Sentences with phrase «of intelligence failures»

Eichenwald shot back, saying the book was complimentary of Bush, and that a more focused understanding of the intelligence failures leading up to the attacks is necessary.
There seems to have been a series of intelligence failures that left our ambassador exposed.

Not exact matches

Those with a «fixed mindset» believe things like character, intelligence, and creativity are unchangeable, and avoiding failure is a way of proving skill and smarts.
But are failures like these — small groups of people throwing wrenches into the works, just for laughs — why exciting projects like artificial intelligence or hitchhiking robots sometimes don't make it off the ground?
Zafrir, a former commander of Israel's famed intelligence corps, Unit 8200, told me that the conscripted Israeli military experience has become a major generator of entrepreneurial skills, as people are trained fast, learn how to cope with failure and how to innovate by achieving the impossible because lives depend on it.
I doubt intelligence failures will ever be reduced to zero, but a first step toward limiting the repetition of a particular error is recognizing and taking responsibility for the mistake.
It was not that they felt superior to others, it was because they are disappointed with there lives of failure (perceived) and their low intelligence and bad education
however what happened in reality was that protesters raised the hammas» demands tenfold, the israeli government refused to initiate a military opperation to rescue gilad — which is the logical solution to this crisis (and the israelies had their chances during operation cast led and even afterwards... in fact, the israeli intelligence knew and still knows the exact location of shalit, but since the failure of the nahson vaxman rescue operation the israellie's government position on rescue operations changed dramatically.)
Under the rumbustious lover of life lay sensitivity, intelligence and imagination, and a failure to come to terms with a world which was never good enough, a failure he found confirmed in the crucifix, but glorified in what followed.
In this play, Ibsen has correctly pinpointed problems in marriage that call for change: domineering and patronising husbands, failure to acknowledge with respect the intelligence, responsibility and self - direction of wives, dishonesty and childish behaviour, duty without love that can leave a marriage relationship superficial.
The Special One has his flaws, but he would not pussyfoot around United's failures, insulting the intelligence of supporters who know better than Van Gaal what the club's expectations are.
What can parents do to make sure their child gets the message that failure is not a sign of their intelligence and ability not measuring up?
Another limitation of prior investigations is the classification of infant feeding as ever vs never breastfed.4 Failure to account for partial vs exclusive breastfeeding or breastfeeding duration could lead to underestimation of the true effect of breastfeeding on child intelligence.
While I don't know what the climate was like in 1941, keep in mind one of the failures of Intelligence back then that lead to Pearl Harbor was the White House was taken off the list of agencies that could see Japanese intel... We also know that there were several big shake ups in the relationship between the various branches following the war (The President was not seen as someone who could be corrupt until Nixon did it during Watergate... there was more trust back then.
The fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq takes place this Thursday and Mr Katwala had used the impending milestone to call for an «independent public inquiry» into its intelligence failures, the war itself and the ensuing struggle for security.
«Yahyeh Jammeh hardly ever tells the truth or remains consistent and I think it is the failure of the of our analysts and intelligence services that thought Jammeh would not change his mind.»
Are we safe at all because if at this age in Ghana, with the various security intelligence in place, we still live under the mercies of unscrupulous men who in the name of banking throw deception to rob the citizens of their hard won currencies because of institutional failure then it questions the relevance of these state institutions manned by finest of intellectuals from parading universities of the country..
The failure of individuals with lower intelligence to appropriately follow a consistent strategy and estimate the future consequences of their actions accounted for these different outcomes.
The failure of individuals with lower intelligence to find and follow an optimal strategy and appropriately estimate the future consequences of their actions accounted for the difference in outcomes.
«The poll suggests that Massachusetts voters who believe one or more elected officials or agencies deserve a share of the blame see the attacks as a failure of national security intelligence rather than the mistakes of local law enforcement,» said La Raja.
Barbara King highlights the great failures of comparative intelligence testing of chimpanzees to humans to give chimpanzees comparable and fair experimental situations that are outlined in a recent Animal Cognition article framed around Stephen Jay Gould's «The Mismeasure of Man».
