Sentences with phrase «of incorrect information»

After reviewing your website I have found a lot of incorrect information regarding reverse mortgages.
If you are in the process of applying for a loan, immediately notify your lender of any incorrect information in your report.
This will point the individual to the source of any incorrect information.
There is plenty of incorrect information floating around on buyer personas.
When employees share knowledge, the risk of incorrect information is greatly diminished.
Traffic ticket dismissal can easily be achieved in the event of incorrect information listed in the form.
His add on flea bay detailed a load of incorrect information about arsenal, i couldn't believe it!
I suggest less repeating of incorrect information and more study of real life wolf habits.
This is because of the incorrect information that's provided at the time of filling out a quote request form.
There is an endless supply of confusing terms, plenty of incorrect information, and on top of all that, the confusing contracts don't make things any easier.
Vinson Financials Ltd will not be held liable for any delays caused as a result of incorrect information provided by the client.
You agree to indemnify and hold the Credit Union harmless from all costs, including attorney's fees, damages, or claims related to our refusing payment of an item under your stop payment order, including claims of any joint account owner, payee, or indorsee, or related to in failing to stop payment of an item as a result of incorrect information provided by you.
During my last year at school I stupidly took out a Sallie Mae loan with 11.7 % APR because I was in a rush since my federal loans did not come through in time for my school and they were threatening to drop me from my classes and did not give me enough time to find out it was just a matter of incorrect information on the federal loan paperwork.
The improper conduct of the company's former Chief Financial Officer and former Corporate Controller, which resulted in the provision of incorrect information to the Committee and the company's auditors, contributed to the misstatement of results.
Eric is respected linking strategist and consultant, and his live courses are designed to cut through the mass of incorrect information and give you accurate, actionable linking tactics, techniques and linking strategies that are specific to your site.
With the amount of incorrect information floating around out there, it's important to distingush between fact and fiction.
It is also worth noting that the reasons for the promotion of incorrect information don't have to be deliberately devious to be destructive, or problematic.
The consequences of his choice won't be clear for decades, but it already is abundantly apparent in mid-2006 that the U.S. government went to war in Iraq with scant solid international support and on the basis of incorrect information — about weapons of mass destruction and a supposed nexus between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda's terrorism — and then occupied the country negligently.
Aside from using a few seconds of stock footage of the real San Pedro Town, the entirety of the episode was a mishmash of incorrect information and scenes shot on a Hollywood sound stage.
I accused the guidebook of incorrect information and my exact words to describe the historical UNESCO World Heritage site were... «Goreme Open Air Museum is 13 cave churches that all look the same.
In the event of any incorrect information listed on your Kansas traffic fine, such as the date and time of the misdemeanor, you may be eligible for a dismissal of your summons.
After a barrage of criticism over its inability — and apparent lack of concern — in stopping fake news flooding its platform both during and after the 2016 US presidential election, Facebook got its Christmas gift early — a soft, puff piece in the Australian Financial Review that paints it as a crusader against the spread of incorrect information.
Identified and addressed typographical memo errors by proofing meeting minutes prior to sending, reducing the share of incorrect information by 35 %.
Since there is a lot of communication that needs to go on between the borrower and the loan processor, employers want that the people they hire are great at communicating — this helps in lowering the chances of incorrect information being passed on.
There is a lot of incorrect information in circulation today stating that if you sell an apartment building you must acquire an apartment building, or if you sell a condo you must acquire a condo, for example.
It also misidentified a wire service as the source of that incorrect information.
This one photographer wrote a particularly scathing review with a lot of incorrect information in it.
As pointed out by Google Places Help Top Contributor, Nyagoslav Zhekov, there are the risks of incorrect information being pushed, the software misses a listing where one exists and that it might miss a duplicate.
There is an endless supply of confusing terms, plenty of incorrect information, and on top...
There is a lot of incorrect information being spread on the internet from misinformed, self - proclaimed experts.
I've actually been a bit concerned lately at some of the incorrect information I've heard from people about self - publishing.
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