Sentences with phrase «of industry members»

I don't believe in the end the business of the industry members will change that significantly.
Reference cards are great tools illustrating the roles and responsibilities of industry members in each type of agency.
Our goal has always been to ensure proper protection of the IP of industry members.
Over the next months, this group of industry members continued to meet and grew in size.
Most of our industry members, from the largest supplier to the smallest retailer, have some program encouraging pet adoptions, pet ownership or shelter support.
Under designated agency, the agency obligation of client confidentiality is owed at the level of the industry member acting as the designated agent.
Real estate acts grant powers to their administrative bodies to provide services that improve the industry and the business of industry members.
The pet industry's ability to effectively react to rapid - response legislation that is driven by emerging issues requires vigilance and active engagement on the part of every industry member.
Job placement services — Blue Season Bali has a network of industry members looking for employees.
Job placement services — Blue Season Bali has a network of industry members looking for employees; be successful on your internship and we can help you reap the benefits.
Yes let not forget they still need too look out for the public and to protect the public from the many poor and crook's in the industry, however they also need to really start to look out for the best interest of the industry members who work hard to look after the public while doing business and providing outstanding services.
You write the team name, the brokerage name, and the name of the industry member finalizing the offer with the buyer and presenting the offer to seller's brokerage.
Such a determination could subject a wide swath of industry members to legal penalties - far beyond the promoters of recent initial coin offerings (ICOs) who were already on alert the last few months.
First, individual members of the industry
Set up in 2013 by a number of industry members, the Association acts as a trade body for the online dating industry.
Casual Connect Europe supports the mass market game community by gathering the top developers, publishers, distributors and others involved in related industries for networking opportunities and useful lectures created by a board of industry members.
Second, MIT's climate action plan can also serve as a model for how major research universities can accelerate effective societal actions on climate change by collaborating with a diversity of industry members, including fossil fuel giants.
This has been chosen by a website of industry members (including ZeroBlock and Lamassu) as a way to better legitimize bitcoin as a symbol in print and online.
I have heard a recent similar such, true, anecdote of an industry member being very unprofessional (aggressive) with a FSBO seller.
If the feedback here is any indication of the pulse of our industry members than one wonders where C.R.E.A. has been taking its ques from all along?
Brokers have obligations under the Commission's Bylaw to supervise the activities of their industry members, which include ensuring the business of the brokerage is carried out competently.
Administering and revising the Commission Bylaw, which defines the duties of Industry Members, Commissioners, and Commission staff, as well as the business and affairs of the Commission, including services provided and fees levied on Industry Members
«The Task Force did attempt to strike a balance between the concerns of industry members and those of consumers, as they related to these issues, and developed a proposal I believe will be of benefit to both,» says Agency Task Force chair Bob Myroniuk of Alberta.
The Agency Task Force report describes agency as a core issue for the real estate industry and for regulators across Canada: «The industry is changing: buyer agency agreements are on the increase; relatively new concepts, such as Transaction Brokerage, are emerging and challenging the traditional agency role of industry members; active real estate markets are giving rise to multiple offer and multiple agency situations.»
As the largest national umbrella organization of the manufactured housing industry, MHI connects with thousands of industry members throughout the year through its business services and meetings and tradeshows.
RECA says it does not regulate criminal matters but «we will investigate the involvement of industry members named in the law suit as it relates to the possible contravention of our own legislation — The Real Estate Act of Alberta.»
What's most notable about Bruce's contribution here is, the reluctance on the part of industry members to want to wade in on this kind of discussion.
The old saying united we stand, divided we fall should mean something here and it does to the majority of industry members.
PED's examples don't apply, because just paying for a service is different from paying for a service / partnership — where your intention is also to profit (in the present tense) in a like manner to that of an industry member.
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