Sentences with phrase «of human choice»

Do you believe in the dignity and power of human choice?
They also point to the importance of human choices, large and small.
The existence of human choice will always prevent the human sciences from predicting the future with the accuracy available to the physical sciences.
But God experiences any value at all that arises out of human choices.
4 I use the term «matter of preference» to mean a situation of human choice in which there is finally no rational basis for an ethical distinction between the alternatives.
The story as a whole was written to persuade the reader that God is present and active, even when that activity is hard to see in the face of human choices.
However, acknowledging the reality of human choice also suggests that the human future is open - ended and indeterminable.
: it is yet to be shaped by an almost infinite number of human choices, most of them relatively unimportant.
Yet such assumptions, in themselves, contradict the method of economic development and defeat its purpose, which is, in essence, the extension of human choice.
Among other significant ways that preliberal Christianity contributed to an expansion of human choice was to transform the idea of marriage from an institution based upon considerations of family and property to one based upon the choice and consent of individuals united in sacramental love.
Realizing the ambiguity of human choices, we nevertheless can work to transcend the sorry state at every turn of the road.
Economic forecasting is even more problematic, for it is dependent on the uncertain factors of human choice and idiosyncrasy.
«Beyond the anxieties and unpredictabilities of human choices, we as political consultants do not believe election periods should generate such ugly and fearful feelings associated with our elections in Africa.
This somber film about the luxury of human choice begins somewhat strangely: An elderly rabbi delivers a rousing sermon to his northern London congregation about the Creator's unique gift to man that allows him to choose between the wisdom of the angels and the instincts of the beasts, the bestowment of the capability to disobey the law decreed by God and to pursue another less indoctrinated path.
These living, breathing helpless creatures are usually victims of human choices or circumstances and have no control of their destiny which can be cruel and heartless.
While this paradigm has been criticised as too rigid to accommodate the quirks of human choices [27], [28], it is clear that individuals can assess (or, in any case, attempt to assess), whether a variant is valuable or not.
In that sense, catastrophes are as much the result of human choices as they are of geology or hydrology.
Climate sensitivity is a natural property of the climate system, but fossil fuel use is a matter of human choice.
When stripped down to its core, the story is about people, their flaws, their strength, the power of human choice, and the fortitude of human resiliency.
Horticulturists call this «differential reproduction,» and this term simply means that some parents will have more offspring than others because of human choice.
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