Sentences with phrase «of human attempts»

The artist addresses the tragic fate of all human attempts to preserve the life and living things, which end in destruction and desolation.
At our best, we suffer all this contradiction gladly, in the faith that out of a multitude of human attempts to glimpse, to trust and to obey the Lord of history, that Lord is weaving together a story he means to tell.
It might be said that the history of the past half - century is the story of human attempts to secure world - community, the triumph of righteousness and justice, the establishment of understanding among the peoples of the earth, but always through the exercise of some variety of coercion.
Such repeated failure of human attempts to end war merely emphasizes the truth of Jeremiah's words: «I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong.
They are a part of the history of human attempts to control other people — and they are badly written and a truly pathetic example of religious writing as well.
Surely you assert that all but one of them are all fabricated by the creative minds of humans attempting to explain life's mysteries?
the blinks of a human eye have been accelerated to present a comic vision of a human attempt to keep pace with certain technological devises.

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The coup attempt failed within a day, and Erdogan was quick to use the opportunity to solidify his already increasingly authoritarian rule by implementing a three - month state of emergency, temporarily suspending the European Convention on Human Rights, and removing tens of thousands of employees from military and government positions.
They are attempting to create an identity for the company that distinguishes it in the marketplace,» says David Ulrich, a business professor at the University of Michigan and co-founder of the RBL Group, a consultancy that advises businesses on human resources, leadership, and organization.
In a fascinating post on The Conversation blog, Maynard makes an argument that won't surprise anyone who has read any fictional account of human's interplanetary future — colonizing other planets probably won't bring out the better angels of our nature, and any attempt to put people on Mars will require overcoming serious social and political problems, such as:
This marathon contest is part of the university brain trust's attempt to show that AI, which has already prevailed against humans in tic - tac - toe, checkers, chess, and Go — can do the same in this particular game.
On the other hand, the investor known as the Oracle of Omaha predicted that AI and automation could create «huge problems in terms of democracy» as we know it, as people attempt to adjust to an economy that needs far fewer human workers to be just as productive.
His latest project, The Human Face of Big Data, uses photographs, infographics, and even an app to attempt to both tell the story of how we use this astonishing glut of data and, for one day — October 2nd — take the temperature of humanity.
The most interesting chapters of The Two - Second Advantage deal with attempts to take that human predictive ability and to blend it with real - time computing — as the authors have it, to design and build predictive systems that put «Gretzky's brain in a box.»
Scientists in Japan have demonstrated how to make electrical circuits on plastic thinner than the width of human hair in an attempt to reduce the impact of bending on circuit performance.
But space entrepreneurs are now attempting to capitalize on NASA's rekindled interest in lunar travel, coughing up a handful of proposals all leading to the commence of human colonies in our nearest neighbor in space.
Kurzweil has been attempting to create an artificial replica of the human brain that is capable, he believes, of consciousness.
When Uber puts its modified Volvo XC90s on the streets of Pittsburgh, it will be the first, fledgling attempt to commercialize vehicles that drive themselves without the need for a human being at the controls.
Instead, the technical and emotional guidance that only a trusted, human advisor (as opposed to robo - advisors, for instance) can offer to investors who are attempting to undertake the complex job of coordinating the accumulation, distribution and transfer of their wealth, is invaluable — particularly in an environment that is likely to deliver lower returns and higher volatility than investors have grown accustomed to recently.
Twenge and Campbell are drawing here on research from the so - called positive psychology movement, which recently has attempted to shift the focus of psychological research away from disease and disorder to a study of the character strengths that make for happiness and human flourishing.
Amnesty, even in its weakest forms of non-enforcement of the law and deferred action, without corresponding action to tighten the border and control unlawful immigration, leads directly to the current human crisis as thousands of desperate children (and adults) attempt to enter the United States on the promise that the administration will take no action against them.
Attempting to be perfect is a vain human striving to play God, to bring things under our control, to maintain a vestige of power that we should otherwise surrender.
As any student of Comparative Mythology knows, the Garden myth in Genesis was taken from the Sumerian Chaos myths, and was a HUMAN attempt to explain «disorder».
Our libertarian friends would argue that our inability to establish a stable conservative - but - not - libertarian position in the national culture is a sign of the incoherence of our principles, a sign that our attempt to reconcile freedom, an entrepreneurial economy, and human dignity with the safety net and the regulatory state is just an attempt to have our cake and eat it, too.
Not for the communist atrocities those were caused by attempts to engineer society, based on a flawed understanding of innate human nature and a fallacious belief in humans beings as blank slates.
