Sentences with phrase «of ideas expressed»

Many of the ideas expressed there make an appearance in the Futures report.
The proof is in the pudding and the world would be a pretty tasty place if everyone implemented the best parts of the ideas expressed in this book.
It has everything you'd expect, and while there are streamlining and quality of life efforts to make the game more accessible, the gameplay systems in general seem to be a natural continuation of ideas expressed in Monster Hunter 4.
These are some of the ideas expressed in «Frank,» an off - the - wall and terrific paean to the misfits and freaks of the world, their dreams, visions and togetherness.
Here is what scientists found: The number of ideas expressed in those autobiographies had a inverse association with the severity of dementia later in life.
But while the activists themselves may have changed perceptions, some of the ideas they expressed did not.
A special musical rhythm runs equally through all parts of the speech; there is a common, harmonious style, and a logical plan in the development of the ideas expressed.
ASU Group's poster was chosen as the 2015 winner because of the idea it expressed: Flying as a team gives our ESOP wings.

Not exact matches

«People said Moon Express was a crazy idea, and we're within months of going to the moon for under $ 10 million,» he says.
His counterintuitive philosophy was apparent this year in his expressed openness to the idea of acquiring the troubled Home Capital while other big investors shied away.
That doesn't necessarily mean they'll be able to get the player they want, as the potential first pick Josh Rosen has expressed hesitance at the idea of joining the Browns.
I would like, for example, for you to express in clear terms how, say, Java and any of its incarnations addresses the ideas embodied in OpenDoc.
Founders Fund had a manifesto that once said, «We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters,» a ding at Twitter that expressed his disappointment with what he considered a lack of big ideas from startups.
What we're looking at is the inevitable result of that history expressed through public opinion, and influenced by racialized ideas on crime and criminality.
Some were excited about the possibility of bigger budgets for video productions and more corporate perks, others expressed concern about layoffs and many had no idea what to expect.
The basic idea of ROI is to express the additional money or value you have received — the benefit or return you gained — as a percentage of your initial investment.
Prompt employees to express their ideas and opinions and be sure you set an example of attributing value to all ideas.
The American Express OPEN Forum blog has its own run - down of tips for young managers, including its own admonition not to be intimidated and recommendation to start a mentorship program, but the post by Mamta Badkar also offers a few fresh ideas:
Despite Zuckerberg reiterating that Facebook later reduced the amount of data developers could collect, some lawmakers still expressed concern that once any data leaves Facebook's systems, the company has no idea how it's used.
Can you remember the last time you expressed a feeling or an idea by drawing on a piece of paper or sketched out a project on a napkin?
Page added that he did «not directly» express support for the idea of lifting sanctions in exchange for a stake in Rosneft.
Create a culture of authenticity in your company by encouraging your people to express their own ideas and values and contribute their opinions whenever possible.
Inside Google, Fallows had been the biggest champion of the Google Express project, after coming up with the idea years ago and then pitching it to management, securing what a source previously told Re / code was up to a $ 500 million budget.
The underwriters and their respective affiliates may also communicate independent investment recommendations, market color or trading ideas and / or publish or express independent research views in respect of such assets, securities or instruments and may at any time hold, or recommend to clients that they should acquire, long and / or short positions in such assets, securities and instruments.
One difference this time, however, is that a number of Republicans and Democrats have already expressed support for the idea of extending emergency funds to flood - ravaged areas.
«There is certainly no doubt that many carmakers have expressed the idea that a more standardized platform would be attractive,» said John Wall, a senior vice president at QNX, which develops software that is used in millions of vehicles today.
The information, opinions and ideas expressed herein are for informational and educational purposes only and do not constitute and should not be construed as investment advice, an advertisement or offering of investment advisory services, or an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security.
Disorganized schizophrenia symptoms may include: Problems with thinking and expressing ideas clearly Childlike behavior Showing little emotion Catatonic schizophrenia symptoms may include: Lack of activity Muscles and posture may be rigid Grimaces or other odd expressions on the face Does not respond much to other people Undifferentiated schizophrenia symptoms may include symptoms of more than one other type of schizophrenia.
