Sentences with phrase «of inebriation»

No time for brakes; customers in various states of inebriation from all nations are expecting you.
I was delighted to see that my ground - breaking research into the effects of inebriation on the ability of a group...
Initially, the duo focussed only on themselves, photographing scenes of inebriation and boorishness in the Drinking Sculptures, or the bleak interiors of their unfinished house in Dusty Corners, Dead Boards and Shadow pictures of the early 1970s.
The mere fact that an intoxicated man, at a certain stage of inebriation, has considerable entertainment value shows that our culture has sometimes made drunkenness socially rewarding.
Delta alcoholism, often called «plateau alcoholism,» is identified by the need to maintain a certain minimum level of inebriation much of the time, rather than consistently seeking the maximum impact of alcohol on the central nervous system, as the Gamma alcoholic tends to do.
It proved an eternal truth of society: If you block off one avenue of inebriation another will be found.
«We know people like alcohol, they like the relaxation, they like the sense of inebriation,» he says.
But laugh and laugh often they will as «The Hangover» will whirl you through all the fun of inebriation without the consequence of the nasty, next - day headache.
Nearly all the characters in this film (regardless of the time period) drink repeatedly, some to the point of inebriation.
And in one case it is suggested the cause of inebriation may be from taking «herbs.»
Brand's style of inebriation is more in line with that of a career alcoholic whose drinking is needed to stop him from going into withdrawal.
What always makes the topic of inebriation and creativity difficult, of course, is the huge range of effects that alcohol can have on different people.
Early signs of ethylene glycol toxicity are lack of coordination, staggering and other signs of inebriation.
It's perfectly fine to keep your Facebook private, but platforms such as Twitter should be exposed to the world and free of offensive comments or references to your own state of inebriation at the time.
This is a criminal act, regardless of the state of inebriation.
Scenes of inebriation, illegal drug use and a clumsy fight between a drunk and a drug addict are also depicted in the movie.
As for the latter, his eldest son was a confirmed drunkard who staggered to his father's funeral in a state of inebriation and got there when Gandhi had already been cremated.
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