Sentences with phrase «of inner conflict»

As long as they do not know what the image involves, men are no more than uneasy and vaguely anxious because of this inner conflict.
Play therapy can promote cognitive development and provide insight about and resolution of inner conflicts.
We are all subject to the psychological dynamics of inner conflict.
The therapist engages in the depths of the inner conflict of the neighbor, descending into that hell with the other person.
She started this blog to learn to let that side of her go, and she is positive that most other moms can relate to this type of inner conflict, too.
At last, the avoidance of inner conflict, the constant looking for inner peace leads to war between individuals.
Though the chances of inner conflict or even confusion may rise, we have gained more freedom now than ever in choosing who we would like to be.
Conflict doesn't have to be some huge melodramatic thing, but the total lack of inner conflict in Mary might be why «Mary and the Witch's Flower» — as transportive and entertaining as it is — feels a little slight.
The resolving of inner conflict was achieved through psychoanalytic techniques which were based on a recognition of the dynamic significance of the unconscious and by an actual accepting relationship with one of God's children, the therapist.
If, on the other hand, a person who, in spite of his inner conflicts, can manage his interpersonal relations with fair adequacy without alcohol is placed in a group which encourages habits of excess, he may come to employ alcohol addictively.
A minister should be aware of the theological realities with which he deals constantly in counseling — guilt, grace, sin, alienation (from God, oneself and others), the terror of meaninglessness and death, the dark, «demonic» destructiveness of inner conflicts, the struggle for rebirth to wider dimensions of relationships, and the powerful, God - given drive toward wholeness.
The selfishness of the alcoholic is, as we have seen, to a large extent a symptom of inner conflict and insecurity; but his selfishness is also to some degree an expression of the egocentric nature of man.
He seeks to follow the example of one who was called the «Great Physician» whose healing influence brought release of the captives of inner conflict, recovery of sight to the spiritually blind, and let the broken victims of mental illness go free.
Each of the pair of concepts mentioned represents an antinomy which had been developed in Tillich's analysis of the inner conflict in socialism due to its dependence on bourgeois presuppositions, and which is now resolved through a better grasp of the socialist principle.
It offers the illusion of unity with one's fellows, temporary deadening of anxiety, and the quieting of inner conflict.
In her illuminating discussion of inner conflicts, the late Karen Homey wrote:
A lot of my inner conflict with the balance of the two seem to explain why I have felt so inadequate when the ebb and flow of running a business came to an exhaustingly, slow month.
Each character is chaotically emotional and has a unique set of inner conflicts to reckon with.
While some have read Grossman's dynamic forms as manifestations of inner conflict, the collages also represent her long - term interest in the subterranean world — in tectonic and volcanic activity as well as fossils and other evidence of the earth's ancient history.
The artists exhibiting in this group show consistently use methods of abstraction to create portraits representing facial tensions of inner conflict, emotional confusion, mental anguish, existential dread or even psychosis.
As a result, a vicious co-dependent dialogue is fostered between the two works as Picasso and Bacon unite over their mutual channelling of their inner conflicts.
Last but not least is self - taught artist David Whittaker, whose paintings are based around an interpretation of the human head and its metaphysical core: ambiguous and non-specific, they represent the universal alongside the personal and act as mirrors of our inner conflicts.
There's a kind of nervous impulsiveness that makes viewers feel as though you are working out some kind of inner conflict.
This desperate seeking of order at school seemed like a direct reflection of his inner conflicts.
As we have seen, much of the alcoholic's anxiety is pathological or neurotic, the result of inner conflict and repression which threaten his sense of worth.
Play therapy may also be used to promote cognitive development and provide insight about and resolution of inner conflicts or dysfunctional thinking in the child (O'Connor & Schaefer, 1983; Reddy, Files - Hall, & Schaefer, 2005).
Horney describes the dynamics of inner conflicts in a way that illuminates the nature of the growth work that many people need to do in therapy or in growth groups.
The two can actually be complementary — the social therapy of AA giving indispensable group support and resocialization during the psychotherapy, and the psychotherapy aiding the person in forming more satisfying relationships in AA and beyond by resolving some of his inner conflicts.
Provide insight about and resolution of inner conflicts or dysfunctional thinking in the child
Marriages have a tendency of becoming platforms for all of our inner conflicts and games we play with ourselves and with others.
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