Sentences with phrase «of hearing it read»

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But while male billionaires» reading choices get plenty of press coverage, we hear relatively less about the books that have been most inspirational for super successful, but slightly less high - profile women — the kinds of books that are most likely to provide similar wisdom and mental nourishment for the generation of leaders coming up behind them.
There's a point when we hear him, in voice - over, reading the names of the four presidents on the cover sheets he's copying, though we can clearly see the names on screen.
The social network's Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer apologized for the breach of users» trust in a statement given to the U.K. parliament's media committee Thursday and admitted in a hearing that Facebook did not read all the terms and conditions of the app that shared data.
Make your feelings known «So many guests leave and never tell us what went wrong, and we don't hear about it until we read the surveys,» says Ulrich Samietz of the Hyatt Regency Vancouver.
The data doesn't lie — people recall 80 % of what they see and do compared to just 20 % of what they read and 10 % of what they hear, according to research by Paul Martin Lester of Cal State Fullerton.
Yes, many of us have heard about it, we've read books on it, but for the lay person just getting started on their immersion into emotional intelligence, what is it exactly and how do you know when you're being emotionally intelligent?
You might not have heard of an online publication called Digiday — unless you spend all of your time reading about the media industry, and specifically the marketing side of the digital media industry, in which case you probably read it all the time.
Customers buy three to four times as many books after they buy the Kindle device... That's such a remarkable increase in the amount of book purchasing, it seems pretty likely to be an increase in the rate of which people buy books [over all]... I hear this from people every day, that they're actually recapturing minutes of the day for reading.
«We did not read all of the terms and conditions,» CTO Mike Schroepfer told U.K. lawmakers at a parliamentary committee hearing.
A major part of this, as you may have heard, is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in which a website is tailored to be easily read by (usually) Google's algorithm and ranked highly.
While he heard about a wide variety of habits, most nurtured their bodies in the morning with water, a healthy breakfast, and light exercise, and they nurtured their minds with meditation or prayer, inspirational reading, or journaling.
It was like walking down my local supermarket aisle, except instead of reading the brand's story on the box I heard it directly from the founders.
They can keep in touch with friends, look at photos of their vacations, read news stories they suggest, play time - wasting games, invite people to their parties and speak and be heard.
Make sure the cosmetics are right: Clean paper, crisp font, clear pictures and a professional (noncolloquial) presentation go a long way toward securing a fair reading or hearing of your business plan.
Meanwhile, Trump fans and Clinton - haters were not even listening — they were reading InfoWars and Breitbart News and listening to Glenn Beck or Morning Joe, or reading websites that few in the traditional media had ever even heard of.
One of the best ways to get followers is to post things others want to read; don't let the first time followers hear from you be, «Hi, please back my crowdfunding campaign.»
You can almost hear the word «but» coming as you read through the recording industry's mid-year update about the state of the music business.
I think after reading it you'll agree that the CEO's temperament, a word we heard a bit too often in recent months, is part of the reason he has been successful in making Microsoft great again.
We forget most of what we read and hear.
Some people will have never heard of pink slime before they read about it on McDonald's own website.
Recipients will be able to hear your tone of voice as well as your insightful comments rather than having to read them.
If you want to hear a powerful example of this in action, read this story about actor Robert Downey Jr..
I have a lot of tricks to get those first few words on the page, maybe the best one is something I heard from a poet during his reading; «To cure writer's block just lower your standards.»
At the Congressional hearing, Rep. Jan Schakowsky read a list of apologies from Mark Zuckerberg over the years: «It seems to me from this history... that self - regulation simply does not work.»
«Anecdotally, in the past week, I've had a number of both professional and personal friends who had never heard of bitcoin before, come to me, ask how it works and what we think all because they read an article or saw a news segment,» he said.
For example, new workers attend a «senior sensitivity workshop» to help them deal with callers who might be hard of hearing or unable to read prescription labels.
If you're tired of hearing sentiments without facts like «We need authentic leaders» or «Leaders need to build trust,» then Pfeffer's book is a must read.
Almost 80 per cent of Western Australians have doubts about the mass media according to a recent study by the School of Marketing at Curtin Business School.More than two - thirds (77 per cent) of respondents said they had at some time heard or read a...
I personally don't read the blog, but I know of it because I heard the name TreeHuger once and felt it related to me on a personal level.
While the reading of the website addresses can get to be a bit much you might be greatful to hear them.
For myself, whenever I hear that Entrepreneur's are supposed to fail, I have always read it such that it says that Entrepreneur's shouldn't be afraid of failure.
Similarly, many traders wanted to hear our thoughts when the U.S. was on the brink of attacking Syria three weeks ago (click here to read our thoughts on that potential news at the time).
As I was reading your article I couldn't help but think, I can't imagine the types of excuses real financial planners hear day in and day out.
If you heard or read any financial news over the past few days, you inevitably found the talking heads rambling about the various implications of a potential U.S. government shutdown.
In case you haven't heard or read for the 10th time today, we're in the age of digital disruption: AI, Internet of Things, Bitcoin, the cloud, cyberhacks.
There is hardly a crime you read or hear about today that doesn't involve some element of technology, whether it is a part of the story or the means by which the story was captured.
And this «expert panel» had not even taken the time to read into the history of the distrust of these supposed public hearings.
Also read: Lisk Expands Team Heading Into May 24 Launch People active in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain will have heard of DigitalX before, as the company
Read about the destinations you've always wanted to know more about... and some you may not have even heard of yet.
And I've been doing a LOT of reading about many things related to health and spirituality, etc. the past few years and I've never heard the reasons for taking cold showers like you mention and their benefits.
I didn't want that because consumers are coming to my organization because of their exposure to me: they've heard my radio show, seen my TV shows, read my books.
So at this point you've heard of Bitcoin, maybe you've visited or read up on Bitcoin here on cryptojunky, yet still haven't taken the dive and tried Bitcoin out.
Don't get confused by the plethora of mortgage products that you may hear or read about.
If you've ever heard of hemispheric dominance, then you learned that the right side of... Read Full Article
Read stories from our time on the front lines of Ebola and watch this moving video and hear a survivor's tale.
You've heard about the importance of data - driven insights and you likely already use data to inform prospecting, but if you're like most salespeople, you know you can take it one... Read Full Article
Mark Zuckerberg Fights With Ted Cruz in the Bad Lip Reading Version of His Congressional Hearing
We've all heard and read about the importance of «user - focused SEO strategies,» but how many of us are really putting them into practice?
«And then I read The Alchemy of Finance because I'd heard about this guy Soros.
The Sudbury Star - Federal Liberal candidate pays visit You may not have heard of Alex Burton, but the candidate for the federal Liberal Party leadership is confident that will change in the next six months... Read More
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