Sentences with phrase «of institutional memory»

There is always a danger of loss of institutional memory during a transition in leadership.
The process took him off the beaten path of institutional memory, and hunting down these stories was no easy task.
On other hand, finding some sort of institutional memory might be an issue.
In this corner we have Big Bank X spending billions of dollars on research and marketing with hundreds of years of institutional memory in the smartest minds from the best schools, all laws and regulations are influenced and approved by their lobbyists, all regulators either worked for them or will some day
I have a lot of institutional memory about things I handle and want to pass on.»
Among the most consistent repositories of institutional memory for the organization is Jim Ottaway Jr., who has not only been WVLT's treasurer since the days of its founding, but also, with his wife Mary, donated a conservation easement on a 65 - acre parcel of farmland in Gardiner that today is home to the Phillies Bridge Farm CSA.
We now see the re-emergence of a new paternalism and with it a failure of institutional memory of previous government health policies.
Dave Hancock would be the best in terms of institutional memory, but he will most likely be in cabinet.
Worse still, the questionable participation of officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, as observers of the so - called primaries, has brought to the fore concerns of Nigerians about the seeming absence of institutional memory in Nigeria's electoral body.
hold on to much of the institutional memory (like remembering things that were tried, but didn't work, in years before), 5.
For one thing, the Democratic side is losing a ton of institutional memory and expertise with the retirements of Senator Tom Harkin (chair of the Senate education committee) and Congressman George Miller (ranking Democrat on the House education committee).
If DBW glows with the half - century of institutional memory that guides Shatzkin's programming, TOC crackles with edgy peeks around corners and exhilarating leaps into the light of new understandings.
Prior to the March 16th, opening of Institutional Memory: 35 mm Slides from the Met's Collection Reimagined, Marco Castro Cosio formerly of the Met Media Lab sat down with MFTA's Curatorial Team to talk about the changes that led to donating...
Specific factors in my organization require me to act as the facilitator of institutional memory:
IWC calls for legal discipline in Board policy and decisionmaking (i.e. adjudication in adherence with the law and legal principles rather than the current aggressive and «cost - effective» approach), and for consideration of institutional memory and historical perspective in adjudication (Meredith and Weiler principles).
But a strong press — with its own decades of institutional memory, trust, and capacity — still proves a potent counterpoint.
All too often, organizational cuts go too deep, taking out linchpin individuals and keepers of institutional memory, as well as unsung individual contributors who do the job of multiple people.
But two days later, Jeremy handed in his resignation, taking a lot of institutional memory — and talent — with him.
The growing de-professionalization of marketing has produced a few good things and a lot of bad ones, but among the worst is the loss of its institutional memory.
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