Sentences with phrase «of influenza»

These antibodies protect against certain strains of influenza virus in the vaccine, but may not provide thorough protection against other strains of flu that may be present.
In reality, your pooch could contract the human, canine, and other strains of influenza viruses from you, fellow dogs, or other animal species.
The destruction of the influenza A and bird flu viruses was nearly as complete, a 99 % kill.
Our hospital has not diagnosed a new case of influenza over the past four weeks.
«They are making assumptions about the relationship between air travel and the spread of influenza,» he says.
Both teams did their experiments in ferrets, a favorite laboratory model for studying transmission of influenza viruses as they mimic viral spread in humans.
We all know the symptoms of influenza infection include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches and fatigue.
A huge outbreak of influenza has occurred in the last 2 months.
The team focused on these antibodies, which together target the two types of influenza viruses that contain all strains known to cause disease in humans.
Impossible that more people die of influenza than conservatives with guns.
With the mild form of influenza, dogs generally have a soft cough that persists for one to four weeks.
Maternal influenza vaccination was defined as receipt of an influenza vaccination from conception date to delivery date.
It is well - known that muscle aches and weakness are prominent symptoms of influenza infection.
As a graduate student, I study the lightning - fast evolution of influenza.
He died in 2011 at age 29 — not because of his heart but from complications of influenza.
Owners whose animals show signs of influenza should contact their veterinarian for instructions.
In an effort to minimize the risk of influenza at its local hospitals, two major healthcare providers have announced restrictions for patient visits.
These results are in line with similar research in the mouse and ferret model of influenza.
The size of the dots is relative to city size, and the colours relate to the number of influenza cases, with green the lowest and purple the highest.
Since 2003, there have been numerous reports of influenza outbreaks in veterinary hospitals, kennels, and shelters.
In a study appearing in tomorrow's Nature, he reports how the genome of the influenza virus evolves.
Symptoms of influenza include fever, coughing, and lethargy.
The researchers were able to develop a simple approach for reliable real - time tracking and prediction of viral evolution based on whole - genome sequences of influenza viruses.
These levels of influenza are comparable to those of moderately severe flu seasons in the past.
Vitamin D has been shown in numerous studies to help reduce rates of influenza.
More specifically, he needed a vaccine based on a part of the influenza virus that does not change.
Given these results, the authors write, continued surveillance of influenza viruses in birds remains essential.
Several host cell targets are needed for replication of influenza and many other viruses.
Researchers in my lab think that this impact of influenza infection on muscles is another unintended consequence of the immune response to the virus.
These individuals are particularly susceptible to the more serious effects of influenza infection, so improving vaccine efficacy in these people would be a real plus.
It has been clinically proven to significantly reduce the severity of influenza and the length of time that a dog is sick but does not prevent the illness altogether.
There are, however, several testing options available to confirm a diagnosis of influenza in dogs.
Scientists previously have shown that antibodies directed at the stem stop a diverse array of influenza viruses from causing an infection, and some are being developed as treatments.
If further studies in humans prove successful, this research could have broad implications for the prevention of influenza and, by extension, as an approach for other infectious diseases as well.
It cited a 1982 study about lackluster survival of influenza viruses on environmental surfaces.
Furthermore, results may encourage other research groups to use the M2 channel of influenza virus as therapeutic target against the influenza A virus.
Working with investigators around the world, our experts conduct disease surveillance, increase understanding of influenza outbreaks and disease, and improve treatments and vaccines.
Contact your local veterinarian about the possibility of influenza.
The number of vaccine injury cases filed annually doubled after 2005, with the addition of the influenza vaccination as a covered vaccine.
Each year two or sometimes all three of the strains of influenza need to be changed.
The proper functioning of influenza - specific T cells is critical for efficient clearance of the virus from the lungs.
He was talking about new strains of influenza found in birds across the world.
Seeing influenza infections in pigs is very common, and the transfer of influenza virus from humans to pigs is known to occur.
If a larger study confirms that these variants are seen more commonly in pregnant women, that would further strengthen the importance of influenza vaccinations for pregnant women.
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