Our baptismal confession is not about the state of our emotions nor about what Jesus subjectively means to us or who we think he is: a prophet, a teacher of ethics, or whatever other projection human beings can invent in their attempts to justify themselves.
If you believe that Christian doctrine is essentially an attempt to capture dimensions of human experience that defy precise expression in language because of personal and cultural limitations, then the truth about God, the human condition, salvation, and the like can never be adequately posited once and for all; on the contrary, the church must express ever and anew its experience of the divine as mediated through Jesus Christ.
It is a three - hundred - year attempt to demolish medieval (especially Catholic) claims to authority, and to substitute a structure of science and ethics based solely on human rationality.
The Holocaust was not all about the Jews, it was about Nazi Germany's attempt to kill off ALL who did not comply with their standards of a human being.
Or rather a truly serious attempt to confront the mysterious idiosyncrasies of human sympathy and the limits of our imaginations?
Although the religious communities of Judaism and Christianity can not legislate this minimal human morality (indeed, when they attempt to do so they most often retard its social impact, especially in a democratic setting), they can provide it with an overall ontological context, a continuing vision of its original grounds and its ultimate horizon.
Each situation involves real, living human beings and I believe we should respect them by at least attempting to grasp the reality of their world instead or reaching for the nearest category to slap across their situation.
It is not hard to imagine the common sense reaction to the news that a distinguished historian had attempted to cover the history of human suffering in a little over two hundred pages.
He is the subverter of all purely human attempts to establish absolutes: Those are caricatures.
Benedict argued that non-conjugal reproduction such as in vitro fertilization had created «new problems» ¯ the freezing of human embryos, for instance, and the selective abortion of medically implanted embryos, together with pre-implantation diagnosis, embryonic stem - cell research, and attempts at human cloning.
The medieval field of alchemy — the attempt to change base metals into gold and to find the philosopher's stone capable of bringing about human perfection, even immortality — is ludicrous to the modern mind, a relic of a prescientific time.
The image of the first human in Genesis 2, who is either male with a female element or sexually undifferentiated (the adam or earthling), from whom God then extracts a part to form woman, is no endorsement of attempts to erase one's birth sex in order to transition to the opposite sex.
Rather, we refer to recent attempts in sociobiology to account for the rise of human culture and religious values such as altruism.
The non-existent god I don't believe in doesn't save the day, their is no «salvation for the christians», but maybe, in the late afternoon sunlight, while tracking a dust mote through the air, it might be that human invention of «god» was an attempt to take away «sin» so that we could find the beautiful, and ethical, and loving within ourselves and others.
He criticizes textualism (a mode of judicial interpretation) by citing the author's attempt to «show how lawmakers are engaged in the creative work of ensuring that natural law... is given effect in our human living.»
Of course, we are engaging a Mystery in the deepest sense when we seek a direct encounter with God and existentialism has its serious limitations as do all human attempts at understanding; but I am drawn to Kierkegaard's insight into prayer:
But though I will argue for this teleological view of nature and human nature from empirical premises and from reason, my purpose here is not to debate or attempt to prove this point, but rather to illustrate how some teleological understanding of nature and human nature is a necessary premise for the idea of environmental stewardship.
He also examines how the human being who denies these moral truths steeps himself ever deeper in perverted forms of remorse, confession, atonement, reconciliation, and justification, all in the vain attempt to convince himself and others that evil is really good.
The above disagreement should not and does not preclude human beings from getting along with each other in the spirit of camaraderie and should never attempt to hurt another for their belief.
On the other hand, a true - believing Gnostic, oriented to a transcendental state of being, would have to see the computer as the means the Demiurge uses to imprison humans more securely in the world of time and matter in which the rigged environment frustrates any attempt at transcendental relief.
Donncha Ó hAodha now attempts to present an aspect of the Marian teaching of Benedict XVI, specifically in relation to the ever - relevant topic of human freedom.
These «failed attempts to act on behalf of God» (Stark, The Human Faces of God, 232) were done with evil in our hearts and the name of God on our lips, and thus reveal to us not so much of what is in the heart of God, but what is in the heart of men.
It might be helpful at this point to look more fully at a few novels that have attempted a parabolic portrayal of the story of the human experience of coming to belief.
ACAT invites pastors, theologians, human rights activists, and those with ties to specific problem areas of the world to join in the attempt to discern the theological foundations of right and wrong and to persuade themselves and others what it is that may be true and just beyond preferences and national interests, beyond our limited contexts and confessions.
For example, some scientists do attempt to throw light on human behavior through the study of other creatures.
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