Sentences with phrase «of jawboning»

If we do nothing and rely on the kind of jawboning you seem to prefer, very likely nothing useful will be done and human civilization will collapse altogether in the next forty years or so.
Then again, I don't believe that most of the jawboning done by the Fed is useful.
Through a combination of jawboning, incentivizing, regulating, mandating, forbidding, spotlighting, and subsidizing, he can significantly influence the overall direction of the K - 12 system and catalyze profound changes in it (though the system is so loosely coupled that these changes occur gradually and incompletely).
Is all of this jawboning just saber rattling to keep the dollar from plummeting, or is there a chance that Bernanke actually will raise rates at the Fed's August meeting?

Not exact matches

He jawboned Carrier into keeping jobs in the United States, threatened Boeing for the cost of Air Force One and Lockheed on its F - 35 aircraft, and pharmaceutical companies on their high drug prices.
Ultimately B.C.'s new tax will likely fail to cool the overheated market for the same reason every other effort to date — tighter mortgage lending standards, larger down - payment requirements, jawboning bordering on pleading from the Bank of Canada — has failed.
Add to this an automated regimen of Treasury and MBS «asset» purchases (despite the «taper» jawboning that periodically hits the media) in an attempt to keep long term interest rates down and deleverage the previous bubble, and you have policy working over-time.
The Australian dollar sank below US88 cents after a Reserve Bank of New Zealand jawboning effort on its own currency struck a chord on Thursday, prompting more traders to pile into the US dollar.
Knowing that, Perez returned to the floor of the convention hall, where he relentlessly jawboned DNC members to ask for their votes in the second round.
Keith, currently running for Congress, has been allegedly jawboning Democratic elected officials and other party members to support the nomination of Perry at the party's judicial convention on Sunday.
The two men spend vast amounts of time jawboning about nothing in particular and when that wears thin, McDonagh hauls in eccentric side stories.
The coverage reminded me of the well - orchestrated pre-fight hype of a heavyweight championship bout — a match ultimately memorable not for the dramatic or unexpected outcome but for the staged antics at the weigh - in or the endless jawboning from both camps.
Shortly after the release of the meeting notes, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was quoted as saying «highly accommodative monetary policy» is needed for the foreseeable future as a jawboning action to stem the recent market sell - offs.
We are currently in an era where jawboning does not work well, because of the overleverage in the financial system.
A rally in the dollar could be the result of spontaneous combustion, as traders choose to cut exposure to the dollar carry trade, or by central bank jawboning.
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