Sentences with phrase «of hiring an attorney»

Just the cost of hiring an attorney to file the bankruptcy is usually enough to get the car payments current.
We are happy to come to your home or hospital to meet with you, making the process of hiring an attorney easy.
Still, many people simply choose to pay the traffic ticket fine or defend themselves instead of hiring an attorney who specializes in traffic ticket defense.
What is the benefit of hiring an attorney for an injury or car crash?
The chances of me hiring a attorney for punitive damages is very small.
Divorce clients always have the option of hiring attorneys to represent them in divorce.
Having known some of the benefits of hiring an attorney in the case of a big truck wreck, the next question is how to find one.
If you are thinking of hiring an attorney to manage your long - term impairment instance, you must schedule an assessment as soon as possible.
You may begin the process of hiring an attorney online.
Divorce mediation is an alternative to the traditional method of hiring attorneys to represent you.
This can save you the step of hiring an attorney to do this for you.
You get ease of mind things are being handled correctly without the cost of hiring an attorney.
Victims of motorcycle accidents often find it difficult to recover their losses following the crash, especially when they try to represent themselves instead of hiring an attorney.
This step - by - step blueprint guides you through the daunting process of hiring an attorney, for any type of case.
We explain the benefits of hiring an attorney, and we can help you find one.
The video below, from Reel Lawyers, discusses the importance of hiring an attorney who specializes in collaborative practice.
The wisdom of hiring an attorney who works with and understands these rules can not be overstated.
It may be tempting to just write your own will and forego the legal fees of hiring an attorney.
Employers and clients generally don't salivate at the idea of hiring an attorney with a year's worth of experience clicking Responsive or Not Responsive.
At Tabor Law Firm, we start by helping you understand the benefits and drawbacks of hiring an attorney, and unlike many other lawyers, we'll tell you when we think you're better off alone with a little bit of advice.
We understand the challenges and the importance of hiring an attorney as it relates to protecting what we have termed the three «F's»; Family, Finances, and Freedom.
It's somewhat surprising to Lee that more firms don't push for more diversity, given how he said many companies seek out firms with a strong track record of hiring attorneys from minority groups.
With approximately 260 attorneys throughout the state of Florida, Shutts & Bowen is proud of hiring attorneys that exemplify the firm's century of leadership and service.
Mr. Scharf talks about the importance of hiring an attorney if you have been injured in an accident.
One other important consideration to make is that the real value of hiring an attorney to represent you through your divorce is that attorneys often make their clients aware of issues that they may have never considered.
Whether you take the traditional route of hiring an attorney or you elect to mediate or even contemplate a do - it - yourself divorce, this site will guide you through the process, answer your questions, provide you with references to qualified professionals, and help you in weighing the decisions that you are or will be facing.
@Gary Parker - I find it hard to believe anyone would go through the expense of hiring an attorney on something like this.
In other communities, the association fee covers little more than the administrative costs of hiring an attorney to encourage everyone in the neighborhood to maintain the exterior appearance of their homes.
Motorists who decide to beat a traffic ticket in North Carolina may consider the option of hiring an attorney to represent them in court.
The idea of hiring an attorney to help you file for bankruptcy may come into the picture when you've gone through credit counseling, check all debt relief options that are available and you opt for filing bankruptcy.
By understanding an extremely complex legal issue and arguing it passionately — against an attorney with 20 years more experience — Ms. Armstrong was able to save her client the difficulty of going to another state and the expense of hiring an attorney to maintain the possession schedule.
Agreed, that the legal process of hiring an attorney and firing out a demand letter would be a slow process, but surely the authorities should be able to verify if there was or wasn't wrong doing in this situation quicker than a couple years.
A mindset that places a premium on the client's stated wants and disregards the firm's ability to assess the situation and suggest alternatives, is a huge loss for clients and de-values the importance of hiring an attorney.
Just the cost of hiring an attorney to file the bankruptcy is usually -LSB-...]
Our automated contract review helps you understand complex legal language and spot problems before you sign, without the time and cost of hiring an attorney.
If you do not have a lawyer, tell the rep that you are in the process of hiring an attorney and will have that lawyer return the call.
Online services like Rocket Lawyer can handle a lot of straightforward paperwork like wills and divorce forms at a fraction of the cost of hiring an attorney.
(In a non-contingency case, you'll almost assuredly recover so much more money with the help of a lawyer that the cost of hiring an attorney will be counterbalanced.)
The calculator, which is free for Major Lindsey clients, asks in - house legal teams a series of questions about the internal costs of hiring an attorney, such as potential salary, annual bonus, working hours and support and rental costs.
We help families by offering payment plans to break up the cost of hiring an attorney.
Small Claims Rule 8 allows a person to appear at trial and, if he or she chooses, represent himself or herself and avoid the cost of hiring an attorney.
Furthermore, police in New York will often issue a ticket for the maximum fine because they fully expect out - of - state drivers to give up and pay the ticket instead of hiring an attorney to fight it.
My fees are a small fraction of the cost of hiring an attorney, most often 5 % or less of this cost.
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