Sentences with phrase «of illogical arguments»

And to an investor focused on value investing in the late 1990s, there were plenty of illogical arguments to be found, whether it was a focus on eyeballs (webpage views) over profits, or any other metric that left one reminded of the story about a business losing money on every sale, but making it up on volume.
We see two logic fallacies (argumentum ad verecundiam and argumentum ad numerum) committed at the same time — Excellent demonstrations of an illogical argument.

Not exact matches

This is a simple illogical argument one can learn about in first year of University.
The argument of free will is illogical.
No, not mocked BECAUSE of their lack of knowledge, but because of their lack of knowledge, they came up with horrible arguments and illogical stuff.
Based upon my experience, it is all too often the atheist / agnostic audience that poses emotional, baseless, illogical arguments that show a lack of actual critical thinking.
If someone is making a screamingly illogical argument, cite that fact in your own free speech to defeat that thought in the minds of others.
Very nice to hear such reasonable thinking in a sea of incoherent an illogical religious arguments.
Kind of like getting into a serious and heated argument with someone that believes in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny... beyond illogical.
His arguments are devoid of facts, and his masquerade as a scientist, or whatever, is galling» «attempting to debunk the integrity of the bible, and glorify the theory of evolution is simply a tactic to lure unsuspecting seekers to abandon reason and science in order to embrace an illogical, unverifiable, subjective based explanation of the universe.
No, Theo — your argument was illogical on the point of dependency.
This «costliest ticket in the PL / UK / Europe / world» mantra is a real balls - ache of a dull, illogical argument.
There is no doubt that Brand is intelligent and has a fabulous command of the English language — which makes it doubly frustrating when he chooses to preface his arguments with lazy straplines, or arrives at illogical conclusions.
Dr O'Brien said: «Coming from countries with strong gun control policies, and a 30-fold lower rate of gun - related homicides, we found the arguments for opposing gun control counterintuitive and somewhat illogical.
Alexandra, And a review of the posts of Victoria Strauss ALSO shows that the people who follow her around on the message boards are like mindless cult members, impervious to reason and lacking both judgment and basic logic skills, and often try to make completely illogical claims and arguments in a hopeless attempt to redeem their leader.
There's a lot of reading comprehension fail (for example, in this particular case, the illogical inference that noting a problem with Amazon's position a priori means one is on the «side» of Hachette, especially when I've taken pains to note both companies work for their interest, not mine), and it's not my job to wander about the field, gently teaching people how to parse arguments.
As described by Michael Lewis in his latest book, The Undoing Project, ``... when Danny heard an illogical argument, he asked, What might that be true of
This is the most illogical argument of all when thinking about emergency funds.
Using the media as an outlet for education, we hope to raise the level of awareness on important issues such as pet overpopulation and dog fighting, as well as debunking the unfounded, illogical and fear - based arguments that all too often lead to breed - specific bans and the heartbreaking extermination of beautiful animals whose only crime is having been born.
I said it was illogical in that a surprisingly large proportion of the arguments most often advanced in its favour are instances of the dozen commonest fallacies in human discourse, as codified by Aristotle in his Refutations of the Sophists 2350 years ago.
Curry not only takes the extreme range of this — which is illogical since, contorted arguments to argue otherwise aside, she even goes beyond it: to, as quoted above, ludicrously conclude from all this that not only is it not just «reasonably possible» that half could be due to natural variation that just happens to coincide with what we would expect to see from the atmospheric alteration inadvertently undertaken, but that rather than it being somewhere in the middle of up to half being due to variability, or a similarly large portion in fact being veiled, but all of what «could» on the one end of the range be, in fact, IS, but then goes beyond that.
But don't come back with «consensus» or «everybody knows» or argument by assertion or any of the other illogical talking points normally used to «prove» the CAGW POV.
On AGW skeptical blogs, however, just as is the case on conspiracy theory blogs of any kind (e.g. vaccination, moon landing, 9/11), it seems like there is a tacit agreement between fellow skeptics, and also the blog host, never to point out that an idea is flat out wrong or an argument flat out illogical so long as it purports to refute the «official» account.
Justifying articling simply because it's the process that all of us endured is not - evidence based and is illogical, and is a strange form of argument for a profession populated by advocates.
So if, in the middle of an argument, you stop your partner to them they're being illogical, you're probably doing it wrong.
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