Sentences with phrase «of human enterprise»

The roots of our current dilemma lie in the enormous growth of the human enterprise over the last century.
The world is at a crucial moment, brought there by the scale of the human enterprise on Earth.
Like the parents at West Lake Middle School, where I started this story, these parents believe in a version of the American Dream that includes a guaranteed access to a school that will accept their children for who they are and provide a benchmark of education quality that is expected in a country that professes to «lead the world» in all aspects of human enterprise.
Many attempts have been made to show the symbolic character of much of the human enterprise, from rite and myth to art and science.
And undergirding, overarching, and interpenetrating all such values is the root value of the human enterprise: selves in all of their relations.
Secondly, most futurist theology, and recent theology generally, has seen man's life too exclusively in the context of society and history and has neglected the natural and cosmic setting of the human enterprise.
The humanist Max Otto closes his survey of the human enterprise with words of ringing promise:
Today, our journey into space is motivated by the economic expansion of human enterprise.

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Small business consultants strongly urge even the most modest of business enterprises to implement and document policies regarding human resource issues.
Daniel Horgan, executive director of the youth service enterprise generationOn, said teens may also be interested in global service opportunities around an issue like human trafficking.
Another important principle, articulated by Michael Armstrong in his book A Handbook of Human Resource Management, is that business success «is most likely to be achieved if the personnel policies and procedures of the enterprise are closely linked with, and make a major contribution to, the achievement of corporate objectives and strategic plans.»
It's about celebrating each step toward the ultimate human longing for an enhanced and enriched enterprise of life.
From left: Karen Keenan, Chief Administrative Officer; Kathy Horgan, Chief Human Resources and Citizenship Officer; Liz Roaldsen, EVP, responsible for leading the Beacon digital transformation initiative; Brenda Lyons, Head of the Specialized Products Group; Lynn Blake, Chief Investment Officer of Global Equity Beta Solutions; Sharon Hart Donovan, EVP, responsible for Enterprise Business Services; and Hannah Grove, Chief Marketing Officer.
In a sense this is about inequality, and the diverging fortunes of different bank employees: At the high end, banking remains a human enterprise of valued professionals interacting face - to - face with clients, including, if the clients want, by using terrible terrible voicemail.
Steve W, Martin is the founder of the Heavy Hitter sales training program, the author of the «Heavy Hitter» series of books on the human nature of enterprise sales, and USC Faculty member.
Consider as a primer what freer trade accomplishes: In the post-war era, and especially with the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 — and with it the notion that governments could centrally direct an economy — a growing number of economies rejoined the normal human preference and practice of free enterprise.
Airobotics, a startup building autonomous drones for the enterprise sector that do not require humans to get involved in any aspect of operating them, has picked up $ 32.5 million in funding to expand its business into defense and homeland security, and to expand its business globally.
New tech could enable enterprise - wide deployment of robots that handle routine processes and can even learn from humans.
They also understand that enterprise prospects are humans just like the rest of us.
But many of these emerging entrepreneurs — especially women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color — lack access to the human and social capital to grow their enterprises and expand their impact.
Gartner predicts that by 2020, 10 % of large enterprises in supply - chain - dependent industries will have created a CRO position to oversee the blending of human and robotic workers.
The Enterprise Compensation Committee discharges the board of directors» responsibilities relating to the compensation of our executives and directors; reviews and discusses with management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and performs other reviews and analyses and makes additional disclosures as required of compensation committees by the rules of the SEC or applicable exchange listing requirements; provides general oversight of our compensation structure, including our equity compensation plans and benefits programs, and confirms that these plans and programs do not encourage risk taking that is reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on Hewlett Packard Enterprise; reviews and provides guidance on our human resources programs; and retains and approves the retention terms of the Enterprise Compensation Committee's independent compensation consultants and other independent compensation experts.
Soon realising its ability to improve business processes, human interactions, and the opportunity for individuals to large scale enterprises — ensuring true requirement of such technology.
At its best, science is a human enterprise with a superhuman aim: the discovery of regularities in the order of nature, and the discerning of the consequences of those regularities.
This comparison is not as outrageous as it seems: Like monasticism, science is an enterprise with a superhuman aim whose achievement is forever beyond the capacities of the flawed humans who aspire toward it.
This enterprise, I have suggested, is as old as the human race, as old as our emergence as creatures of wants rather than of needs.
Of course, human history has not been confined to this enterprise of doing and making, of using the resources of the world in order to achieve that sort of human happiness which comes from satisfying its inexhaustible wantOf course, human history has not been confined to this enterprise of doing and making, of using the resources of the world in order to achieve that sort of human happiness which comes from satisfying its inexhaustible wantof doing and making, of using the resources of the world in order to achieve that sort of human happiness which comes from satisfying its inexhaustible wantof using the resources of the world in order to achieve that sort of human happiness which comes from satisfying its inexhaustible wantof the world in order to achieve that sort of human happiness which comes from satisfying its inexhaustible wantof human happiness which comes from satisfying its inexhaustible wants.
