Sentences with phrase «of individual factors»

Rates for any individual can be affected by a number of individual factors like exact ZIP code, health, and even profession.
These portfolios offered factor diversification, but didn't take into account the relative importance of individual factors.
It is always difficult to go into detail about insurance rates for this type of thing because they are going to depend on a lot of individual factors.
A multitude of individual factors should go into your auto insurance calculation to create a personalized protection plan.
There are a ton of individual factors that impact your auto insurance premium, but you can control their effects to some degree.
There are dozens of individual factors involved in determining auto insurance rates.
Studies have shown that mindfulness is positively associated with a number of individual factors related to well - being, attention and awareness, and life satisfaction.
The exact amount depends on a number of individual factors, such as your weight, how much exercise you get, how your metabolism works, and how frequently you're breastfeeding.
Life insurance rates are set by a variety of individual factors.
The Supreme Court found that the Eighth Circuit should have accorded more deference to the judge who is in a «superior position» to make an assessment of the individual factors underlying a sentence.
Using a statistical method, Marotzke and Forster analysed the contributions of the individual factors and found that none of the physical reasons explains the distribution of predictions and the deviation from the measurements.
While method # 1 is usually pretty accurate for most people, it still has the potential to be off to some degree because it doesn't account for many of those individual factors I mentioned before (like age, gender and activity level), all of which affect what our daily calorie maintenance level is.
To answer that, there are actually a number of individual factors -LSB-...]
The nociception (pain) level index, which uses an algorithmic combination to process multiple hormonal and neurological reactions, aims to provide a better, earlier measure of the body's reflex response to painful stimulation during surgery, compared to the traditional monitoring of individual factors such as changes in heart rate or blood pressure.
Researchers from Oxford University, UCL, the University of Bristol, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm used routinely collected data from Sweden to take account of individual factors that would make someone more likely to develop an eating disorder.
And, the ups and downs of individual factor performance could cause investors to sell and miss out on rebounding performance.
Individual scientists, institutional officials, and scholars in the social studies of science over the past decade have suggested that various factors lead to or encourage misconduct in science, but the influence of any individual factor or combination of suggested factors has not been examined systematically.
There economical insurances covers designed specially keeping in mind the affordability factors of the individuals
While the answer to that question is ultimately dependent on a host of individual factors, both the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) track health care costs on a state by state basis and are able to provide ballpark estimates for those dying to know.
Insurance rates are based on a bunch of individual factors Every insurance provider has its own formula for determining how much to charge you that's based on your age, marital status, driving history, location, and a bunch more factors.
Second, Lazarus» model emphasizes the subjective experience of stress and states that the identification of individual factors is crucial to understand why some individuals suffer more stress than others under similar environmental circumstances.
Multi-variable regression models were used to examine the impact of individual factors on exclusion from school or psychological distress.
It's impossible to quantify the importance of each individual factor in the conflict, lead author Dr Colin Kelley, a researcher at the University of California, tells Carbon Brief.
All women with a previous cesarean, not just those requesting VBAC, deserve the same counseling with risks of TOL (trial of labor), risks of repeat cesarean, assessment of individual factors and chance for success;
In the second part, the downscaling methods were used to make projections of future climate extremes, which were then examined for consistency and to determine the contribution of individual factors, such as choice of downscaling method and climate model, to the overall uncertainty.
Even leaving aside these major structural limitations of the Muscutt framework, the author suggests that many of the individual factors themselves are problematic on both a practical and a theoretical level.
There are lots of companies out there that offer travel insurance and which is best can hinge on a lot of individual factors.
Tupelo drivers could be paying more or less than this number, depending on a multitude of individual factors and vehicle characteristics.
If, or when this stage begins depends on a number of individual factors.
Yes, all of these individual factors need to be addressed and properly laid out when structuring an effective training routine... but at the heart of it all lies ONE key principle.
Mendiguchia et al. (2011) proposed that hamstring strains are not only multifactorial, but also that each of the individual factors can have an influence on the others.
Depending on the duration of the portfolio and applicable tax rates, different emphasis may be placed on each of the individual factors.
While the exact price depends on a number of individual factors, the average cost is between $ 300 - $ 400 per year.
While each of these individual factors may not seem like much, their combined effect can be huge.
Insurers can underwrite the owners based upon a number of individual factors, but they do not have the same control over tenants that the landlords may choose.
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