Sentences with phrase «of job losses»

That way, you're covered in case of a job loss, an expensive car repair, or another «life happens» moment.
Is your group life insurance coverage coming to an end because of a job loss, retirement or career change?
Having the ability to pause payments in the event of job loss gives borrowers some breathing room.
In addition, many are wary about paying anything more than minimum payments, for fear of job loss or other emergency.
They went through a lot of suffering with undervalued houses... especially with the threat of job losses hanging over their head.
His knowledge of the emotional impact of a job loss comes from his own experience as well as training received to help people who have lost jobs and faced other losses.
There is a real risk of job loss due to a higher minimum wage.
However, the small number of job losses recorded in some of the years should be borne in mind when interpreting this finding.
Among couple families, the likelihood of job loss does not vary by the urban - rural classification of the local area.
The insurance covers the borrower's payments — up to $ 1,500 per month for six months — in the case of a job loss during the first two years of the loan.
This is a dramatic change and will lead to hundreds of job losses.
I provided the support this lawyer needed to work through the initial emotions of job loss as well as the encouragement and motivation she needed to look forward to her next opportunity.
Our workers can not stand 10 more years of job losses and outsourcing of factories.
Social support and the impact of job loss on older professionals.
Raising a child on a single income is challenging enough, and the financial impact of job loss for single parents can be catastrophic.
If you're speaking in terms of the job loss only, it's a simple concept.
While industry stakeholders warn of job losses and reduced demand, the government believes that other changes, including allowing larger systems to qualify for the premium, will ensure further growth.
Trying to keep up with your financial obligations in the face of job loss or compromised income is a challenge.
Many of the job losses resulted due to the recent recession.
They went through a lot of suffering with undervalued houses... especially with the threat of job losses hanging over their head.
It is the first solid assessment of the type of job losses government departments can expect when the spending review reports after the summer break.
The steps listed above will help you deal with the stress of job loss and get you back on track to finding another one.
The likelihood of job loss among lone parent families increased with the number of children; such a pattern is not evident among couple families.
Initial modelling of job loss including both sets of parents in the same model revealed significant interactions between family type and a number of the explanatory factors.
But in the early 1980s recession, youth suffered a 69 % share of job losses.
Thank you for sharing your personal story of the job loss.
But the biggest area of job loss was from local government.
Despite tons of job losses and a general aura of spending avoidance, people gave their hearts out this year, which could signal a more promising economic future ahead.
It is hard to prevent a bankruptcy that is the outcome of a job loss, illness or divorce.
But in this particular instance, we're looking at a budget and how it might change in the aftermath of a job loss.
With a workforce of only 7,000 people this is a significant amount of job losses.
Use your resume to highlight your skills and experience, avoiding direct mention of your job loss.
A number of home owners are finding that they are unable to manage their monthly mortgage payments because of job loss and the high cost of living.
If — on the other hand — your time - frame is quite short, you likely have debt and would quickly get behind on your bills in the event of a job loss.
The insurance covers the borrower's payments — up to $ 1,500 per month for six months — in the case of a job loss during the first two years of the loan.
Just be sure to look out for signs that a company's employees neglect to take their vacation days out of fear of job loss or pressure from their boss or peers.
Many of the difficulties in paying the interest rates on a mortgage loan are due to the number of job losses and increased costs of health care.
Perhaps the threat of a job loss was just what she needed to take some action to deal with her finances.
There are further concerns over unemployment levels continuing to rise, with increasing likelihood of job losses and greater competition for vacancies that do arise.
And this doesn't address the financial impact of a job loss, unexpected repair bill or any other catastrophic event that will add to the pressure to use credit to balance your budget.
I really wasn't prepared for either type of job loss or career transition scenarios.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 The Bright Side of Job Loss By Gary Cohen, MBA, Certified Executive & Career Coach ♦ ♦ ♦ Losing your job during these tough economic times is a traumatic event and the realization of one of our greatest fears while we are employed.
Mr McDonnell reiterated his call for the Government to intervene in the British steel industry, which has suffered thousands of job losses in recent weeks.

Phrases with «of job losses»

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