It is something from which animals are exempt, except those who have the misfortune to be harnessed to human enterprise, and it is something unknown to a creature of mere needs.
But it can hardly be denied that the major part of human energies have been devoted, from earliest times, to this enterprise of using the resources of the world to satisfy our inexhaustible wants, or of making out of the world something that corresponds to our desires.
This belief, that human activity ought to be directed towards promoting what John Locke called «the advantages and conveniences of life,» and that the human mind ought to concern itself exclusively with gathering together and putting in order the sort of knowledge this enterprise demanded — useful knowledge — is a moral belief, that is, it is a belief about how we ought to spend our lives.
Now, this moral belief began to be partnered, about four centuries ago, by a second belief of a different sort — namely, an immense optimism about the success of this enterprise of compelling the natural world to satisfy human wants.
Strip mines are ugly gashes in the landscape, yes, but they don't have a negative environmental impact — or more precisely no impact more negative than that of any large - scale human enterprise.
Of course, Cardinal Kasper is right that theology is a human enterprise, done by humans with intellectual and personal histories and dispositions, and not just a participation in a Platonic realm of ideaOf course, Cardinal Kasper is right that theology is a human enterprise, done by humans with intellectual and personal histories and dispositions, and not just a participation in a Platonic realm of ideaof ideas.
Röpke locates wealth creation «not in «capital,» machine models, technical or organizational recipes or natural wealth, but in a spirit of order, foresight, combination, calculation, enterprise, human leadership and the freedom to shape life and things, also in citizenship, responsibility, loyalty to work, reliability, thrift and the urge to create, and in a civil middle class, providing the humus for all this» things, in short, which can neither be conjured up from the soil, nor imported.»
In the task of that redemption [of the total human enterprise] the most effective agents will be men who have substituted some new illusions for the abandoned ones.
Every people has its culture, whether primitive or advanced, and this culture is discerned in the folkways and moral standards, forms of family life, economic enterprises, laws and modes of dealing with lawbreakers, forms of recreation, religion, art, education, science, and philosophy that constitute the social aspects of human existence as contrasted with the bare biological fact of living.
The reality of acceptance before God actually is in itself the grateful involvement in the enterprise of human culture, and always with particular and peculiar concern for the outcast and the suffering ones in the midst of that enterprise.
For Catholic schools to be a worthwhile enterprise for the Church, they must survive and flourish as institutions where pupils grow in a «personal relationship with Jesus» which includes following the teaching of Jesus, through His Church, that we should attend Mass every Sunday, go to confession regularly, say our prayers and be loyal to the magisterium - especially in its moral teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, and the meaning and purpose of sex and marriage, in accord with Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae.
The human person is the chief cause of the wealth of nations, deploying human skill, knowledge, know - how, inventiveness, and enterprise.
Accepting the biblical understanding of love as central to any human concept of the divine is at the heart of Williams» enterprise, directly challenging the Augustinian formulation as a corruption of this.23 Love is «spirit taking form in history.»
There is a limit to what we can do with ourselves on our own (Pelagius gave too much of the job to us and not enough to God, according to the fifth - century Council of Carthage that declared him heretical), but in general humans are called to actively participate in the mysterious enterprise of being changed by way of grace into Christlike beings.
Recombinant DNA research can be encouraged by the church as one more way to acquire information about and to work with our world, but it must also be subject to some form of regulation, as must every other human enterprise.
The church therefore would seem to have much to offer the New Urbanist enterprise out of its own long intellectual and spiritual traditions — not least a serious and sophisticated view of human nature and human community, a pastoral mandate to serve rich and poor, and a long history of urban and architectural patronage.
The third and most important cause of confusion and conflict in the moral enterprise is the human tendency toward self - centeredness.
The answer is that theology is a very human, and very important, enterprise; that grasping and assimilating what God has done and continues to do is not something that can be engaged in passively but is a challenge to everything any of us possesses; that the separation of theologizing from what the minister and the church try, fallibly but authentically, to hear of the Word of God in specific situations from some alleged and remote theology is bound to be blasphemous as well as mistaken; and that the one way to hear the Word of God, if it contains the Protestant principle, is to submit our functions to concrete self - criticism.
The position taken here is that the moral enterprise makes sense only if there are objective excellences that invite the loyalties of men and constitute the standard and goal of human endeavor.
3) you appear to be confusing science (a discipline of human observation... and therefore — philosophically speaking — a subjective enterprise) with scientism (putting metaphysical faith in that human observation — an objective enterprise).
Human trafficking is tied with arms dealing as the second - largest criminal enterprise in the world, after drug dealing, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
It is too bad that an almost incurable anthropocentrism has marked so much of our western ways of theologizing that we have tended to do less than justice to the other aspects and areas of the creation which are not directly related to the human enterprise as such.
God is ceaselessly creative: the world is continually «being made» and we humans are part of that «being made», with our own genuine freedom, our own dignity, and our own responsibility to play our proper role in the enterprise.
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