Sentences with phrase «of jingoism»

It exposes the hollowness of jingoism in the face of profound personal pain.
The movie gets rid of any jingoism when Steve says he doesn't want to kill anybody; he doesn't like bullies.
He did so with a liberal dose of jingoism, winding up those pesky Russians and getting the entire hall to stand up for Britain's armed forces.

Not exact matches

There's also a patriotic, keep - it - in - America undertone, although it doesn't take the form of militant jingoism.
Generally echoing the jingoism of the general media, financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Business Week have chosen to highlight the job growth in one sector - services.
We now face religious jingoism, the imposition of personal beliefs on the whole pluralistic society.
The surge of patriotism has sometimes spilled over into jingoism, which is not surprising in view of the brutality of the assault upon the security of what now, quite suddenly, people are calling our «homeland.»
His ferocious jingoism during World War I» «He who is not with us, absolutely and without reserve of any kind, is against us, and should be treated as an alien enemy»» stands as an embarrassment for all of us who revere his memory and admire his undoubted, if flawed, greatness.
By February 1917, the editors entertained for the first time the actual likelihood of war with Germany and urged American Christians to avoid jingoism.
In spite of its extensive support for the World War I effort, the Century did not exhibit an uncritical jingoism.
I'm trying to figure out this Fourth of July how to speak of patriotism without endorsing jingoism, remembering especially that the word itself is a minced version of «by Jesus,» as in «My country, by jingo.»
The Toronto Globe and Mail commented on the invasion by noting «the peculiar jingoism of U.S. society so evident to foreigners but almost invisible for most Americans.
It is all a bit silly of course, and an example of the usual jingoism that is a norm north of the border - but there is an issue to address here.
Her jingoism often inflames activists, who can be found protesting outside the American embassy in Jakarta, trying to shout the remaining Americans out of town.
It's not trying to pump us up with false jingoism or the sins of the past.
A hilarious and uber - violent satire of America's «bigger is better» culture, corporate power, and militaristic jingoism.
Set aside, for a moment, the irredeemable bloodlust and jingoism at the heart of the screenplay.
If ever there were a test case to suggest that Spielberg would've made a great Bond film, this is it, a breezy existential chase comedy which slices right through the macho posturing, cosmetic jingoism and oleaginous smugness of classic 007.
Despite a relatively snappy script that largely avoids jingoism and flat dialogue, A Glimpse of Hell suffers from plot devices that are too clearly such.
12 Strong looks to be resurrecting a few of those elements (well, the military fetishism and jingoism, at the very least), telling the «true story» of a small band of American soldiers in Afghanistan joining forces with local Afghan troops to fight the Taliban on horseback, navigating the unforgiving terrain with World War I - era tactics.
When the starlets of the Tennessee Twirling Institute present their greetings to Nashville idol Barbara Jean after her recovery from a near - fatal fire, the screen is overwhelmed with red - white - and - blue jingoism, prancing sexism, and canny commercialism — but it is overwhelming, and the energy of the sequence does not inhere entirely in the spirit of awestruck mockery one senses just offscreen.
These scenes do lessen the effect of the film and prove that jingoism in any country is still jingoism, but the rest of the story works too well for them to do too much harm.
And while the single - player campaign mode of «Battlefield 4» falls into many of the clichéd tropes littering the genre, right down to the heavy - handed jingoism, its multiplayer component is off - the - wall fun.
Similarly, Barbara Kruger's 1991 work, Untitled (Questions), converts the white stars and stripes into text interrogating America's history of gender inequality, patriarchy and jingoism.
But another aspect of the U.S.'s failure to support Puerto Rico was the fact that the Republican Party was held in the grips of the harmful ideology of climate change denial, jingoism, and anti-government thinking.
Knowing it would be the Memorial Day edition, he was reluctant to fill in, he writes, «out of fear that heart - felt remembrance can often lapse into misplaced jingoism
Again, like Marc says, you know, I live in my little liberal bubble so maybe I'm not quite as aware of the level of nationalism and jingoism that is going on.
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