Sentences with phrase «of imitators»

By the end of the year more than 1500 had been sold, and as the hot Golf's popularity continued to grow, a host of imitators soon followed from rivals such as Ford, Peugeot, Renault and Vauxhall.
Though Apple's iPhone X wasn't the first phone to utilize a notch as a solution to including front - facing sensors on a phone with a full screen display, it has certainly sparked a number of imitators in the time since its release.
By the time Halloween II came out in 1981, the success of John Carpenter's 1978 original had already unleashed a slew of imitators in the odious «slasher» subgenre, and critics were primed to take it out on the sequel.
There have been a lot of imitators of House of Hackney — your tropical palm pattern Palmeral being a good example — so how do you continue to make your designs stand out?
12:00 M — IFC — Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon The combination of mysticism and martial arts on wires turned magical in this film, spawning a mess of imitators in the subsequent years, though none have quite equaled Crouching Tiger «s success.
The film encompasses the viewer in a singular way, something none of the imitators (or sequels) could duplicate.
But what about the hundreds of imitators who lack the creative drive, flair and energy to adjust?
With luck they'll have interested parties knocking down their door, but they'll have to move fast: the field is full of imitators who will gladly seize the opportunity if Puzzazz wavers.
It is very easy, when one is wronged, to suppose that the fault is no accident, that the person who was the agent of the hurt is himself or herself «wrong» and to let ourselves become instruments of God's justice instead of imitators of God's mercy.
Former Mars Hill Bible Church (Michigan) pastor Rob Bell sparked crowds of imitators with his brief Nooma videos from 2002 to 2009 and published several popular books, famous for their broad margins and his elliptical writing style.
While many of their imitators» work can look dandy - like and mannered in its nonchalance and quasi-expressionism, a number of younger folks are hitting pay dirt.
When your vehicle is No. 1 or close to it, other manufacturers have it in their gunsights.Ever since Jeep rolled out the Grand Cherokee in 1993 and created a «near - luxury» sport - utility vehicle, there have been scads of imitators, duplicators and wannabes.
As a new four - door coupé it follows the idea of the CLS, whose design concept has spawned more than its fair share of imitators since its debut in 2003.
A host of imitators followed, starting with cars like the Audi A7, VW Passat CC and BMW Gran Coupes.
It inspired a ton of imitators, and their attempts at real - time marketing aren't always relevant; they can be downright spammy.
Of course, trying to rid the world of Ricki Lake, Sally Jessy Raphael, Jerry Springer, Geraldo and a pack of imitators is a tougher proposition than pressuring one guilt - ridden corporation.
Mashelkar said: «India can't remain a nation of imitators
After watching the two people for just a few minutes, the capuchins spent twice as much time looking at the imitator and almost 38 % of the test period sitting directly in front of the imitator, compared with 27 % in front of the other person.
Not helping the argument for 300: Rise of an Empire's existence is how influential the original has been, with the current marketplace seeing no shortage of imitators and retreads - Immortals; Clash / Wrath of the Titans; both upcoming Hercules movies; Noah.
It's just that after Ringu's success, there was a flood of imitators that happen to be remade by Hollywood (thankfully, the craze has die down).
Will they trigger a national wave of imitators?
The Mercedes CL has inspired a bunch of imitators.
When it arrived in the summer of 1989 as a 1990 model, the Mazda Miata was such an immediate hit that certainly, we thought, a spate of imitators would follow in the next several years.
Our success has spawned a myriad of imitators some of whom, I am forced to admit, are almost as good at what we do as we are.
As was announced last year, the Kindle Fire from Amazon (and Barnes & Noble NOOK Tablet), the analysts predicted not only a strong sales success for the biggest online mail order company, but also a long line of imitators.
The Warioware series would have a number of imitators over the years, as well as it's own sequels whenever a new piece of Nintendo technology was introduced, such as the DS» touch screen, tilt sensors for the GBA, or the Wii's motion controls.
Exemplary Presentation One of the great features that makes Super Mario Galaxy 2 stand out from the rest of its imitators are the level designs.
A culmination of sorts, the series of seven drypoints from Ode à Ma Mère (1995) floats fantasies surrounding pregnancy, birth, lactation and predation whose emotional intensity has eluded the best of her imitators.
In «Two Bathers,» Park's figuration - which spurred a phalanx of imitators in the Bay Area - asserts equal claims to picture space on behalf of pure painting and of human reference.
In Li Ran's works, he constantly performs the role of an imitator and gives himself over to encounters and bodily experiences.
Then, like with other successful ideas, dozens of imitators have followed.
The Galaxy S8's 5.8 - inch AMOLED display sets a new standard for the industry, and its edge - to - edge design has inspired a horde of imitators.
While there's no hard release date, late 2014 is a good bet, and where the Oculus Rift goes, a handful of imitators — many worse, some potentially better — will follow.
You will never mistake them for anyone else, and they have influenced legions of imitators.
Now with a slew of imitators, Miyoko's products have transformed the category from what was once a waxy, greasy, and utterly unpleasant nonmelting nondairy cheese experience, now to one of the most exciting areas of the plant - based industry.
However, there are plenty of imitators, he says, and several restaurants have attempted to clone their tenderloin - only cooking approach.
Through ten years and nearly two dozen movies, Marvel has cemented itself as the cinematic universe to beat, and none of its imitators — the DCEU, Sony's Amazing Spider - Man Cinematic Universe, Universal's Dark Universe, Paramount's Transformers Universe, Saban's Power Rangers Universe — have come close to touching it.
The two previous Out Runs were already a best in class and a whole host of imitators had soaked up the spoils.
The insane success of the original game brought forth a whole slew of sequels, along with an incountable number of imitators.
Between these two series, their collaboration brought to the screen a style of elegant, phantasmagoric action where bodies become endlessly mutable objects, capable of being folded, bent, spindled, and mutilated, where gravity was a matter of opinion and where Chinese history was a frantic, surreal free - for - all, that would go on to influence hundreds of imitators.
The shockingly beautiful naturalism of Caravaggio puts real people on canvas with an immediacy unparalleled in art, so it's not hard to imagine why this dangerous maverick inspired a crowd of imitators.
At its core, this is just another gangster fantasy, playing out with all of the depth and realism of a video game like «Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas» and many of its imitators.
Ever since Jeep rolled out the Grand Cherokee in 1993 and created a «near - luxury» sport - utility vehicle, there have been scads of imitators, duplicators and wannabes.
First person shooters are a dime a dozen these days and Minecraft has spawned its fair share of imitators.
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