Sentences with phrase «of images contrasts»

His symphonic flow of images contrasts cold, functional architecture with the ageless beauty of nature.

Not exact matches

The difference between the setting sun and the darkness of the approaching storm provided a contrasting image.
In stark contrast to the popular image of the constantly job - hunting Millennial, 85 % of Millennial front - line employees and 89 % of Millennial managers at the Best Workplaces said they intend to stay with their companies for a long time.
The technology improves the contrast and colors of images, and Samsung, LG and other large TV companies are betting big on it.
In direct contrast to the classic image of military organizations as rigid bureaucracies, the Marine Corps» working structure is in fact vastly more malleable than those of most businesses.
The NASA Earth Observatory has released an astonishing set of images that show the stark contrast between what islands in the Caribbean looked like before and after Hurricane Irma struck.
As in Israel, the pull of agriculture was strong, in large part because it was different: «The image of the farmer raising cows and chickens stands in sharp contrast to the stereotype of the city - dwelling, business - oriented Jew.»
It includes our ideals, and may take the form of an ideal image of the self which is in sharp contrast to the real image, that is, how we «really» feel about ourselves.
In even sharper contrast, the idealized self is the exaggerated self - image by which people seek to maintain feelings of worth.
Others paint the contrast in images of modern luxury and wealth vs. modern misery and exploitation, emphasizing the causal connection between the two.
Having now set forth at least the principal meanings and symbolic implications of the dominant Reformation image of the ministry, we may return to a comparison and contrast of this image with that of the medieval period: preacher — pulpit — open - Bible in relation to priest - before - altar.
To this useful image Marian Evans contrasts Dr. Cumming's God, who «instead of sharing and aiding our human sympathies is directly in collision with them; who instead of strengthening the bond between man and man, by encouraging the sense that they are both alike the objects of His love and care, thrusts himself between them and forbids them to feel for each other except as they have relation to Him.»
By contrast, the perfection of the androgynous God of process thought consists in an ideal balance of these contrasting traits, not in the total exclusion of the traits this culture traditionally views as feminine, thus luring both human males and females to strive to create themselves in the divine image.
At this point Buddhism presents an instructive contrast to Christianity, for here [in Buddhism] one discovers unbelievably complex systems of meditation centering upon the image of death, but here death is a way to a dissolution of the human condition, and therefore to the abolition of pain and suffering.21
The image man, in contrast, is primarily concerned with what the other thinks of him.
In contrast to the notion of creatures formed in the image of God, a significant alternative conception is not the image in which we were formed, but the image that we project onto the world.
Along with the insights of Charles Hartshorne, Whitehead's concept of persuasion (in contrast to coercion) has formed the basis for development of both divine and social images of power.
On the other hand he contrasts his theory of becoming with Bergson's on the grounds that the latter denies to the human intellect the power to grasp pure becoming as such and by means of spatialized images to achieve an insight into its true being.
In sharp contrast, the gospel message is that we are already significant, valuable and loved because we are created in the image of God and offered life by the sacrifice of his son.
A recent study of tobacco ads concludes: «In the face of increasing public knowledge about the health risks of smoking and the shrinking population of current smokers, the tobacco industry has portrayed smoking in advertisements in a misleading manner — as adventuresome, healthy, safe, and erotic, images in stark contrast to the voluminous data implicating smoking as a factor in ill health.
A consideration of the difference between a hologram and an image made from a lens camera can play a significant part in the perception of undivided wholeness, as contrasted with fragmentation.
In contrast to the Paulsons» church signs, Fentress» images — on buses, on the signs of interstate - exit truck stops, on telephone poles, on flat rocks, on almost anything — are overwhelmingly biblical, as his title suggests.
Hall contrasts this view with the more positive image of chaos which he finds in Eastern thought, as «undifferentiated homogeneity... the sum of all orders» (UP 255).
Though «revolutionary» and «atheistic» would continue to be negative terms used to characterize socialism, it was the attribute of collectivism or statism, in contrast to allegedly American individualism, that would be the central negative image.