Only Cuban Gooding's acting, the production values of the main attack sequence, and the depiction of the intelligence and communication failures that could have prevented the disaster deserve some credit.
After all, the Age of Ultron comic book storyline dealt with time travel, Hank Pym's failures and Wolverine hunting Ultron, whereas the movie detailed Tony Stark trying to stop the rogue artificial intelligence he created with Banner, basically illustrating the freedom Marvel Studios has when adapting the source material — or co-opting its titles.
The great shame and irony of Antitrust is that after all the high concept — the creative use of sesame seeds, the Citizen Kane-esque skewering of a media tycoon, the constant reiterations of the hero's intelligence — the film remains a conventional addition to the thriller genre that is slightly better than it should be because of its audacious goofiness, but far worse than it could have been because of its failure to be goofier.
Israeli military and intelligence sources attribute their failure to predict Hamas» ability to stand up to punishing military strikes to a decision in the last decade to focus the country's intelligence resources on gathering tactical intelligence and its military on ensuring weapons and training superiority rather than on understanding the enemy's strategy, mindset and evaluation of the local and international environment in which it operates.
The students who I tutor display both extremes of this attitude and their personal progress, failure or success reflects their attitude, NOT intelligence, resources or time.
The author discusses his research on the self - perception of students regarding their own intelligence and their fear of failure and perceived humiliation.
Or does the intelligence of these students lead to too high expectations, given that children with AD / HD are often at a greater risk for academic and social failure?
If we accept the premise that student - centered learning can be a highly effective strategy for many kinds of classrooms and school populations, how can we ensure it is implemented effectively, with intelligence, and without the rigid dogma that so often leads to the failure of so many sweeping educational reforms?
Isikoff's June 2002 Newsweek cover story on U.S. intelligence failures that preceded the 9/11 terror attacks, along with a series of related articles, was honored with the Investigative Reporters and Editors top prize for investigative reporting in magazine journalism.
In the face of these failures by the U.S. Government intelligence and law enforcement bureaucracies, an ad hoc vigilante effort has... Read more...
This is a failure of emotional intelligence, but it's a failure of emotional intelligence on both parties.
Another significant area of misdirection is failure to explain the difference between intelligence, trainability and obedience.
Addressing the role played by (mis) information within systems of power, and their failures, Fullerton draws his controversial characters from mass media: famous journalists and radio broadcasters, spies and human intelligence gatherers, wrongfully convicted prisoners, figures of political scandals, icons of the media and the Internet... The stories behind these individuals illustrate ideological beliefs, collective rumours, and the failures of regulative systems.
The notion that success breeds failure in the prediction business is an important and often unrecognized aspect of intelligence analysis.
The western world's virtual and practical indifference to AGW is a failure of our collective intelligence and conscience, and strong evidence that we are not evolving fast enough to save our civilization.
What frequently makes it worse is the failure to even pretend we care about scan: «E-discovery and artificial intelligence and unauthorized practice of law rules, oh my!»
And this article by Mike Masnick of Techdirt entitled The Paris Attacks Were An Intelligence Community Failure, Not An «Encryption» Problem.
In a recent survey [1] conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit for The Bingham Centre, the majority of executives surveyed had in the past five years experienced several failures of the rule of law in countries in which they had invested.
a failure to understand and take advantage of the opportunities to improve financial performance and client satisfaction through business process improvement, better knowledge management, and artificial intelligence
The majority of executives have in the past five years experienced several rule of law failures in countries in which they are investing, according to a survey of 300 senior decision - makers at Forbes 2000 companies conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit for The Bingham Centre.
These mentalities can follow us to the workplace, and those employees who assert that their intelligence is their greatest strength may display high competitive nature between coworkers, avoidance of unfamiliar tasks, and poor reactions to failure.
A «fixed mindset» assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens that we can't change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence, an assessment of how those givens measure up against an equally fixed standard; striving for success and avoiding failure at all costs become a way of maintaining the sense of being smart or skilled.
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