Sentences with phrase «of jobless workers»

The limited number of jobless workers in Southern California has made boosting staffs a challenge for bosses and is said to be a reason why the hiring pace has slowed.
Unemployment data underlined the extent of the recovery in labor markets, with the ratio of jobless workers falling to its lowest level since 2009, although around a tenth of the workforce still remained out of work.

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It can mask weakness in the market if there are large numbers of discouraged workers, as in the U.S. which now has a lower jobless rate than Canada despite a poor job creation record.
«But some jobs for low - wage workers would probably be eliminated, the income of most workers who became jobless would fall substantially, and the share of low - wage workers who were employed would probably fall slightly.»
Economists doubt the jobless rate can fall that low again without touching off inflation, as employers are forced to offer higher pay to attract workers from a dwindling supply of unemployed.
Moreover, the low jobless rate is finally delivering some long - missing bargaining clout to middle - and lower - wage workers, and the last thing those workers need is to fight against the headwinds of higher interest rates.
The strong dollar, changes in the economy creating mismatches between workers» skills and the needs of business, and well - intentioned government programs that aid the jobless but also create disincentives to seek training and employment have slowed annual GDP growth to 1.8 percent since 2000 from 3.4 percent the prior two decades.
Because the decline is being driven by unusual labor - force flows — aging workers retiring, the lure of government disability payments, discouraged workers and other factors — the jobless rate is a perplexing indicator of job - market slack and vigor.
The combination of falling EI coverage and rising unemployment means that tens of thousands more jobless workers are -LSB-...]
He had seen the influence of communism grow among the starving desperate workers of Pittsburgh and he was concerned if action was not taken to assist the jobless the evils of communism would spread.
Some of the discharged workers find jobs in this sector, usually at much lower pay; others — about 25 per cent — simply remain jobless.
Among the throng of jobless citizens is Curtis Plummer (Ice Cube), a former factory worker, past star of the high school football team and perpetual beer guzzler.
Franks also pointed out a central paradox of using credit checks in today's economy: Some job applicants may be turned away by the same corporations that, amid their own financial troubles, have left workers jobless.
At any point in time, millions of U.S. workers are unemployed, including many who are jobless for 27 weeks or longer.
Instead of paying taxes, newly jobless workers will collect unemployment and welfare benefits from shrinking government coffers.
I know it's become the line du jour to dismiss that pesky fact and harp about the deficit, but let's face it: there are millions of jobless Americans, many of whom are qualified, skilled workers who would eagerly accept those jobs.
Though the U.S. jobless rate held steady at 9.7 % in February, the portion of workers who classify themselves as underemployed is inching up, according to a Gallup survey.
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