Sentences with phrase «of italics»

I would also like to take this moment to say how appreciative I am of the italics and bold features for fonts.
Correction: there's also another, even deadlier, war on science going on today — I refer of course to the use of italics for long slabs of body text.
We've known about the use and abuse of italics for 400 years.
I haven't read it, of course (because it's quoted in A BUNCH OF LONG SLABS OF ITALICS, MAKING IT HUMANLY UNREADABLE, JUDY!)
Verify the accuracy of your technical writings, including the use of italics and proper spacing
To take it even further, guide students in noting Woodson's use of italics to suggest dialogue in a poem.
What this means is that I can't globally change the style all of the italics or boldface characters — or those drop - capped initial letters.
It was easy to follow with the use of italics.
Journalists may chuckle knowingly at conversations about the angle of italics or discovering the new paper only has three headline - sized letter Es («let's hope nothing happens to the fucking Bee Gees!»)
They're the kind of folks who would use arguments with a lot of italics.
With the purchase of 6 bottles of Italics 2013 Estate Grown Cabernet Sauvignon, the winery will extended a complimentary cave tasting for 2 guests during your next visit to wine country!
Some flashbacks are delineated by dated chapter headings, while others are set apart simply through the use of italic script.
As for the first problem, I'm currently taking out all of the italic commands before the «problem section'to reinsert them again to see if that makes any difference.
During the show with Producer / Director Naoki Yoshida, a special guest joined the show in the last half — none other than the creator of Italic himself — Yasumi Matsuno, to further discuss the second tier of the Return to Ivalice raid series.
Selectively make use of italic and bold typeface that will assist in guiding the eyes of the reader

