Sentences with phrase «of irrelevant experience»

Y2K computer skills are a great example of irrelevant experience, she said, but there are plenty more categories to avoid.
In fact, if you have quite a lot of irrelevant experience listed, they're more likely to click off your profile instantly.
An employer wouldn't want to go through a resume that's both really jumbled and full of irrelevant experiences, fluffy adjectives, unnecessary details, and any other info that could possibly weigh down your resume.

Not exact matches

Flow is a term coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience to mean complete absorption in a given task where concentration is «so intense that there is no attention left over to think about anything irrelevant
Judging from my own experience, my family never communicated much; the existence of technology was irrelevant.
As soon as content gets pushy, pitchy, disrespectful of the user experience, encroaching on privacy and poorly targeted (irrelevant), Facebook fatigue quickly sets in among users and they will unlike your page, hide your ads, hide your content and even report as spam.
The best part is that by the time they would have graduated college, they'll have 4 or 5 years of solid work experience and a professional portfolio that makes their degree status irrelevant.
All this, which is only a part of what ought to be said about the Atonement, is not irrelevant to our discussion; for like Professor MacKinnon, though in a rather different way, I want to lay the greatest emphasis on the decisiveness and uniqueness of the Cross and the Resurrection In both these acts of God, however, I find no inconsistency between their decisiveness and «objectivity» and the fact that they are directed towards men: the former as conveying to them the divine acceptance which is also judgement, the latter by bringing to them, in the Easter experiences, the active presence of the living Lord.
Wooldridge characterizes the reticular system as the establisher of an optimal signal - to - noise ratio, so to speak, upon which higher levels of experience are staged:» «Volume - control» signals are generated in the reticular system to reduce our sensitivity to uninteresting or irrelevant stimuli and thereby permit us to achieve the peculiar but highly useful phenomenon of mental concentration» (4:143).
Impersonal encounters are experiences of the relatively static, the unrelated, the random, the irrelevant and the conservative.
The best rendering of integral experience, expressing its general form divested of irrelevant details, is often to be found in the utterances of religious aspiration.
Scientists and mathematicians may experience frustration or surprise or disappointment at times, but whether they did or didn't regarding discovery of the Mandelbrot set is irrelevant.
For primitive symbolization, whether the source of the material was in the external world or in private experience was irrelevant.
We may admit that most guilt feelings which disturb the deeper level of the soul are misplaced, that they are a holdover in mature life from experiences in childhood which are irrelevant to the moral experience of the adult.
Martin Luther King, Jr., was a product of the southern black experience: son of a Baptist preacher, graduate of Morehouse College, holder of a Ph.D. degree in systematic theology, black preacher, prophet in word and deed — Martin Luther King, Jr., came on too strong for a nation that had from its very inception used so much of its energy in declaring black people invisible, irrelevant, null and void.
That means to take seriously every feeling and expression of another, entering into another's experience rather than turning away from it as irrelevant to us.
God's grace is real, but sound Christian teaching, confirmed by two thousand years of experience, informs us that the effect of grace is to save and sanctify willing souls, not to create a new political order in which self - interest is irrelevant.
Now that might have meant that this good, splendid, and real experience or thing was quite literally «out of» the concrete world and in a completely spiritual realm which made that world irrelevant and ridiculous.
Your decision to isolate certain aspects of what makes up the entire tanking experience, and dismiss others as «irrelevant» misses the point that none of these things are done in a vacuum.
And that my experience as a woman engaged in the act of mothering was irrelevant to the discussion.
As this website matures, so too will my advice as I experience the realm of motherhood for myself and can give an even more personal insight into tips and tricks I find useful or irrelevant.
Analysis of these responses revealed that the majority of individuals with trypophobia experienced disgust or disgust - related feelings like nausea or the urge to vomit,, even towards the disease - irrelevant cluster images like a sponge or bubbles.
It is widely acknowledged that the benefits provided to women who may feel defeated by their hormonal deficiency symptoms are a completely rejuvenating experience at any age, and make a woman's date of birth seem almost irrelevant.
Again Frederick, debating the topic of how we ate in the past or our own personal experiences with nutrition is irrelevant to the topic of this video, that being diabetes being reversible with a plant based diet.
