Sentences with phrase «of intervention programs»

We expect that the application of the results of this study will impact the development of intervention programs for a wide range of children with difficulties in these areas.
Families were assigned randomly to experimental or control conditions to evaluate the efficacy of an intervention program designed to prevent and reduce problems for mothers and children.
Therefore, this study could have implications for the planning of intervention programs as part of a healthy lifestyle by health care professionals.
As new data is added to the algorithm, the researchers hope it will adapt to changing conditions, revealing how social networks evolve during the course of the intervention program.
In addition, public awareness has benefited from a variety of intervention programs and media attention.
We have specialist teachers in Arts and PE and we also have numerous ES support staff because we have a lot of intervention programs.
Our lawyers consult with registered nurses regularly to consider the offer of the Intervention Program.
A pilot study designed to evaluate the implementation of this intervention program suggested that schools seem to be an appropriate setting for reaching parents of high - risk adolescents and delivering intervention services.
After completion of the intervention program, there was a significant reduction in depression scores and frequency of negative automatic thoughts.
Indeed, although they are not oblivious to the potential importance of intervention programs, these authors focus much too narrowly on income issues and income redistribution.
DreamBox Learning Math was selected as a core component of the intervention program because of its ability to identify and close learning gaps by providing rigorous curriculum aligned to the readiness of individual students.
Her work on the development and evaluation of intervention programs for intimate partner violence was informed by attachment theory with its attention to affect regulation and implicit views of attachment relationships, by motivational interviewing with its emphasis on values and choices, and by mindfulness approaches with their focus on learning to recognize, tolerate and regulate emotions.
Indeed, it is disconcerting to note that even now, unfortunately, inappropriate clinical practices are employed by some clinicians and parents even when abusive and dangerous for the child's life.2, 3 In our opinion, rigorous studies on the effectiveness of intervention programs in promoting the development of secure attachments in maltreated children are essential in order to answer the questions posed by researchers.
As part of the intervention program, grants of $ 50,000 per school were first awarded to 304 schools during the 2000 - 01 school year.
«To demonstrate this, our results will need to be replicated in clinical studies also designed to test the differential susceptibility model, this time not only assessing the impact of more or less coercive parenting methods, but also the impact of intervention programs targeting parenting practices.»
Participants recorded 3 - d (Thursday — Saturday) weighted dietary intake records to assess potential changes in daily food intake that might have occurred during the intervention period before the onset of the intervention program and in week 11 of the exercise intervention.
In addition, all 1RM tests were repeated 4 d after the last training session of the intervention program.
Primary and secondary school mental health teachers in professional identity of intervention programs
Justice Reinvestment strategies involve a reallocation of spending from prisons to prevention, and the effective coordination of intervention programs to reduce offending, re-offending, and the number of people in custody.
There are basically two broad types of intervention programs designed to enhance the quality of mother - infant attachment: (1) those that endeavour to help the parents become more sensitive to infant cues; and (2) those that attempt to change parents» representations of how they were cared for by their own parents.
Another program may believe home visits are appropriate because effective changes in a parent's behavior toward one child can benefit other children in the family and persist through later years after the end of the intervention program.
In many cases, teachers are the agents of change, and insight in teacher wellbeing might add to the dissemination of intervention programs in schools (Lochman 2003).
Harmonious passion as an explanation of the relation between signature strengths» use and well - being at work: Test of an intervention program.
A randomized controlled trial of an intervention program to Brazilian mothers who use corporal punishment.
Decades of intervention programs for batterers have not proven very successful, and IPV appears easier to prevent than treat.
Moreover, since the effects of intervention programs that target parental care are often greatest among children with negative temperament [25], we predicted that the effect of optimal parenting would be most apparent among children with increased emotional and behavioral problems in childhood.
Our findings seem to support the use of intervention programs comprising parent - and parent — child training in the prevention of comorbid ODD [34], although we did not assess these trainings or their effects ourselves.
The number of intervention programs tripled between 1994 and 1999 (Arbuthnot, 2002), suggesting rapidly growing interest in PAS.
Effects of an intervention program on maternal and paternal parenting stress after preterm birth: A randomized trial.
The third grant is aimed at addressing the interaction between family, school, child, and contextual risk such as poverty and early child developmental outcomes Dr. Oxford is also co-principal investigator on three NIH funded grants testing the effectiveness of intervention programs for vulnerable populations.
Indeed, although they are not oblivious to the potential importance of intervention programs, these authors focus much too narrowly on income issues and income redistribution.
Dr. Mark Manak heads up the research activities of MHRP's Department of Laboratory Diagnostics and Monitoring, focusing on evaluation of diagnostic assays and their applications in screening for HIV and related infectious diseases and monitoring efficacy of intervention programs.
For parents showing depressive symptoms, restructuring distorted perceptions about their children's behavior may be an important component of intervention programs.
The longitudinal quasi-experimental study design was used for the pilot evaluation of the intervention program.
«Because of our concerted effort to use DreamBox as part of our Intervention Program, we are closing the gaps in learning,» says Julia Tipton, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist.
The Early LAP is used by educators to determine child development, the effectiveness of intervention programs and developmentally appropriate learning activities.
The LAP - 3 is used by educators to determine child development, the effectiveness of intervention programs and developmentally appropriate learning activities.
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