Not exact matches

When using HTML a block of text is surrounded with tags that indicate to an Internet browser how the text is to appear (for example, in bold face or italics).
Owner Mohammad Sohel Rana, whose surname was emblazoned out front in bold red italics, evidently failed to appreciate the looming result of all this improvisation.
(Note that I use ALL CAPS for sections like «WHAT I DO» and «WHO I WORK WITH» to help those headers stand out, since LinkedIn, as of this writing, doesn't allow you to use bold or italic text on your profile page.)
Avoid: Extensive use of hard - to - read italics, mixing too many fonts, and using underlines for anything except links.
The paragraphs in italics (modified a bit so they're unsearchable) are derived from a real website of a real live happiness coach.
The Nordic Model blog posted this summary of a paper by one of the grand - daddies of Danish flexicurity (blog comments in italics, followed by the text): When Per Kongshà ¸ j Madsen, one of the fathers of the flexicurity Danish model, from the CARMA centre of the University of Aalborg, writes an excellent synthesis about flexicurity and -LSB-...]
It would be nice if I could tell the difference between the comments of the interviewer and interviewee — throw a little bold or italics in there maybe?
Thus there is an element of compound interest (Keynes» italics) operating in favor of a sound industrial investment.
Barron's published an article on target - term funds last month with this gem (italics mine): «JPMorgan's 2015 target - term fund has a 42 % equity allocation, below that of its peers.
and you're telling me that i CLEARLY (sorry about caps, id use italics if it were available) owe myself a certain quality of life.
As Whitehead comments in Process and Reality, «the actual world, insofar as it is a community of entities which are settled, actual, and already become, conditions and limits the potentiality for creativeness beyond itself (PR 65/101; italics mine).
In world news media the CIA is also using «several hundred foreign individuals around the world» who «provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of foreign newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets» (italics in the Senate report indicate agency censoring).
Whitehead's oft - quoted statement, for example, that actual entities «are the final real things of which the world is made up» (PR 18/27; italics mine) is certainly open to double interpretation.
With the lack of Bold, Underline, or Italic fonts in this particular format, I'm relegated to typing words I'm trying to emphasize in all caps.
«This plan of revelation is realised by deeds and words having an inner unity» (italics added).
It is therefore infinite, devoid of all negative prehensions» (PR 345, italics added)-- remains subject to a similar qualification: all negativity may have been removed, de jure, from the primordial nature, but is this enough?
But if we look closely at Whitehead's own statement, we see that his denial of knowledge is also a denial of consciousness: «No actual entity can be conscious of its own satisfaction; for such knowledge would be a component in the process, and would thereby alter the satisfaction» (PR 130; italics mine).
But if this is the case what are we to make of those several passages in which Whitehead speaks variously of an «inevitable ordering of things, conceptually realized in the nature of God» (PR 244, italics added, or of «the eternal order which is the final absolute wisdom» (PR 347, italics added)?
Yet the content is not the same, because God and Susan belong to totally different categories; God is not simply Susan in italics but the Ground of her existence.
«On a day», the paper continued, «when Francis delivered a warm address to his cardinals and continued to project [my italics] humility» (for all the world as though the new Pope were performing some kind of PR operation) «the Vatican seemed intent on quickly putting to rest questions about the Pope's past, dismissing them as opportunistic defamations from anticlerical leftists.
Chesterton is «a difficult writer to defend», he writes: «[t] hose of us who are used to pressing his writing on friends have the hard job of protecting him from his detractors, who think he was a nasty anti-Semite and medievalising reactionary, and the still harder one of protecting him from his admirers, who pretend that he was not» [my italics].
«Cardinal Bergoglio», concedes the BBC, «was never investigated as there has been no strong evidence that links him in any way [my italics] to one of the darkest chapters of Argentine history».
Thus, we can say that this was a question that had fascinated him from the beginning: and that his understanding of what Zionists too called «the Jewish problem» was from the outset determined in the context of his hostility to anti-Semitism and did not arise later in the contexts of his hostility to particular plutocratic Jews (in 1911, he was reported as saying that «speaking generally, as with most other communities, «THE POOR JEWS [ARE] NICE AND THE RICH JEWS [ARE] NASTY» «-RRB-[My italics].
And reading some of those verses you quoted in there with the word «penis» where you have italics... «You found the life source of your penis!»
In the Revised Standard Version (1946) this passage is set apart in small italic type, and the marginal note reads: «Other ancient authorities add 7:53 - 8:11 either here or at the end of this gospel or after Luke 21:38, with variations of the text.»
God of Israel commanded» (Joshua 10:40 [RSV], italics added).
«Encouraging techniques of raping women and executing men and children,» former CIA official John Stockwell states, «is a coordinated policy of the destabilization program» (italics added) 12
(Dr. Muhammad Taq - i - ud - Din Al - Hillai, Ph.D. [Berlin] & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Interpretation of the Meaning of the Noble Quran, pp. 214, 394 - 395; bold and italic emphasis ours)
[My italics] The trouble for «those of us who love Chesterton's writing», he argues, «is that the anti-Semitism is not incidental: it rises from the logic of his poetic position.»
In other words, can one really completely isolate the question of «what God did through the man Jesus in his vocation or office» (ibid., 232, n. 103, italics mine) from the issue of the «existentiell selfhood» of Jesus?
It is «an integral part of military operations» (italics added).7
Interestingly, however, Hartshorne himself balks at the absoluteness of his own principle of relativity: «God knows fully and feels fully... what our unhappy fears are like for us, and this without being afraid for himself» (CSPM 263, original italics).
that is, «The world is thus [italics mine] faced by the paradox that, at least in its highest actualities, it craves for novelty and yet is haunted by terror at the loss of the past, with its familiarities and its loved ones,» refers, because of the use of the word thus, to a previous argument that provides the grounds on which Whitehead bases his assertion that the world requires both novelty and order.
''... God is losing in the sense of feeling, with unique adequacy, the feelings of all others, entirely free from inferior emotions (except as vicariously participated in or sympathetically objectified...» (DR 39, original italics).
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