Sentences with phrase «of inducing labour»

Castor oil has been widely used as a traditional method of inducing labour in midwifery practice.
Parents and healthcare providers really need to consider all the ramifications of inducing labour before 40 weeks.
Pregnant parents and healthcare providers really need to consider all the ramifications of inducing labour before 40 weeks.

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I don't know what was happening to Canadian productivity before 1973, but even if there was no growth in output per worker, the increase in our labour terms of trade would have induced significant gains in real wages.
Only 28 % of the women in the date eating group needed prostin / oxytocin (for inducing / augmenting labour), which was significantly lower than the 47 % who needed induction in the control group (p = 0.036).
A small percentage of women (5 - 10 %) would reach this stage, but many maternity units policy says they will induce labour before 42 weeks, so in the UK, only about 3 % of babies are born after 42 weeks of pregnancy.
Or my First Birth Story tells the tale of an induced first - time labour.
Others may need to have premature labour induced because of fetal growth restriction, hypertension in the mother, or a condition called placental abruption where the placenta comes away from the walls of the uterus.
Others may need to have premature labour induced because of complications during pregnancy.
Needle in a haystack Acupuncture has been proven to be successful at inducing labour, although only a limited number of studies have been carried out.
Sex has not been proven to induce labour, although there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support the theory.
And if the reason is to stimulate bowl movement... some women are already worried about passing a bowl movement during labour... Raspberry leaf tea is not intended to induce labour, it's for the conditioning of the uterus before and after birth, it simply helps it retract and gain it's health.
Furthermore, only one - third of mothers received their babies in - arms immediately after birth; nearly half the babies of mothers who wanted to exclusively breastfeed were given formula supplements or pacifiers; 71 % received an epidural; and 41 % of the caregivers tried to induce labour.
We used reliable methods to assess the quality of the evidence and looked at seven key outcomes: preterm birth (birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy); the risk of losing the baby in pregnancy or in the first month after birth; spontaneous vaginal birth (when labour was not induced and birth not assisted by forceps; caesarean birth; instrumental vaginal birth (births using forceps or ventouse); whether the perineum remained intact, and use of regional analgesia (such as epidural).
They will also collect data on the number of caesarean sections and women whose labours are induced.
Most of these suggestions can be applied to physiological labour or induced labour — although an induced labour is likely to result in a smaller baby.
After adjustment for maternal age, lone parent status, income quintile, use of any versus no substances and parity, women in the home birth group were less likely to have epidural analgesia (odds ratio 0.20, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.14 — 0.27), be induced, have their labours augmented with oxytocin or prostaglandins, or have an episiotomy.
If the unborn baby shows signs of Rh hemolytic disease, early labour may need to be induced, so that the mother's antibodies do not destroy too many of the baby's red blood cells.
In the subgroup analysis in which we excluded women whose labour was induced by outpatient administration of prostaglandins, amniotomy or both (118 [4.1 %] of women in the home - birth group, 344 [7.2 %] of those who planned a midwife - attended hospital birth and 778 [14.6 %] of those who planned a physician - attended hospital birth), the relative risks of obstetric interventions and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes did not change significantly.
But if this doesn't happen, your caregiver will probably recommend that your labour be induced so as to reduce the risk of any infection.
But if not, your midwife may recommend that your labour might need to be induced so as to reduce the risk of any infection.
«My baby is now three weeks old and I don't feel that «rush of love» people talk about - I had an emergency C - Section after 24 hours of extremely painful induced labour.
More research is needed into the effects of castor oil to induce labour.
The review of three trials, involving 233 women, found there has not been enough research done to show the effects of castor oil on ripening the cervix or inducing labour or compare it to other methods of induction.
«I was induced at 35 weeks with my first set of twins because I had pre-eclampsia, so I had a very medically managed labour and birth, but I felt happy, safe and comfortable throughout.
In Labour, key binding decisions were crafted by consenting comrades in compositing cabals, the Liberals braved the perilous political fringes to challenge the timid and brain - comatose, while the Tories orgied in flag - waving Nuremberg Rally - induced hysteria — all no more, drowned in the syrup sea of consensus.
Does Labour have any new proposals to induce the Russians to release to British justice the alleged murderers of Alexander Litvinenko?
Absurd this may be, but the party has struggled to counteract the view that the country is suffering the after effects of a Labour - induced recession.
Not so, Peter, this is just a self induced delusion of the old guard Labour Left — as always looking for «evidence» that the utterly irreconcilably pro Big Business Right are «coming round to the Left perspective at last».
As Health Secretary Alan Johnson is, of course, responsible (a) for the NHS, through which New Labour induced public / private arrangements run like a bad bout of MRSA and (b) for declaring hypocritically that cancer patients could not combine NHS and privately funded treatments.
They will be voted down and unless the Tories can be induced to split, then Labour faces a bleak future where it continually fails to set the agenda while the SNP (north of the border) and the Lib Dems (South of the border) collect the Remain votes.
Overwhelmingly it was the collapse of the Liberal Democrats to the Tories and to UKIP (foreseeable under FPTP), and a late «safety first» reaction against the potential ungovernability that Labour's cumulative constitutional inaction has now induced.
In the US, misoprostol is controversial not just because of its use in abortions but because it is widely used to induce labour.
A Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare panel has accepted a plan to carry out what would be the world's first clinical trials involving induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.
Because castor oil has the ability to stimulate the contraction of smooth muscle, it has also been used to induce labour.
One day before my estimated due date I was already being offered an induced labour but I decided to wait to increase my chances of having a natural birth.
While I quite agree with all the principles of your article (even though four of my six labours were induced), I have to take issue with the term «physiological birth» much the same way I take issue with the term «natural birth».
Mr Hunjan QC argued that Ms Butler would have wished to have been induced if there was any suggestion of increased risks in delaying labour as it was her estimated delivery date.
Specifically, the Union alleged that Vanderpol had breached sections 6 (1) and 6 (3)(d) of the Labour Relations Code, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 244 (the «Code»), which prohibit an employer from interfering with the formation, selection or administration of a trade union, and seeking to compel or induce an employee to refrain from becoming or continuing to be a member of a union.
It was effected in a range of ways: sheer force; the removal of children from their families; the withdrawal of «permissive occupancy» because titles to traditional lands had been granted to others and Aboriginal people no longer provided a useful pool of cheap labour; in many cases people were induced to move «voluntarily» to settlements and missions simply to gain access to food and basic services as competing land use destroyed the resource base of traditional life.
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