In Origin of Species there is a passage where Darwin expresses fear about the entire idea that he posits in the book and fear about the possibility of being held accountable for it.
Although he often expressed this vision obliquely, he was relentless in his criticism of those who despised faith as an anachronism: «I am not afraid to say that a devout and God - fearing man is superior as a human specimen to a restless mocker who is glad to style himself an «intellectual,» proud of his cleverness in using ideas which he claims as his own though he acquired them in a pawnshop in exchange for simplicity of heart....
Abraham Geiger, a major thinker in the nineteenth - century Reform movement, declared that the idea of a postmortem existence «should not be expressed in terms which suggest a future revival, a resurrection of the body; rather they must stress the immortality of the soul.»
The only only idea being expressed that is ridiculous is your idea of «heaven» being ridiculous.
If only one idea could express the core of who He is, that idea would be love.
Perhaps that's the real freedom we should be worried about — not whether or not someone has the right to attempt to sabotage someone else's idea of a great club, but whether I have the right to form my own club that expresses my own ideas with people I choose to invite to associate with me.
Can't discuss the merits of the article or the ideas, just expressing their mutual hatred for each other and their derision for each other's world views.
When Pope John Paul II spoke on the occasion of the fiftieth birthday of the UDHR in 1998, he warned, «Certain shadows however hover over the anniversary, consisting in the reservations being expressed in relation to two essential characteristics of the very idea of human rights: their universality and their indivisibility.»
Republicans / Teapartybaggers / express / etc are a party of «No Ideas», «No Solution», «the party of Fat Cat Wall Street Bankers and Bailouts with no strings attached» and are the party of Tax and Spend.
In a calmer, more reflective tone years later, Madison expressed satisfaction that the idea of separation of church and state that he promoted and built into the 1st Amendment allowed those with different beliefs to flourish:
The struggle for the freedom of the press and freedom of ideas has, up till now, been mainly an argument within the bourgeoisie itself; for the masses, freedom to express opinions was a fiction since they were, from the beginning, barred from the means of production — above all from the press — and thus were unable to join in freedom of expression from the start.
Again and again throughout history, what started as pure mathematics — ideas developed solely for the sake of their intrinsic interest and elegance — turned out later to be needed to express fundamental laws of physics.
In 1949, Lionel Trilling, the literary embodiment of the old liberalism, deplored those American conservatives who «express themselves» only in «irritable gestures which seek to resemble ideas
This idea is best expressed in some of the closing chapters of Revelation (chapters 21 - 22).
The innocent ought not to suffer for the guilty; each should stand on his own feet and be responsible only for his own deeds — such flat denial of the ideas with which the Old Testament started now became the express teaching of the later Judaism.
Some of the ideas I'm going to express in these next few posts come from his book.
If the dogmas of the Christian Church from the second to the sixth century centuries express finally and sufficiently the truths concerning the topics about which they deal, then the Greek philosophy of that period had developed a system of ideas of equal finality.
We must resolutely resist any such idea, even though we may find it again today in the formulae of modern theologians: «Historical events express a Word of God to the church,» or: «Christ lives in history.»
On the other hand, toleration of beliefs does not require that we accept every idea as equally valid, as if a belief is true, right or good simply because someone expresses it.
Increasingly, however, the idea of metaphor as unsubstitutable is winning acceptance; what a metaphor expresses can not be said directly or apart from it, for if it could, one would have said it directly.
If your god is «inserting info» (whatever form that takes) for the express purpose of fulfilling someone's request to guide someone's thoughts, that is very different than someone listening to someone else's ideas (and teachers are not different than anyone else, except maybe since they are considered experts in their field they are taken more seriously in their particular area of expertise) and considering their ideas when forming your own.
It might be a good idea to identify and contact resource people in advance of an actual crisis situation and keep a list available of those who express their willingness to help.
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