Sentences with phrase «of human freedom»

Few civil rights are as central to the cause of human freedom as equal educational opportunity.
However, ultimately the problem of human freedom reduces to a metaphysical issue of the basic structure of the world.
It's a denial of any real evidence of the reality of human freedom — a denial foreign to the idea of History.
It is possible, then, to maintain a biblical view of human freedom and responsibility while acknowledging the power and significance of genetic coding.
But we may also interpret the facts as supporting the belief that there are within limitations real possibilities for the exercise of human freedom in the reconstruction of the orders of existence.
We often deal with the question of human freedom internally to humanity, our wishes, and our acts.
This is at the same time both an indictment on a world bent on achievement, as well as a celebration of human freedom as a great gift.
Prayer would be meaningless apart from the existence of human freedom.
The first is that free economic activity is both a fundamental expression of human freedom and, more powerfully, a fundamental mechanism for self - realization.
Both, I believe, wanted to increase the sense of human freedom and the role of contingency in the structure of all beings.
It is possible to begin to think of a reconciliation between the worldview of science and the older ideas of human freedom and dignity.
Only through complete refusal to compromise with the forms and forces of our society can we recover the hope of human freedom.
In large part, I suspect, such boredom is the consequence of the restriction of human freedom.
More importantly, however, the claim that (18) is superior to (17) in the context of human freedom raises the serious question of divine deception.
He also draws attention to the role of human freedom and responsibility.
They can not adopt a faith that requires the surrender of human freedom to the demands of a supernatural sovereign.
It is a product of human freedom and a guardian of that freedom.
I, for one, doubt that the future of human freedom and dignity is in our hands.
But the mystery of human freedom and the requirement of justice itself to treat like cases with a like response render that ideal virtually useless in the criminal justice system.
Do you have additional thoughts on the problem of human freedom, in your novel or elsewhere?
It is possible to maintain a biblical view of human freedom and responsibility while acknowledging the power and significance of genetic coding.
The distinction of history from nature is logically possible because of the existence of human freedom.
It is necessary at this juncture to consider an unsettled issue in humanocentric theism that frustrates a more accurate differentiation between humanism and theism: the scope of human freedom in history.
Dawson's depiction of the bourgeois mind at its purist refers to a secularized position that reduces the human person to economic agency, which is to dis - embed economic freedom from the broader understanding of human freedom and the organic relations of creation.
Thus must we examine his parable of the Grand Inquisitor vis - à - vis the Orthodox doctrine of human freedom as being founded not on autonomous choice but on communal dependence on God.
But this is to dodge the crucial question, which is precisely the question of the truth about man — the truth about the human person — on which any defense of human freedom with real traction must ultimately rest.
Readers familiar with the history of Western theology may recall that one of its most troublesome problems has been that of how to reconcile the fact of human freedom with the existence of God.
It is possible, of course, but it certainly makes the defense of human freedom more difficult if we have to prove that we somehow stand alone within a natural system governed by necessity.
There is no intention here to ground any or all of these visions of human freedom in Jesus» pronouncement at Nazareth.
This basic model of divine creative control through efficient causality, however, is seriously defective in confronting the problem of evil, for then God ought to reduce the amount of unnecessary evil to a minimum and to curtail that exercise of human freedom which he foresees will go astray.
One of the most important meanings of nationalism is that it inspires movements for independence that may lead to significant forms of human freedom.
First, Griffin himself acknowledges that the Plantingan can only allow the occasional violation of human freedom, and there is no way for us to know to what extent God has profitably violated human freedom already.
From the wound of a reductive use of human freedom there arises the wound of intellectual nescience.
Here, of course, we encounter the formidable element of human freedom of action, of which it is endlessly repeated that its unpredictable interference with the established proceedings of Nature threatens constantly to disrupt and frustrate them.
Theoretically the problem here is less acute, for once the reality of human freedom of choice is granted, moral responsibility follows as a correlate, and with it the possibility of the misuse of our moral freedom.
He has given us the great gift of human freedom and the ability to act responsibly, thereby setting us apart from and above the whole sub-human world.
Human intellect is universal; intellectual life is crucial to democracy because it is the source of the human community; intelligence is the source of human freedom; intelligence is the foundation of individuality.
Modern theology has been largely concerned with reconciling competing commitments: the value of human freedom with obedience to divine commands; the scientific account of the natural world with the doctrine of creation; the necessity of critical inquiry with the authority of revelation.
Language, to him was the medium in which he followed the growth and articulation of human freedom.
We are informed that a «normative» account of human freedom appeals blindly to an era that is irretrievable.
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