Sentences with phrase «of human conditions»

Although the mouse remains the most cost - effective choice for comprehensive phenotyping, the rat remains a better model for a number of human conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and behavioral disorders.
«There's tons of questions around just how this whole system might control microbial populations in the gut, which have increasingly been shown to be important in obesity and diabetes, and all sorts of human conditions
Still, neuroscientists often turn to rodents to study specific features of these human conditions.
It is no surprise, then, that having faulty protein kinases may lead to a number of human conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
Expecting 100 % adherence to a medical protocol ignores the splendorous diversity of human conditions.
When it comes into its full spiritual significance it begins to cut its own channels in human behaviour, but it has to cut them in the hard soil of human conditions.
It's just a part of the human condition that we learn best when we fail - pain and disappointment causes us to re-evaluate and search for the better way.
Anger, sadness, loneliness, joy — all of these emotions are part of the human condition, and you can't escape them.
Certainly, anger is a natural part of the human condition, and it isn't always a bad thing.
Death and suffering is an inescapable element of the human condition.
Faith of some sort seems to be a central feature of the human condition.
In sharp contrast to feeling better, we are forced to confront the reality that sin has infected everyone and everything on this planet and that if anything is true of the human condition, it's that it is not something that should make us «feel better.»
There is still a very long way to go before we as a whole have learned to tolerate the diversity of the human condition.
The book's honest and blunt appraisal of the human condition provides a healthy corrective to the occasionally excessive self - as.
But at least they take account of the frailty of our human condition.
The Bible does not hide the ugly truths of the human condition.
Christianity, as the illumination of the human condition, is not a Christianity at war with the world.
What could be more comforting to modern consciousness than to discover that «ultimate concern» and «sin» are essential and unavoidable characteristics of the human condition?
These terms are not (or should not be) pejorative, as they describe part of the human condition.
the answer to that is the incarnation itself, that Christ would take upon himself humanity and the pains and struggles of the human condition, including the pains of death.
This is more of a human condition than an atheist / non-atheist issue.
Third and perhaps most surprising, Jones subscribes to Calvin's account of the human condition as one of total depravity.
We are speaking here about important aspects of the human condition.
«I think internalizing the fact that no opinion / belief / enthusiasm inoculates either you or anyone else from the baser aspects of the human condition, or the larger social milieu in which we all exist, is probably a very smart thing to do.
Your portrayal betrays a severe lack of an understanding of the human condition.
Suffering is an essential part of the human condition (unless you are so special and god - like that you are exempt from suffering).
For in our time it has become all too clear that it is the non-Christian thinker and visionary who has most profoundly realized the absurdity of the human condition.
(For every socialist who believes that socialism is The Answer to the problems of the human condition, there are at least as many capitalist «true believers,» the preponderance located in the business world.)
And if we are to live now, we can not escape the anguish of the human condition; if we are to live here, we can not flee this condition by a leap of faith.9
State - sponsored cruelty has been a staple of the human condition for millennia.
Tillich's apologetical method of correlation attempts to relate the ontological Krisis of the human condition with the «new being» which is present in Jesus as the Christ.
Following from the foregoing definition of religion are the sociological functions described by Thomas F. O'Dea: 13 (I) «It provides the emotional ground for a new security and firmer identity amid the uncertainties and impossibilities of the human condition and the flux and change of history.
[9] In particular, economics is the study of two related aspects of the human condition: labour and consumption.
The recognition of our common humanity is leading us, if haltingly, to a set of common, humanly based values, which arise out of the human condition we all share.
Creative beings that we are, a great deal of our human condition is designed by man rather than merely discovered by him.
In fact he devoted one brilliant sermon, «Sins of Infirmity,» to that painful fact of the human condition.
Even radical economists are reluctant to offer a non-numerical integration of economic activity with the rest of the human condition.
To the Christian, such an atheistic approach to human nature is essentially inhuman, since men do not exist without a fundamental religious vocation any more than they exist in this life without physical needs, individuality or communities, all aspects of the human condition eagerly studied by social scientists.
The greatest lesson of his Harvard years, in R. Lichtenstein's opinion, was the extraordinary complexity of the human condition.
First, Reformed protestantism — which possesses the theology of «Total Depravity» — DOES N'T say that human beings are as evil as they could be, but rather just that they are evil in all their attributes, so that no aspect of the human condition is left untouched.
We can't sell even ourselves on God's participation in the cross of Christ by resorting to what Bonhoeffer called «clerical tricks» — stressing the wretchedness of the human condition so that people will be driven to resort to the church's theological nostrums.
It is a striking image of the human condition.
I don't know... why do some atheists come on here and doing nothing but mock and insult — part of the human condition I suppose.
For Kierkegaard, humor is an important avenue for human growth, precisely because it is able to communicate something of the human condition that can not be communicated adequately in other ways.
So you find traveling to Africa and inciting violence against other humans acceptable because you think it's part of the human condition?
Similar to Good Will Hunting (1997), Silver Linings Playbook is fundamentally about uncertainty: the existential uncertainty of the human condition.
For it holds that all the evils of the human condition are, in the final analysis, traceable to the drastic human failure to acknowledge and experience the reality of his presence.
It's not simply that we were in the loins of our ancestors, that we have their DNA or something like that, but rather, a perennial feature of the human condition is that we are in bondage to one pharaoh, one lord or another, and we stand in need of liberation.
We unconsciously or consciously refuse to acknowledge these as defining the truth of the human condition, and we often retreat into our securities.
However, begin violent, or a jerk, or a fool are, in fact, part of the human condition — of course whether you have the strength to fight those urges and not be violent, or a jerk or a fool is what separates the good from the bad.
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