Sentences with phrase «of internal debate»

You just do it — you don't have a lot of internal debate.
After months of internal debate I took the plunge and could not be happier!
I went ahead with the purchase after just a minute of internal debate.
The majority of this list was fairly easy to construct, but when looking at the back - end I found myself in something of an internal debate.
Government emails first published by the Times Union in February 2016 showed that several agencies engaged in months of internal debate about how to handle the situation — and whether to tell the public.
Cuomo sits more on the «reform» side of the internal debate in his party between the teachers unions (who have the ear of City Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito) who defend the failed status quo, and reformists who want working - class children to have successful educations.
After years of internal debate and discussion about how to do so, the company is preparing to open up Siri to apps made by others.
Cuomo sits more on the «reform» side of the internal debate in his party between the teachers unions (who have the ear of City Mayor Bill de -LSB-...]
Heightening the public profile of internal debates offers a short - term Band - Aid solution for China: deflecting some of the pressure from the United States and, at the same time, chastising North Korea.
How does this narrative of internal debates help us to understand Liberal Democrat support for the coalition?
The Stinger has reportedly been the subject of internal debate at Kia.
I can only image what kind of internal debates were happening here at the time, and I'm grateful that David L. Ulin, the books editor back then, supported the idea of jumping into the online conversation.
The LSUC's treasurer Thomas Conway called it, with a touch of lawyerly understatement given the choleric and apocalyptic tenor of the internal debate, «a highly controversial step.»
Because of the awkward timing of the reporting — just days after Stamos struggled to publicly defend the company's fraying reputation in the aftermath of its stunning disclosures involving the data firm Cambridge Analytica — and because of the internal debate that apparently led to Stamos» exit in progress: It was between those who think Facebook should prioritize doing right by its users and those who think its first responsibility is to its profits.
«We've had a lot of internal debate about this since the beginning: The approach to resist Amazon as a force and see how we can go head - to - head against it,» said Daehee Park, Tuft & Needle's co-founder.
«After years of internal debate and discussion about how to do so, the company is preparing to open up Siri to apps made by others,» reads the report.
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