Sentences with phrase «of herding sheep»

[44] Dogs were being bred to preserve traits that assisted in their job of herding sheep and protecting their flocks from predators.
Blessed with an unmistakably shaggy coat, the old English sheep dog has a history of herding sheep and shedding lots of hair.
Speaking of herding sheep, you might like to have a go at a BBC game that tests your reaction time in what I can only say is a very odd way: various (cartoon) sheep graze peacefully at the left of the browser window until suddenly one of them makes a break for greener pastures; your job is to click a button that shoots a tranquilizer dart at the renegade; at the end of your efforts, you're told what your reaction time is.
The dogs were bred to preserve traits that assisted in their job of herding sheep and protecting flocks from predators.
The dog's original role was that of herding sheep and protecting them from predators.
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