Sentences with phrase «of hot days»

We've just been in the middle of the hottest days of the summer.
Moreover, the annual number of hot days — defined as average temperatures exceeding between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius, depending on location — rose by almost two a decade.
When you need it most (the middle of hot days) wind is available least.
Climate experts have quite predictably been brushing off my frequency of hot days plots, saying that it isn't a good indicator of temperature trends.
It doesn't require a lot of hot days.
This really was an amazing summer dessert to enjoy at the end of a HOT day!
I've not traveled too much, but have made the most of the hot days with a variety of beach visits this season.
Although it was one of the hottest days of the summer, everyone involved had a blast helping out their four - legged friends.
If we compare the decades 1966 - 76 and 2006 - 16, we see a 27 % increase in the number of hot days.
However, these other graphs confirm precisely what the commission has shown — that the number of hot days in western Sydney has risen during the past four decades and has risen at rate greater than that for the eastern suburbs.
The report says heat records are now happening three times more often than cold records, and that the number of hot days across Australia has «more than doubled».
These changes include an increase in the number of warm nights, unusually hot days, and heat waves, as well as warming of the warmest night of the year, warming of the coldest nights and days of the year, and warming of the hottest day of the year.14 15 16 17 18 19
We've really only had a couple of hot days so far this summer, and I'm THRILLED.
In honor of the HOTTEST day for online dating, June 27th, we're offering our Cyber-Dating Expert readers 20 % off two of our most popular IRRESISTIBLE PROFILES packages!
Despite of all hot days, it's a big advantage of living near the Gulf: we can enjoy the sea and sand any time over the year long.
Overall, wines made in this sub-region feature unique, intensive aromas and flavors that are influenced during summer months by a combination of hot days and warm nights — usually 8 degrees warmer than Oakville.
They're a gentle reminder of the simple pleasures of hot days turned into cool, rainy evenings, of the smell of honeysuckle permeating the air, of collecting berries with bare hands.
And there are plenty of hot days in Angola.
The heat of a hot day plus the heat a baby naturally emits creates a little furnace even underneath even the thinnest of blankets.
They spoke of hot days «burning» the grass, winds scouring the soil and rapidly fluctuating temperatures.
And when we finally did (stop, that is), after a day's outing at Boulders beach, sun and sea weary, covered in sticky sand on one of the hottest days possible in Cape Town, the combination of the pretty wide verandah, art gallery, artifacts and crafts, and the little teahouse, more than met my expectations.
With the sort of light that deserves to have a few moments taken to stop, breathe it in, and absorb the possibility it brings; to make a memory of the way the sun dances across the sea, sprinkling it with gold; to relish the cool that blurs the horizon; to squint your eyes into the gentle mist which offers the promise of the hot day ahead.
Changes in the Forest Fire Danger Index have already shown that many regions have had an increase in extreme fire weather, partly due to the increasing intensity and duration of hot days - January this year was the hottest month on record.
I am reminded of the 1988 Congressional hearing that started off this belief that climate change was a state unique to the modern era, when James Hansen - apparently with the help of a hot day and no a / c - started the first chapter of a saga more extended than «War and Peace».
The frequency of hot days at the rural station has plummeted, while they have skyrocketed at the urban station.
Instead, rest assured, they will be cherry - picking the usual meme of hottest day or week or month or quarter and / or year to publicize.
The following 18 - year periods, including 1929 - 1946, 1930 - 1947, 1931 - 1948, 1932 - 1949, 1933 - 1950, 1934 - 1951, 1935 - 1952, 1936 - 1953, 1937 - 1954, 1938 - 1955, 1939 - 1956, 1940 - 1957, 1941 - 1958, 1942 - 1959, 1943 - 1960, 1944 - 1961, and 1945 - 1962, had a higher average of hot days versus the 18 - year period ending in 2017.
This temperature pattern of hot days and cold nights is common in many parts of the US west.
Over the whir of fans on one of the hottest days of early summer, the two discussed Fernández's current show, As Above So Below, on view at Mass MOCA; her early interest in architectural theory; the literary history of the Berkshires; and landscape as slow sculpture.
Research now suggests that historical deforestation has led to substantial local warming of hot days.
On July 13th, 2015, the Central Missouri Humane Society took in five stray puppies found abandoned at Oakland Park in Columbia, on one of the hottest days so far this summer.
Once again, instead of a sticky drag strip in cool, dense early - morning air — which is hardly representative of real - world conditions — we chose a less - than - perfect surface in the middle of a hot day.
Heat wave bears down on western U.S., making for brutal weekend Today could be one of the hottest days ever recorded on Earth, as the western U.S. falls into the grips of a dangerous heat wave.
The total number of hot days, defined as days with a maximum temperature at or above 90 °F or 100 °F, is expected to more than triple by the 2080s.
«With this plan, released on a Friday in the middle of summer on one of the hottest days of one of the hottest years on record, Christy Clark has abandoned British Columbia's position as a climate leader,» said Heyman.
This past week we had two of the hottest days of the year in Humboldt county, creeping up into the 70s.
When I made the pie it was one of the hottest days of the year so needless to say I did not want to be in the kitchen for hours so I did cheat a little.
The challenge is that during July, August and even September, we can experience some of the hottest days of the year.
«We started working on [the proposal] right after last September when we had one of the hottest days of the year it was after Labor Day.
Abedin didn't break a sweat — literally or figuratively — though she wound up making her debut during one of the hottest days of the summer.
Fun fact about this set of photos: it was actually taken on one of the hottest days of the year long before winter, as I had to snap before the honeymoon so the pics could go up when I got back and timing just worked out that way.
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