Sentences with phrase «of initial capital»

Solar installations receive an investment tax credit that is as large as 30 percent of the initial capital investment.
Do not risk more than 2 percent of your initial capital per trade.
But most businesses require some sort of initial capital for things like inventory, marketing, physical facilities, incorporation expenses, etc..
We were able to recover most of our initial capital tax - free while holding a stable asset, still with significant equity built in and a great yield from the ongoing rental revenue.
No wonder 95 % of retail traders lose 95 % of initial capital in the first few months of live trading.
The total cost was about $ 100,000 for a feeder covering 2,500 customers with additional annual operation and maintenance costs of approximately five percent of the initial capital cost.
Your rate of return in the tax free earnings account would have to be pretty high to make up for the loss of initial capital.
We view our time invested as part of the initial down payment (and property management as a continued investment in the maintenance of our initial capital investment).
It's an attractive investment market, but difficult to enter without a lot of initial capital.
For some brokerages, if you had $ 10 to invest, a transaction cost of $ 9.99 would pretty much eat away most of your initial capital.
The Martingale method used in binary options calls for investors to increase two-fold the amount of their initial capital at each loss until a profit is attained.
The Martingale method used in binary options calls for investors to increase two-fold the amount of their initial capital at each loss until a profit is attained.
Entrepreneurs who have succeeded on crowdfunding platforms benefit from both the infusion of initial capital and the social network exposure.
Though, the cumulated dividend accumulates to 85 % of the initial capital compared to «only» 60 % in the case of AT&T.
That was using a $ 1,250 gold price, and $ 18 an ounce silver, which we're higher there on the gold price, we're lower on the silver price, but the market cap is about CA$ 104 million, and by the way, the company also owns a mill that shaved about $ 70 million off of the initial capital.
Fred was the Managing Partner of Flatiron Partners and was responsible for securing $ 150 million of initial capital commitments from Chase Capital Partners (now JP Morgan Partners) and SOFTBANK.
DS Smith Plastics said the new packaging had to be convenient, cost - efficient, flexible to allow quick changeovers, and reasonable in terms of initial capital investment.
In the plaintiffs» pleadings, they averred that the 2nd defendant (Seth Afeku) and 3rd defendant (Catherine Afeku) agreed to be partners in the internet Café business in Ghana, after they have paid half of the initial capital invested.
@Grade «Eh «Bacon Right, but if the market tanks and I have 100 % of my initial capital tied up into it instead of 3 % then I'm taking a 100 % risk with my initial capital and I still have the same monthly responsibility to meet taxes and insurance which is 80 % of your monthly mortgage.
What are your contemplated sources of initial capital for the new business?
@Kate J. my personal opinion is that with that kind of initial capital, you should find your residence here in Austin in an area close to work and / or leisure activities that you enjoy, and deploy the rest elsewhere.
CoC is the ratio between a property's cash flow in a given year and the amount of initial capital investment required to make the acquisition (e.g., mortgage down payment and closing costs).
It requires a lot of initial capital (30 % down payment typically), real estate know - how and hands - on personal involvement.
«You can really just not worry about some of the initial capital constraints that come with running a business,» he says.
In 1981, however, when Hoover started Bookstop, the nation's first chain of superstores for discount books, he renewed his partnership with Spain, who invested some of the initial capital.
These may a distribution of part or all of your initial capital investment also.
In the case of Jim Phillips, the financial planner took the traditional route, advising him to withdraw 3.5 % to 4 % of his initial capital each year, with annual inflation adjustments.
This allows an investor to add the nearly guaranteed long - term growth of real estate to their portfolio without a large investment of initial capital.
In less than 5 years and starting with just $ 15,000 of initial capital he's worked on dozens of real estate projects and owned millions of dollars worth of residential and commercial real estate.
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