration of healthy cells, improves flexibility and strength
While everyone has H. pylori bacteria in their body (generally in their digestive tract), how do H. pylori get inside of a healthy cell?
While capsaicin affected the mitochondrial pathway of the cancer cells, there was no interference in the activity of healthy cells.
From simple deep breathing techniques to topical ointments delivering ozone directly to tumor sites, we incorporate oxygen therapy into each treatment plan to simultaneously support the healing of healthy cells and prevent toxic buildup.
And it just — so there's colla — there's a lot of collateral damage during that process of healthy cells.
The voltage of a healthy cell is about 70 - 110 millivolts and when we get sick that voltage drops below 50 millivolts or less.
In many countries it is legally allowed to advertise foods containing tomato lycopene as «containing antioxidants for the maintenance and support of healthy cells».
Being cytophlactic, it promotes the regeneration of healthy cells and keeps the existing cells and tissues healthy.
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