Sentences with phrase «of human illnesses»

These bacterial infections can cause a range of human illnesses from skin infections to pneumonia.
Our doctors have made it their life's passion to gather and incorporate the most innovative approaches, tools and protocols for holistic healing of human illness and disease.
«Finding these similarities and studying the aspects of mouse biology that may reflect human biology, allows us to approach the study of human illnesses in a better way,» affirms Bing Ren, one of the principal authors from the ENCODE Consortium and a lecturer in molecular and cellular medicine at the University of California — San Diego.
That's why he spent $ 50 million of his own money developing the prototypes and testing them in Third World villages, and they work, and we have to get the word out because 50 percent of all human illness is caused by waterborne pathogens.
It was noted that EPA's measure of 400 ppt was and remains in effect for only short - term exposure to PFOA, which has been linked to a number of human illnesses including forms of cancer.
A whole set of data has come out of this — which is now to available to the scientific community — which will be significant for research into mammalian biology as well as the study of human illness mechanisms.
«The mouse is one of the most utilised models for studying human biology and we use it for creating models of human illnesses and testing new drugs and therapies.
We can't let a small number of unscrupulous actors poison the well for the good science that holds the promise of changing the contours of human illness and altering the trajectory of medicine and science.
Ms. Hunt of the Michigan Department of Agriculture also shared that the connection to consumer illness was linked to this dog food on or about April 5, 2012; Diamond Pet Food was alerted to the connection of human illness to their pet food at the same time - on or about April 5, 2012.
You must also be a lot of fun at parties: «So, Miss, what effect does your work as a nurse have on the overall problem of human illness and suffering?
«After more than a decade of our eating biotech foods, there has not been a single scientifically confirmed case of human illness that can be attributed to food biotechnology,» he writes.
Furthermore, this discovery was made using streptococcal bacteria, which are responsible for a wide range of human illnesses, ranging from sore throat and pink eye to meningitis and bacterial pneumonia.
Horses in (dry) Arizona contracted West Nile Virus in 2003 and by late 2013, West Nile had been documented in 44 states with more than 1500 cases of human illness.
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