Sentences with phrase «of human actions»

the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics.
Land use and Land use change - Land use refers to the total of arrangements, activities and inputs undertaken in a certain land cover type (a set of human actions).
They are not trying to accurately predict the future, but rather provide a range of possible outcomes based on the uncertainty of human actions.
A 2002 report commissioned by the US Academy of Sciences to look at the possibility of human actions triggering climate surprises concluded.
Nothing you have said has anything to do with the truth of the statement you are attacking: «Future emissions will be the result of human actions.
Future emissions will be the result of human actions.
Extreme weather in 2013 was largely the result of human actions, a new report from the United Nations has revealed.
The strategy will be to couple the biogeochemical - physical climate system to representations of key aspects of the human system, and then to develop more coherent scenarios of human actions in the context of feedbacks from the biogeochemical - physical climate system.
al can not prove concusively that the earth is warming as a direct result of human actions... and it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt the data used for al gore's hockey stick chart, most of the «record temperaures», and much of the other basis for the warmist culture has been manupilated and / or cherry picked....
But it is more evidence that like it or not, the future of conditions on Earth is likely to be a function of human actions, whether chosen or not.
While I do not include portraiture in my practice, I call attention to the planned and unplanned outcomes of human actions.
Over the years Thater's work has also shed light on the complexities of animal subjectivity and transformed our understanding of the natural world and the threats it faces as a result of human actions.
We live in a globally connected world, inundated daily with news of the potentially devastating consequences of human actions.
Printed in disappearing ink, this work reminds us of the precarious and irreversible consequences of human actions.
Certainly the field of human actions tends to operate in probabilistic terms.
You may focus on the extinction of specific species and the natural catastrophes as side - effects of human actions.
Topic: Endangered Animals and Rainforests around the World 6 Lessons (6 - 8 hours of learning) Suitable for 7 - 11 years Learning Intentions covered: To explain why some animals are in danger To locate and describe rainforests To explain the importance of a rainforest To explain the consequences of human actions To identify rainforest animals that are in danger To describe features of rainforest animals To explain «how» rainforests are being destroyed To understand that destruction of the rainforests is bad for animals and people To persuade somebody to stop destroying the rainforest To describe rainforest animals To identify skills people have in a rainforest To describe our differences and how they can enhance each other To measure humans and animals Resources also attached!
The existence of these services depends directly on the environmental protection and preservation, as well as on the practices that minimize the impacts of human actions on the environment.
This is for those with a sense of humor about the darkest of human actions and if you can laugh at these moments, definitely give this film a chance.
If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it Kolbe Corp Science of Human Actions, Reactions & Interactions.
President Trump nears the 100 - day mark of his administration as the least popular chief executive in modern times, a president whose voters remain largely Kolbe Corp Science of Human Actions, Reactions & Interactions.
The Foundation seeks to bring about a keener appreciation of the role of science, particularly research in the Polar Regions, through a re-examination of the planet's interconnections, its fragility, the impact of human actions on the environment, and the evolution of millennial climate cycles.
It is important because understanding the cause - and - effect cascade of changes to ecosystems is key to anticipating impacts of human actions and minimizing damage to natural systems that undergird our planet's ability to support human life.
But most is the result of human actions, in the form of sulphate aerosols from burning fuels.
Because the species has been reported in Washington state, just 70 miles from the Canadian border, the researchers speculate that the species was brought into Canada as a result of human actions.
Yet, it is clear that the climate is changing, primarily because of human actions, and in ways that are costly and deadly.»
It is estimated that species extinction rates are a hundred to a thousand times greater now than in the past because of human actions.
Economists, social theorists and philosophers have long analyzed the incentives of human actions, decision making, rationality, motivation, and other cognitive processes.
A realist vision of human actions should thus incite progressive politics to reconstruct the notion of interests.
Other writers have attempted to explain the capacity of narrative to summarize the complexities of self - understanding: «Narrative history of a certain kind,» says Alasdair MacIntyre, «turns out to be the basic and essential genre for the characterization of human actions.
... you can claim free will and by so cover all of the human actions done to the world but how can say that god is real and controls nature when nature has killed more purely innocent lives then anything in history ever... if god was just and comp@ssinate why send the tsunami that killed 300 thousand, why create the plague that killed nearly 75 million in the middle ages when nearly everyone was a VERY devout believer....
God does not erase the distinction between good and evil in history because of the moral ambiguity of all human actions.
Understood in this way, eros ought not be limited to genital sexual acts, but encompasses a broad range of human actions and desires, and it participates even in the religious dimension of life in the form of the desire to know and be known by God (p. 21).
... you can claim free will and by so cover all of the human actions done to the world but how can say that god is real and controls nature when nature has killed more purely innocent lives then anything in history ever... if god was just and comp@ssinate why send the wave that killed 300 thousand, why create the plague that killed nearly 75 million in the middle ages when nearly everyone was a VERY devout believer....
8:1); «God heard» (Bemidbar 11:1); Then God awoke as one that had slept» (Tehillim 78:65); and there are many other similar attributes to Him of human actions.
This is in fact a resurgence in other terms and with other objectives in view — of the error always committed by Christians who intervene in the sphere of human actions to justify them and to testify that in the end man has good reason for doing what he does.
Close attention to the natural world is called for, and especially to the consequences for it of human actions.
Just as conversation draws out the best of human ideas, trust and respect draw out the best of human action.
In his view, forecasting methods not fundamentally based upon principles of human action are unlikely to be reliable over time.
SA: As an Austrian school economist, I do not think we can make accurate timeline predictions in matters of human action.
Often concentrating on the early writings such as the Habilitationsschrift and the Lublin lectures (neither has been translated into English), the author indicates where the young thinker incorporated Scheler's phenomenological value ethics, Kant's formalistic ethics of duty, and Aquinas» understanding of the rational desire of the will into his own synthesis of human action and value.
To describe a work as an autobiography merely because of the first - person pronoun effaces what distinguishes autobiography: the belief in the existence of a stable self and the meaningfulness of human action.
The loss of traditional, collective, and ritualistic forms of life and the loss of a transcendent horizon are accompanied by the loss of spontaneous and contingent forms of human action» what we might call freedom, if the word had not been so severely abused.
The author, professor of systematic theology at St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts, does a splendid job of introducing the series, addressing such topics as natural law, principles of human action, the determination of the moral good, and the connection between virtues, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Beatitudes.
This essay focuses on the nature of self - interest, and that is a different question than whether self - interest is the only possible end of human action.
7 The argument may be rephrased in terms of human action.
Happiness has been explored in terms of the relations between humans and their past, the objection goes, while the relation of human action to the future has been ignored.
Building on the Platonic understanding of hell as the place where unpunished violations of justice are requited, Schall argues it is the consequence of our free will («the other side of human dignity») and of the significance of human action, opening up trains of thought in the direction of the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body - and finding this all pleasurable, «even amusing» (p. 121) in terms of logic and reason.
In great areas of human action man's refusal to accept his finiteness makes him proud, self - righteous, and in rebellion against God; man's selfishness makes him refuse to use his freedom with love toward his fellow men.
This is the «objective aspect of human action» (n. 69), but its pervasiveness and force can transform it into the ideology of globalization.»
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