Walking out of «Showman» thinking that it would make for a great Broadway musical is an irrelevant thought because what you experience already IS a Broadway musical.
Similarly, even if targeted to the most disadvantaged schools, any increases in salaries would almost certainly go to new and middle - career teachers alike, even though our results indicate that salary differentials are nearly irrelevant for women teachers with ten or more years of experience.
Irrelevant facts and stats will be ignored by online learners, not to mention diminish the value of their eLearning experience.
Any graphics, that are unclear, poor, irrelevant or not in line with the audio explanation will hinder the learning experience and lead to the lack of learner's attention.
Many of us feel pressure to include a graphic or illustration on every screen, yet research has shown that the use of irrelevant graphics in eLearning can result in a diminished learning experience.
Using irrelevant elements to make the content unique or to provide entertainment will take away the element of clarity, which is crucial to design memorable learning experiences.
When those students forget their lunch, for instance, that paper plan is likely to prove irrelevant to what the school does in practice, as teachers are unlikely to have read it and the real - time response will probably be a product of circumstance, experience, and acquired routine.
A threshold at either extreme is likely to be irrelevant for large schools, since they are unlikely to experience such large swings in performance regardless of their efforts.
Online learners receive an individualized experience instead of a generic eLearning course that touches on irrelevant topics.
She notes that by keeping students» personal lives out of the curriculum and classroom discussions, this «silencing» process makes «irrelevant the lived experiences, passions, concerns, communities, and biographies of low - income, minority students.»
And the German blogger Jens at sees it pragmatically: «In the future, even more BMW vehicles will be equipped with a front - wheel drive, for some, the end of a great driving experience, for others — like me — completely irrelevant
Our experience and academic qualifications in different field help us in creating you course works for any topic irrelevant of your academic course.
The experiences are completely different, and a big bestseller's experience of what it's like writing for the Big Five are irrelevant to the other 98 % of the writers they publish.
Effective Coverage is a different kind of renters insurance experience because you don't have to trek all over Denver to find someone's office or answer a ton of irrelevant questions.
The Board's stated reasoning for rejection was a lack of biotechnology company experience, which appears irrelevant to this holding company at the time of rejection and in its current form.
At the risk of hijacking the conversation, a couple brief comments... While it's true that I have no formal training in biology, zoology, etc., I think my training and experience as an engineer is hardly irrelevant.
In a desperate bid to drag us back into the isolated darkness where they continue to dwell — a place where facts hold no power, experience no relevance, and the lives of animals no value but where their reputations remain unthreatened by a movement that has since left them behind and rendered their «expertise» irrelevant — there are those who don't want an end to the killing, who continue to argue to other activists, to public officials, and anyone else who will still listen that saving animals instead of killing them is the darker of the two options.
Whether it's a movie, book, game or some other art is irrelevant — it's just different means of communicating the experience.
She maintained that her personality and experiences were irrelevant to her work, a belief that has commonly been reinforced by the few people allowed to witness her sitting for hours, waiting for inspiration to appear in the guise of a minute but fully formed mental image.
This is a relatively unusual way of doing things in our experience, but it does seem to have been effective at getting rapid responses with a wide variety of perspectives, though without peer review, a large number of unjustified, unsupportable and irrelevant statements have also got through.
Global SLR may be entirely irrelevant in areas of rapid or major subsidence or regions experiencing sea surface height increases out of proportion to Global SLR.
Anyone with an ounce of experience in building successful tech companies would recognize this advice as absurd and dangerous, as if quality and accuracy are irrelevant.
As the USA experience has shown, that virtually unfettered power of the Crown, leveraged with mandatory minimum sentences, in many situations renders both the right to a trial and the role of the judiciary in sentencing proceedings largely irrelevant.
The emphasis is on Ghomeshi's acquittal; the experiences of the complainants are irrelevant or warranted.
Whether or not you, the experienced lawyer, respect any of these desires is mostly irrelevant.
Either judges had never visited penal institutions, or their experience was so far in the past that it was simply irrelevant to comprehending the complexities of contemporary understandings of human rights in prisons and penitentiaries.
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