Sentences with phrase «of high stress»

Self - control gives one the capacity to be present, calm, and focused during times of high stress.
Avoid starting during periods of high stress or major changes such as house moving or the arrival of a new baby.
A woman may also lose * interest in intimacy because of the high stress levels brought about by the other menopause symptoms she may be experiencing.
I've recently become so aggressive with it because of my high stress situation (starting the divorce process).
A stay in a healthcare facility is often a time of high stress for patients and their family members.
When your new carrier arrives, before placing baby in it, check the seams and sewing, especially of the high stress areas.
Door thresholds are often a source of high stress.
When women experience hormonal shifts, they are at a greater risk of higher stress levels, which can cause cortisol levels to rise.
Mothers of children with autism showed remarkable strengths in the parent — child relationship, social support, and stability of the household in the context of high stress and poorer mental health.
They put their people under conditions of the highest stress — they shouldn't be surprised when those same soldiers are afraid to say it's hard for them to handle.
Our body is adapted for short bursts of high stress, but chronic stress can lead to problems.
Slow wound healing is a classic sign of high stress.
The holidays can be a time of high stress not only for people, but also for our pets.
The madness, conflict, and events that take place at a toxic work environment create a culture of high stress and low productivity.
In times of high stress, it's important for team members to feel they have a support system.
The first two years of a child's life are known to be a period of high stress for families.
«Our workshop introduced a set of techniques that leaders can use to optimize their performance in situations of high stress and multiple demands,» McGarvey says.
And so I'll ask a lot of my patients if they're stressed and, even though I'm kind of getting a sense of high stress from them in terms of their level of busyness, and their level of downtime and just the demands on them in their day - to - day life, a lot of them will say that they don't feel stressed, that they love their job.
According to the 52 percent of retirees and 42 percent of workers, the cause of a high stress level is the economy, while according to the rest 30 percent of retirees and 34 percent of workers, personal finances is the cause of the stress.
Holding children minimises the possible damaging effects of high stress on the developing brain, and also helps children to develop less extreme reactions to stress and return to a calm state more quickly.
I had a client who placed an order, called me to explain how he needed to get out of a high stress situation because of what it was doing to his health, and one month later he was dead.
Kind of high stress after a long day, but I buckled down.
Recall your last time of high stress with little sleep, all you wanted was a muffin huh?
«I loved the life I had,» says retired expat Brian Gruber, «but it was time for fresh exploration and experience, and I have little interest in returning to my past cycle of high stress, high expenses, in an intensely money - focused culture.»
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms or changes related to perinatal mood disorders, difficulty with a pregnancy or becoming pregnant, adjusting to parenthood or are experienced parents going through life adjustments of high stress, mental health therapy can help.
Jamie - I will be referencing this in a post I will be publishing for the What To Expect (WTE) Moms site - we also struggled with Night Terrors before we knew what they were - now, we know that periods of high stress trigger them - and with the onset of allergy - induced asthma, disrupted sleep because of breathing issues can also trigger them... we are so lucky to have a child pulminologist who is also a child sleep expert who helped us to understand that!
People suffer every day from symptoms of poor sleep, which can take the form of higher stress, increased errors and difficulty concentrating, according to The Better Sleep Council.
In 2011, Chappelle co-authored a study that identified areas of high stress within the Air Force's drone program.
For example, bereavement (death of a close family member), as well as flood, the unwantedness of a child (i.e. if the pregnancy was unexpected and undesired at that time), and maternal depression, can all be considered to be different types of high stress environmental situations for the mother and child.
After decades of high stress my body was revolting.
This unlucky triad is typically the result of high stress, daytime inactivity, alcohol, too bright of a bedroom, and low blood sugar.
In part three, I'll conclude with my recommendations for the best ways to manage your stress level and how to make some critical adjustments in your fitness program in periods of high stress so you can continue reaching your fitness goals.
Your first steps to feeling better could be taking some positive action related to diet and exercise and see if you are able to get some relief from the unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms of high stress and less - than - optimal health.
Initial response of high cortisol and normal DHEA as your body tries to adapt to the demands of the high stress situation.
Thunderstorm Relief Separation Anxiety Travel Ideal for times of high stress like thunderstorms or trips to the...
This is the hormone secreted from the adrenal glands in the event of high stress, increasing the rates of blood circulation, breathing and carbohydrate metabolism and is felt when your body is preparing itself for muscle exertion.
Position Overview Mental health illnesses are extremely difficult to manage, especially in these days of high stress.
Enjoyed meeting the challenges of a high stress work environment and successfully maintained an efficient and effective reception service.
But when it comes to matters of the heart, and dealing with the unique brand of high stress that comes with difficulty in a close relationship, all reason and intelligence goes out the door.
Finamore et al. (2007) suggested this with data showing evidence of higher stress levels in women who did not disclose IVF treatment to work colleagues than in those who did.
(No wonder women live longer; they get out of the high stress jobs!)
Avoid concrete if possible as this can be a source of high stress on your hip, knee and ankle joints,» Sullivan says.
Without meditation, we are at risk of high stress and anxiety they can put a physical toll on us and shorten our lifespans.
They found mothers of children with autism showed significantly strength in the parent - child relationship, social support, and stability of the household in the context of high stress and mental health issues.
The Lending Club story is a testament to the importance of keeping one's cool during periods of high stress and not giving up on a great idea.
Around the world, air traffic controlling is regarded as one of the most difficult jobs, because of the high stress levels and the large responsibility while on duty.
At the end of the day, your 20s are a time of high stress levels thanks to anxiety - ridden life decisions.

Phrases with «of high stress»

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