Sentences with phrase «of human nature which»

Rejecting the view of human nature which held to the depravity of man, they insisted that by experience and the use of reason men could achieve a perfect society.
An attitude which avoids both sentimentality and cynicism must obviously be grounded in a Christian view of human nature which is schooled by the Gospel not to take the pretensions of men at their face value, on the one hand, and, on the other, not to deny the residual capacity for justice among even sinful men.14
Human society is the natural outgrowth and expression of human nature which, like all created natures, is set within the Unity Law of Control and Direction, which is his new name for and conception of the Natural Law.
The authors should be applauded for engaging honestly and thoughtfully with the scientific evidence in their search for an understanding of human nature which is consistent with the experimental evidence.

Not exact matches

Then there's the deluge of emails you feel guilty for not reading and responding to quickly, various forms of entertainment available and human nature itself, which tempts us to make irresponsible decisions and skews our priorities.
Marsh calls it, «an eye - opening exploration into how children are raised around the world and how child - rearing can inform the understanding of human nature more broadly,» noting the author's most essential point is that «one of the things which makes humans special as a species is that we don't limit care to our own children.
«The hand and writing things — that's just human nature,» says Edoardo de Martin, director of the Microsoft Canada Excellence Centre, which in February set up shop on two sprawling floors covering 3.5 acres of the former Eaton's and Sears flagship.
But despite the widespread nature of this problem, many of these companies still rely on outdated pen and paper scheduling books which are both time - consuming to manage and vulnerable to human error.
«That's human nature, but this is an opportunity for you to lock away a significant amount of wealth, which puts you in a better position to leave the workforce earlier.»
And I believe understanding this element of human naturewhich I'll discuss in the next section — is key to building a life that: a) involves ambitious striving toward goals and having impact in the world, which contributes to a sense of meaning, and b) gives you a shot at realizing true happiness by avoiding a soul - sucking competitive rat race.
It's a carpe diem mindset, which I believe is human nature regardless of whether one has emergency fund or not, especially if someone is in their late 30s and has some life experience.
So does the Accord, which I believe has been a substantial contributor to the low rate of inflation we now see in Australia: the Accord processes are not perfect but that is the nature of compromise and human affairs generally.
Also, trading often requires one to react in a way which is adverse to human nature, to be out ahead of the crowd, sometimes with little on which to base the decision.
By showcasing the most witty, joyful, bullet - pointed versions of people's lives, and inviting constant comparisons in which we tend to see ourselves as the losers, Facebook appears to exploit an Achilles» heel of human nature.
They noted the «increasing departure from the basis of the WCC» — which they defined as primarily to restore unity to the Church — and cited «a growing departure from biblically based Christian understandings» of the Trinity, salvation, the gospel, the doctrine of human beings as created in the image of God, and the nature of the church.
Kierkegaard shares with Kant the assumption that being moral inevitably involves a struggle to thwart the impulses of human nature, which by definition must tug the agent in the direction of aesthetic indulgence — and where does ethics derive the authority to make me go against my feelings?
«The eighteenth - century moral philosophers... inherited a set of moral injunctions on the one hand and a conception of human nature on the other which had been expressly designed to be discrepant with each other....
Contact with reality» which is to say, the actual operation of the legal system and its impact on society» is more likely to confront academics with the immutable truths of human nature than endless theorizing restrained only by the politically correct predilections of one's colleagues.
The Formula of Concord, which is central to the confessional documents of the Lutheran church, declares that original sin has replaced the image of God in human beings with «a deep, wicked, abominable, bottomless, inscrutable, and inexpressible corruption of his entire nature in all its powers, especially of the highest and foremost powers of the soul in mind, heart, and will.»
Where the critical point in his earlier theology of grace is God's crucifying contradiction of sinful human nature, here the point on which everything hinges is the authority of Christ the Savior, exercised concretely in the sacramental signs of the Church.
But the great boon of Catholicism to the world is that it can also stand outside the ebbs and flows of history to see that human nature — the truth in which love appears — remains unchanged from age to age.
Yes, we have a human nature with a desire for s * x. However, we also have the gift of self control, which most people today don't use anymore.
All are dislocated by the very nature of human existence which necessitates one's being a wayfarer.
The encyclical discusses in some detail the tragically unsatisfactory ways in which the world has tried to satisfy the irrepressible hope that belongs to being human, citing Francis Bacon's proposed conquest of nature and Karl Marx's utopian goal of the kingdom of freedom.
Yes — and I think there is something in our human nature that is about survival that while a good and necessary thing to have can when mixed with none of us being perfect lead us to perceptions and magical thinking which may or may not be in touch with reality.
It is believed that the Mayas upset the balance between humans and nature, although the fall of their civilization probably corresponded to «a network of interaction in which any difficulty could have had repercussions on the whole» (Fonseca Zamora, 505).
