Sentences with phrase «of heart defects»

Or were you not aware of the heart defect before birth?
The overall prevalence of heart defects was 8.9 per 1,000 infants.
That figure was 3.2 per 1,000 among moms of babies with less - severe defects — and 2.4 per 1,000 among women whose babies were free of heart defects.
«Preeclampsia associated with increased risk of heart defects in infants.»
Until then, clinicians should be alert to the possibility that preeclampsia may increase the risk of heart defects in fetuses, although more research is needed in other settings to confirm our findings before modification of clinical practice.»
Some studies suggest that folate can help lower the risk of other defects in your baby such as certain types of heart defects, cleft palate and cleft lip, as well as lower your risk of pre-eclampsia.
The six piglets appeared normal at birth though three subsequently had to be killed because of heart defects.
«It also provides the first molecular cause of the heart defect cor tritriatrium sinister,» added Dr Baple.
Rojas says her daughter had a low resting heart rate when she was born, a sign of a heart defect, which is typical among babies with Down syndrome.
The new procedure provides early detection of heart defects that could be addressed quickly by surgery, potentially saving babies» lives.
Friedreich's ataxia is commonly accompanied by a range of heart defects, and is also associated with carbohydrate intolerance and diabetes.
«Engineers examine chemo - mechanics of heart defect
And epidemiologists have found an increased rate of heart defects in babies whose mothers live near natural gas wells, including fracking sites.
Congenital murmurs exist from birth (although they may not be observed until later) and are evidence of a heart defect that occurred during development.
Some researchers even believe that a proper amount of folate in a pregnant woman's diet can help lower your baby's risk of other defects as well, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and certain types of heart defects.
«Studying congenital heart defects in the «at risk» Down syndrome population can make it possible to reveal genes that impact the risk of heart defects in all children, including those with typical number of chromosomes.»
Bandit was surrendered by her owner as a kitten because of a heart defect.
In the cats, the most common cause of the heart defect was a ventricular septal defect, followed by aortic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
A veterinary cardiologist can listen for a heart murmur, which can be one of the signs of a heart defect.
Pregnancy and Early Infancy Here's one more reason to be sure you're taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid — it may reduce your unborn baby's risk of heart defects.
«Now, through our new study, we show that lowering levels of a particular cohesin protein called Rad21 in embryonic zebrafish produces similar types of heart defects to those found in people with CdLS,» Associate Professor Horsfield says.
Specifically, taking methylphenidate in the first trimester was associated with a 28 percent higher risk of heart defects.
However, while the study found an association, it did not prove that taking Ritalin during pregnancy actually caused the risk of heart defects to rise.
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