Sentences with phrase «of innocent civilians»

You may believe that you're saving the planet, but you're actually harming and killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians.
Being forced to choose between the life of a close contact and the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians.
Yes it is difficult, but it does not violate the right to privacy of innocent civilians.
The second pertains to what is called «noncombatant immunity,» meaning that there must be no intentional killing of innocent civilians.
Dead Rising: Endgame, ``... begins by dropping us into the zombie - infested quarantined zone of East Mission City where investigative reporter Chase Carter must stop a secret government conspiracy which, though seemingly aimed at ending the country's zombie epidemic, will also kill millions of innocent civilians
George Bush used his military machine to invade Iraq resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians because....
We, as Christians, should not bowl to their Aiatolas, but as they do when exploding a bomb killing lots and lots of innocent civilians lives, let them try the same kind of death, without any warning, trial, judgment, etc..
There are quite a few portrayals of Nazi atrocities to remind you why you need to fight them in the world, with lots of innocent civilians being murdered.
The fact that the passengers and crew of Flight 1549 were terrorized and the plane destroyed, that 11 innocent people are dead in Aurora, that the girl was held for seven days, ra.ped and sod.omized and will be traumatized for the rest of her life, or that a number of innocent civilians were killed by the missile.
It violates our most basic God - given rights just as Jesus would not advocate aggressive preemptive wars killing thousands of innocent civilians as a means of attaining peace.
The announcement comes after a brutal bombing campaign from the Syrian military and Russia, with reports of innocent civilians and even children dying in the attacks.
In war it's ususally plenty of innocent civilian life, sometimes way more than the soldiers doing the fighting.
«We are deeply concerned about the desperate humanitarian crisis in northern Sri Lanka and the suffering of innocent civilians who have been trapped by the fighting,» Mr Hague said.
The savage attacks against the Kurdish population in Northern Iraq, the invasion of Kuwait and the terrorising of innocent civilians in the town of Dujail after an assassination attempt serve as prime examples of the sadistic nature of the Iraqi dictator.
That is the least the Labour Party members will do to try to wash the blood from their hands of the innocent civilians which the bombs will surely kill.»
«We have seen what the terrorists can mercilessly do by shedding the blood of innocent civilians,» Mohamed told the protesters after they ended their march at a square in southern Mogadishu.
«Oscar López Rivera's actions led to the death and serious injury of innocent civilians and police officers.
All Superheroes Must Die (Unrated) Action thriller about four superheroes (Lucas Till, Jason Trost, Sophie Merkley and Lee Valmassy) who are abducted by their archenemy (James Remar) and stripped of their powers before being forced to fight to save a town of innocent civilians.
After another international mission ends - up causing more harm than good, with multiple deaths of innocent civilians, The Avengers are brought - in for an evaluation.
Detroit is very difficult to watch, since it's basically a searing snuff flick which forces the audience to witness the deliberate persecution of innocent civilians at the behest of a racist redneck with a badge.
The plot of Wander is the only real link it shares with the original game, minus a few unnecessary changes: instead of an innocent civilian gunned down in the street, Marian has been retconned as the martial arts instructor of Double Dragon's heroes Billy Lee (her boyfriend) and Jimmy Lee (his brother).
Use the bazooka to destroy large hordes of living dead, but beware of innocent civilians.
We've seen brutal torture of innocent civilians under our watch in both of these theatres that pale in front of cases of capital punishment in Iran.
Incidentally, they also collect information on there whereabouts and calls of innocent civilians and we have only the promise that police will delete the data after they catch the Bad Guy.
Based on the hugely popular Dead Rising video game franchise by Capcom, which has sold over 9.1 million copies worldwide, DEAD RISING: ENDGAME drops us into the zombie - infested quarantined zone of East Mission City where investigative reporter Chase Carter must stop a secret government conspiracy which, though seemingly aimed at ending the country's zombie epidemic, will also kill millions of innocent civilians.
For example, the infamous airport mission, which asks you to kill hundreds of innocent civilians is in there...
On 21 July, she tweeted: «The killing of innocent civilians must stop.
Well that would be nice but when your President bombs the crap out of a country and kills tens of thousand of innocent civilians because he believes his god told him it was the right thing to do then rational minds need to step up and expose the delusion.
Hours before the US launched the missiles, Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former secretary of state, said the previous administration «should have been more willing to confront Assad» after previous chemical attacks killed thousands of innocent civilians.
«The judgement does not change the fact that millions of innocent civilians are being caught up in the fighting and are facing shortages.»
Show me a scripture from the NEW TESTAMENT — the one that applies to Christians today under the new law — that supports war and the killing of innocent civilians.
Thousands or even tens of thousands of innocent civilians being massacred may not «technically» count as genocide, but it still deserved to be stopped.
On 21 July, she tweeted: «The killing of innocent civilians must stop.
Kuwait took that step Monday, requesting an opening meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday morning to discuss what a spokesman for Kuwait's U.N. mission called «the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, in light of the developments on the ground and the killing of innocent civilians
The Pakistani Taliban said the attack was to avenge the killing of innocent civilians.
«It is so important not only to stop this terrible humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza itself, with hundreds upon hundreds of innocent civilians being killed, but also for the longterm security of innocent Israeli civilians who have been subject to these unacceptable rocket attacks.
I would be good if rich countries like US invest more in NGO's and other organizations to improve the lot of young people in poor countries instead of wasting loads of money on destructive technologies that kill millions of innocent civilians.
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