For those who feel a bit overwhelmed by reading two deep theology posts, Richard has distilled much of the theological content in a compare and contrast format in a post on his blog entitled «Same Sex Marriage in the Image of God?»
(46) Muggeridge who, late in life, became an active Christian, considers that the fantasy image of the television screen stands in direct contrast to the reality of Christ and therefore is totally unadaptable to the proclamation of the Christian message.
In contrast to the difficulties raised by such hard questions as these, the popular image of community is distressingly pastoral and sentimental.
By contrast, the SEM images of plastic showed smooth, continuous surfaces unable to trap microorganisms.
Iron Jack is a mid-strength «lifestyle» beer brand, which uses a silhouette image of an Australian working class «outdoors» male with a loyal dog besides him on its bottles and cans, in contrast to the inner - city bearded hipster.
And then you had the contrast of the blonde hair kind of streaming from this whole black image of horse and Masked Rider uniform.»
The images above show the contrasting displays of Sterling during the Hull and Spurs matches and you can see a very visible difference in involvement between the two games.
In contrast, when the researchers tried the same experiment with 21 - month - olds, the children demonstrated a clear sense of self - awareness: They touched their own nose when they saw the red - nosed image in the mirror.
In contrast, homebirth mothers have been told repeatedly by relatives, friends and medical professionals that homebirth poses a real danger of death to their baby, and they have denied, or even embraced that danger in an effort to bolster their self image within a community of like minded believers.
That is why the small family company designed a line of high - contrast cards and other gifts with whimsical animal images.
Even before a child understands words, talking in a soothing voice, watching daddy's entertaining faces, and seeing the high contrast images on a book's pages offer even the youngest of babies a fantastic experience.
Using digital mammography enables the radiologist to use a contrast of light and dark and also to enlarge the images of breast tissue, on the screen, for a more comprehensive evaluation of the breast area in question.
By contrast, the diaries of South Asian girls did not tend to include images of themselves participating in sports that were organised, competitive or required highly specialised actions.
His proud self - image is as a «simple goat - herder» at one with the ordinary people of South Africa in contrast to the aloof image of Mbeki, but whether this is just the politics of personality or a real policy shift is another matter.
The image contrasts with a boat with carrying a hotchpotch of individuals, all wearing different colours, all pull their oars in different directions.
This adds to concerns around the image that Smith is peddling with members, of being «normal», by appearing to contrast his marriage and children to Angela Eagle's private life.
The Advert which uses the current campaigns for alternative source of revenue from oil in Nigeria brings a contrast between the copy - Oil is the Future - and the image of palm nuts which has produced another kind of oil.
The public perceptions of the two men who will most likely fight out the next generation already seem to be settling into contrasting images: Cameron as likeable and in touch vs Brown, solid, trustworthy and competent.
The first of three novel techniques exploited by SPHERE is extreme adaptive optics to correct for the effects of Earth's atmosphere so that images are sharper and the contrast of the exoplanet increased.
I love the color contrast in this image, the fact that we're seeing entirely different populations of objects, and also the simple idea that this is such a strange view of the Andromeda galaxy, a huge spiral so bright and close it's easily visible to the unaided eye from a dark site.
Contrast Ratio: - Technically, this is the ratio of the brightness of white to black in the image.
Offering full - HD 1080p resolution, the monitor produces images of outstanding quality thanks to the incredible dynamic contrast ratio and quick response time.
In contrast, the new imaging approach can rapidly acquire a high - resolution image of the whole brain.
3D computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphics) are graphics that utilize a three - dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.
In contrast, in graphite, striking coherent transients of the structure were observed in both image and diffraction, directly measuring, on the nanoscale, the longitudinal resonance period governed by Young's elastic modulus.
The different pillars analysed by an international team seem to be pillars of destruction — in contrast to the name of the iconic Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula, which are of similar nature.The spires and pillars in the new images of the Carina Nebula are vast clouds of dust and gas within a hub of star formation about 7500 light - years away.
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