Sentences with phrase «of heat energy»

The amount of heat energy contained in the air in the oven is trivial and is constantly being moved out of the oven by the circulation of the air.
To heat something does require a transfer of heat energy from some source to whatever is heated.
We use fossil fuels precisely because they have very high energy density — that is, they contain lots of heat energy in concentrated form; wind and solar do not.
The transfer of heat energy between the atmosphere and the ocean isn't well understood, including the roles of wind, currents and ocean conditions.
Such a change will accelerate the flow of heat energy from the ocean surface to the atmosphere and offset any warming of the «skin» from any extra CO2 caused by humans.
Scientists have long known that more than 90 percent of the heat energy from man - made global warming goes into the world's oceans instead of the ground.
The heat sink is the ocean with its great volume it can take in a lot of heat energy without a dramatic rise in the overall ocean temperature.
For it is sea water, not air, that holds most of the heat energy and most of the moisture and CO2 of the climate system.
The combustion of coal, however, adds a significant amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere per unit of heat energy, more than does the combustion of other fossil fuels.
A calorie is purely and simply a measure of heat energy.
In addition to measurement of heating energy - use, measurements of house dry bulb temperature, mean radiant temperature, south wall surface temperature, and relative humidity were continuously monitored.
They are overwhelmed when water turns to vapor or to ice, releasing and absorbing vast amounts of heat energy as CO2 can not possibly do.
But carbon dioxide traps specific wavelengths of heat energy.
For weather systems, this ordinarily takes the form of heat energy trapped in water molecules in the atmosphere.
To produce practical amounts of fusion power on earth, heavy forms of hydrogen are joined together at high temperature with an accompanying production of heat energy.
If yes, are there any estimates or calculations of the heat energy thus generated?
Another game invites me to first fire warmth from the sun through the gaps in clouds, and then to move particles of CO2 in the path of heat energy escaping out to space.
This is because their lower heat capacity causes their temperature to rise or fall more than wet soils for a given amount of heat energy gained in the spring or lost in the fall.
The greenhouse effect is the process, or mechanism, by which greenhouse gases interfere with the direct radiation of heat energy leaving the surface of the planet.
What makes this method so cost - effective is that most of the heat energy can be recovered.
In other words, a kilogram of magma releases 1,000 joules of heat energy for every degree it cools until it transforms into a solid.
A typical hurricane releases some 600 trillion watts of heat energy, equivalent to 200 times the world's total electrical generating capacity.
Adding more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere increases the amount of absorption and release of heat energy required for the energy from the surface to reach the top of the atmosphere and go off into space.
However, there is broad agreement among the scientists and in the literature that the slowdown in the global mean surface temperature increase from 1998 to 2013 was due to increased uptake of heat energy by the global ocean.
Besides direct application of heat, heat energy can be stored by passing an electric current through the material or irradiating it with light, enabling the repeated absorption and release of heat energy by a variety of methods.
One kilogram of ice at 0 degrees Celsius requires the addition of 333,550 joules of heat energy to turn it into a liquid.
It would probably require either an overthrow of the basic physics of heat energy, or a mechanism that has not been discovered as yet.
In February, BGC acquires the assets of HEAT Energy Group, an independent over-the-counter energy brokerage company focused on the regional term power markets and natural gas swaps.
Contrary to conventional thermoelectric effects it also enables the recovery of heat energy in magnetic insulators in combination with a thin metallic layer.
One possibility, says Stevenson, is that a bit of the heat energy from the star only a few million kilometers away might be carried deep into the planet, perhaps through winds blowing from the permanent day - side of the planet to the night - side.
This new material can be used as heat storage material for solar heat energy generation systems or efficient use of industrial heat waste, enabling recycling of heat energy, since the material releases the stored heat energy on demand by application of weak pressure.
«The next step in power reactor performance levels, at which the plasma is capable of ignition and plasma «burn» (wherein most of the heating energy comes from the fusion reactions), again requires a new, more powerful experimental device.
While the planet's surface didn't warm as fast, vast amounts of heat energy continued to accumulate in the oceans and with the switch in the PDO, some of this energy could now spill back into the atmosphere.
Each fast neutron thermalized by water produced at least 1 MeV of heat energy.
The lessons confronted a common misconception among young students: that coats themselves are a source of heat energy.
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