Sentences with phrase «of individual believers»

Many look upon the confusion in baptismal practice and theology, the relatively low place which baptism now occupies in the life of the church and the lives of individual believers, and come to the conclusion that baptism is about as effective in making Christians as a cincture on an alb is in ensuring celibacy; and that a massive educational effort is needed to resuscitate the sacrament before it becomes extinct.
Yes, it does get sad, especially when it start causing fear and strife within the church body, and even within the minds and hearts of individual believers.
What I meant by cognitive dissonance, though, is that whole thing about the «institutional» church, throwing a whole tradition, a whole world - wide confession, millions of individual believers into some sort of barrel.
Both stressed the conscience of the individual believer and the consequent inability of the magistrate to control the soul of man.
Josiah Royce with a quite different philosophical orientation from Ritschl expressed the same truth when he described the Church as the community which is sustained by its memory of the atoning deed of Jesus.21 What is supremely important here is that knowledge of God's forgiveness does not depend upon a private and subjective illumination of the individual believer alone.
Whatever form it takes, the abuse of power by a Christian leader, whether in a local church setting or by someone with an international platform enhanced by TV exposure, can have a deep and corrosive impact on the faith of individual believers.
Mezsaros highlights how Congar welcomed Newman's view of the sensus fidei of the individual believer being extended to the sensus communis of the faithful.
Orthodoxy in this sense meant that the dignity of individual believers was restricted or denied.
In the life of the individual believer and in that of the whole church, as Blondel observed, «it would be true to say that one goes from faith to dogma rather than from dogma to faith.»
Yet, focusing on method may be necessary and important at present, for it may help us to rethink what theology is and how it relates to the life of the church and the lives of individual believers.
(h) Of the individual believer, who, though losing reward at the judgment seat of Christ hereafter, will not lose his salvation, 1 Cor 3:15; 5:5
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