Sentences with phrase «of high enough intensity»

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«It's also important that the exercise be tailored to ensure that it is high intensity enough to obtain the positive sustained effects of exercise.»
«Although Irene never reached the highest category levels of intensity, it did cause enough havoc to at least merit consideration,» said atmospheric scientist Eugene McCaul of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.
Only in lasers and some other situations of very high intensity of radiation that strength is large enough to be observable.
This is a sequence of two exercises performed at an intensity level that's high enough to unleash catecholamines and make your body spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover from the workout.
The high - intensity interval cardio also creates a huge lipolytic effect in the body, as it creates enough oxidative stress to stimulate the release of stored fat from your fat cells via glucocorticoids like cortisol.
Make sure you choose a relatively light weight for this routine, because the combination of intensity and a high number of reps will be enough to drain you completely.
Now, some of these can certainly be used for high - intensity exercise if you push yourself hard enough, but more times than not, they are used for staying in your fat - burning zone.
«Most of our athletes respond well to high intensity, but they can only handle this if they're getting good quality sleep, eating right, and resting enough,» Sean said.
While this maximum calorie burning during the exercise is enough to take your cardio up a notch, the real gem of high intensity workout is in its post-workout calorie burning.
A cardio workout WO N'T cut it for this... it must be high intensity resistance training to deplete enough muscle glycogen to handle restaurant portions of carbohydrates.
It's all about using the max amount of full body movements with a high enough intensity in any given time period... even if that time period for the workout is only 5 or 10 minutes a day.
If the intensity of the movement is high enough and the transition on the ground (amortization phase) is fast enough (0.2 seconds or less), it's a true plyometric.
Similarly speaking, if you do not keep your strength high enough your body will eventually interpret your cardiovascular movements as so difficult in their percentage of perceived intensity as well as their actual physical level of strength that it won't allow you to go further because you won't have the strength to keep going.
From the article, «Researchers from South Africa found that a two - week exercise break was enough to offset the blood pressure benefits of two weeks of high - intensity interval training; another 2015 study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that people who did an eight - month bout of resistance and aerobic exercise saw an improvement in the blood glucose levels, but lost almost half of these benefits after 14 days of inactivity.»
In terms of cardio, 2 - 3 times of high intensity interval training a week would be enough.
That said, with it's strategies rooted in the science of muscle growth and ensuring the intensity in every workout is high enough to create it... Max Size can help even the hardest of hardgainers to put on muscle.
The routine isn't long enough to create the kind of stress that prolonged cardio can result in, and whilst it isn't quite at the level of a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout, it's going to have an overall conditioning effect, and it'll cerainly tone those lower - body muscles.
But if your already fit enough and want to shed off a couple of pounds then your better off high intensity strength training workouts.
Sounds crazy, because most people only think of «cardio» as something that can make you gasp for air and have your heart beating out of your chest... but training with weights at a high enough intensity and challenging weight using the right exercises is actually creating MORE of a reason for your body to respond and change.
Give me a marathoner and have them do a super high intensity set of clean & presses, or heavy 1 - arm snatches (or even 20 - rep barbell squats) and that marathoner will be on the floor gasping for air if they worked hard enough on the weight training sets.
If you're doing high - intensity interval training, 3 — 4 days of 20 — 40 minutes cardio per week will probably be enough.
This is simply not necessary, and the way I combine high intensity resistance training into full body routines provides enough of a «cardio» workout in itself usually.
If you're going to be doing a lot of high - intensity work, you need to make sure you're eating enough carbohydrates to fuel it.
Many clients can't seem to get enough of workouts that meld functional movements with high - intensity resistance training.
The typical person doesn't strength train intensely enough to «blast fat» — more calories are burned with interval training (also known as HIIT, or high - intensity interval training), metabolic training, or another type of aerobic activity.
Instead, it's understood by traditional physics that any part of the spectrum of electromagnetic is capable of heating objects, if the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation is high enough.
«Even if it (the solar effect) is only 0.1 C over a solar cycle and a little more over a 500 year period from LIA to date then that's a good enough starting point for my NCM because all such solar variability needs to do is alter the size, position and intensity of the polar high pressure cells against an opposing force from oceanic variability.
Even if it is only 0.1 C over a solar cycle and a little more over a 500 year period from LIA to date then that's a good enough starting point for my NCM because all such solar variability needs to do is alter the size, position and intensity of the polar high pressure cells against an opposing force from oceanic variability.
I rock a metal band on my Series 1 and it's heavy enough to make it a real distraction when attempting any kind of high intensity exercise.
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