Ecology deals not with the interaction of human power, but with man's relation to the nature of which he is a part.
All of which is to say that this fourth view of nature and human nature contends we understand ourselves most truly by imagining neither that we stand apart from, dominate, and bend nature to our will; nor that we are some unnatural plague upon nature; nor that we are simply immersed in nature and lack both the power and the duty to superintend nature and possibly even improve it.
The March 12, 2015 issue of Nature magazine contains an essay — not an original thesis, rather a summation — by two English geographers entitled «Defining the Anthropocene,» the subject of which is whether (and starting when) human activity has so altered the global environment as to constitute a new geologic age: the Anthropocene Age, as successor to the 11,000 - year Holocene Epoch that is itself part of the larger 2.6 million year - old Quaternary Period (or Great Ice Age).
Indeed, this Enlightenment view of nature and human nature is foundational for the industrial west (and now for everything from the global economy to the sexual revolution), in which the over-riding objective is, in the words of C. S. Lewis, «to subdue reality to the wishes of [human beings].»
The issue of the relation of the human life and the nature is not merely the question of how to deal with the natural environment but that of the total creation, which involves the justice, participation and peace in an integral unity.
What we need is a greater understanding of the environmental limits which most certainly exist regarding human intervention into nature.
The issue of the relation of human life and nature is not merely the question of how to deal with the natural environment but that of the total creation, which involves the justice, participation and peace in an integral unity.
It was formed at a time of stress (great wars of religious & political nature) in which the promise of everlasting life given to the humans from an alien (he is an off this world god).
Humans are evil in nature but some choose the path to peace and forgivness which is the core of true evangelical Christianity.
'' If any one asserts, that this sin of Adam, which in its origin is one, and being transfused into all by propagation, not by imitation, is in each one as his own, is taken away either by the powers of human nature, or by any other remedy than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ... let him be anathema.»
It is because there is a reason and purpose for the division of human nature into male and female in God's plan, which gives men and women different and complementary, but equally valuable, roles in the Mystery of Salvation.
Therefore it is not affected by the profound wounding of human nature caused by the sin of Adam which happened at the origins of our species.
It is a way of loving in which nature works through grace to restore the love in human relationships to God's original intention.
For us to have union with God, for which we were made, we need Christ's physical human nature: this is the meaning of the Incarnation.
This disbelief in the value of the human body was epitomised by Thomas Hobbes, who wrote: «Man is in the condition of mere nature, which is a condition of war, as private appetite is the measure of good and evil».
Yet for us this epistemological dimension of the redemption is not from the supposedly «incurably» dualistic nature of human knowing but from stubbornly dualistic theories of human knowing which over the millennia of their influence have whittled away wonder.
To put it another way, it is the person, not the self, whose nature is inextricably bound up in the web of obligations and duties that characterize our actual lives in history, in human society — child, parent, sibling, spouse, associate, friend, and citizen — the positions in which we find ourselves functioning both as agents and acted - upon.
Due to the limited statistical and methodological certainty allowed by biological science, the occurrence of technical errors in biological experiments, the differences between human and animal embryo development, the rapidity by which the cloning procedure produces a totipotent zygote, and the philosophical and theological nature of the question, there is no biological experiment that will prove with moral certainty that a human zygote never exists during the OAR procedure.
But it does mean we should be more than defensive, and should always be careful to highlight the nature and the appeal of what we are defending, and so of what we are offering — the larger human good in the service of which some constraints on our individual will and power are required.
First, since process thought concerns itself with the totality of human experience, it must necessarily take very seriously the fact of the religious vision and the claim of countless millions of people of every race and nation and age to have enjoyed some kind of contact with a reality greater than humankind or nature, through which refreshment and companionship have been given.
Lord Jesus, you who are as gentle as the human hear as fiery as the forces of nature, as intimate as life itself you in whom I can melt away and with whom I must have mastery and freedom: I love you as a world, as the world which has captivated my heart; — and it is you, now realize, that my brother - men, even those who do not believe, sense and seek throughout the magic immensities of the cosmos.
What ties together Shenk's different arguments is what I call the divine inversion — the many ways in which God acts contrary not merely to physical nature, but to what humans take to be the natural order of things in the social and political world.
Later the idea gained ground that we can not «speak of nature apart from human perception in the historical development of knowledge», that all knowledge is «a creative interaction between the known and the knower» and that therefore there is no System of scientific knowledge or of technology which does not have the subjective purposes and faith - presuppositions of humans built into it.
In the words of Paul, salutary teaching produces piety or godliness, which gives rise to a moral life grounded upon the intrinsic social nature of human existence.
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