Sentences with phrase «of healthy school meals»

Their discussion of the survey results and personal experiences produced a list of six C's — values they have used to encourage children's enjoyment of healthy school meals.
Whilst far below wider food inflation rates, it was a timely reminder of the importance of increasing take up of healthy school meals if we're going to keep them affordable for everyone.
about NSBA Letter to Senators Hoeven and King in Support of the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act
A massive year - end spending bill released Tuesday doesn't allow schools to opt out of healthier school meal standards championed by first lady Michelle Obama, as House Republicans had sought.
The group also asks its members to support the inclusion into the House bill of The Healthy School Meals Act (which would require more plant - based meal options in accordance with recommendations made by the American Medical Association and the American Public Health Association) and to provide comments to the House supporting changes to the Farm Bill (in 2012) to increase federal support for local, organic diversified agriculture.
Yesterday, the School Nutrition Association (SNA) held a conference call to defend its support of a legislative amendment which would allow struggling school districts to opt out of healthier school meal standards.
This a summary of the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act, a bill being considered in the Senate.
School Food Focus is proud to announce we've merged with FoodCorps, uniting as champions of healthy school meals.
Today in U.S. News & World Report, Chef Ann Cooper asks what will happen if that financial pressure increases due to a variety of factors looming on the horizon, including rising wages and immigration reform: «The Perfect Storm that Threatens the Quality of Healthy School Meals
If you have any doubt about this discouraging assessment, consider the fact that in the last Republican primary, not one but two candidates (Ted Cruz and Chris Christie) drew cheers at their campaign rallies by mocking the notion of healthier school meals.
It seemed to me that partisans on both sides of the school food debate — those in favor of healthy school meals and those wanting to blow up Obama - era «Nanny State» meddling — were equally guilty of overstating the import of changes announced by Trump's USDA.
Jamie Oliver has blamed the government for the troubled implementation of his healthier school meals programme.
Last year, Karen Robinson, a team member of NSMW, took the message of healthy school meals to the road, by running the equivalent of five marathons in five days, with meals provided by schools along the route.
You can see it in the number of vegan and vegetarian restaurants opening in every town, the expansion of healthy school meal programs, Meatless Monday campaigns, and salad bars in cafeterias.
And of course Christie responded exactly as one would expect a Republican presidential candidate to respond: by railing against the First Lady for her vocal support of healthier school meal standards.
During the presidential primary season, then - candidate Chris Christie trashed Michelle Obama's support of healthier school meals, telling audiences at his campaign rallies that she had «no business» meddling in kids» school lunches.
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